Saturday, October 12, 2024

Are You Ready and Willing to Vote?


Wabush, a town in a remote portion of Labrador, Canada, has always been completely isolated from the rest of the world. But recently a road was cut through the wilderness to reach it. Wabush now has one road leading into it, and thus, only one road leading out. If someone were to travel the unpaved road for six to eight hours to get to Wabush, there is only one way he or she could leave – by turning around. Each of us, through our wrong choices, arrives in a town called Sin. Once in Sin, we are trapped and doomed to destruction (Romans 6:23), unless we find a way out. As in Wabush, there is only one way out, a road built by God Himself – Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins (Ephesians 1:7). Through his atoning sacrifice, we find our way out of Sin into a Heavenly City (Hebrews 11:16), where there is eternal life and eternal joy. Through the “curtain” of His flesh and His blood shed for our sins, Jesus has opened up a “new and living way” out of Sin into the Most Holy Place (Hebrews 10:19-20). But in order to take that road, one must first turn around. That complete about-face is what the Bible calls repentance, and without it, there is no way out of (town) Sin.

It's time for all good citizens to realize an evil dirt road is being built to a place called Tyranny. Those who are not paying attention are traveling down this road, and don’t even realize it. Our U.S. Constitution is being dismantled word by word. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms and many more God given rights are being reconstituted to shift government powers from the people to destroy the elected representative system – tyranny! It’s time to put down the video games, set sports aside, and get your head out of the sand! It’s time to take a serious look at the candidates running for all kinds of representative electorate from President of the United States all the way down to the local dog catcher. It’s time to vote! It’s time to vote for evil or good representation. It’s time to stand up for righteous Godly living and VOTE! If you do not vote in this upcoming election, and evil wins, it will be too late to save this free country.

Sitting in your recliner watching organized manipulate sports programs, ignorant sitcom TV programing, and obviously orchestrated propaganda news (parroted by all public outlets), is not taking the time necessary to investigate whether our elected representatives are actually representing out values. And I mean take the time to look at several outlets to see which educates you on the issues in the country and around the world.

[ Jerimiah 17:14-18] Whatever you do, don’t talk to me about God’s will and His will to save the country because he loves our country. How about you? Do you love this country enough to vote with a righteous conscience to show God you want to continue in His blessings? If you don’t vote, then your no-vote states that you agree with all the unrighteous evil being peddled throughout this country and around the world. Your vote can stop the evil and turn this country around, headed back to God and the Constitutional Republic established with the God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, far from the evil intents of tyranny and oppression. Otherwise, I believe God will let us have what we want without prejudice, but remember this, one day you will have to answer to God for your no-vote. Revival through repentance along with righteous informed voting is the only action that will bring the blessings of God back to our land. We’re going down a road to destruction! It’s a Satan constructed dead-end road! Turn around and seek God’s favor before it’s too late! Get out and VOTE! Christians can and must save America by voting.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Heal Our Land


In the 1914 publication of the 1912 Barnhill-Tichenor Debate on Socialism, in which Henry M. Tichenor, a socialist thinker, and John Basil Barnhill, an anti-socialist writer, debated socialism in a series of essays. In "Indictment of Socialism No. 3," Barnhill listed a series of points. Indictment of Socialism No. 3, By John Basil Barnhill: “When my Sweatbox has failed to effect a cure - and I have rarely known it to fail - I have recourse then to a series of knockout drops, a few of which are here appended: 1. Where the people fear the government, you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people, you have liberty. 2. The surest way to make a scoundrel out of a saint is to give him the power of spending other people's money and Socialism would multiply infinitely such opportunities. (The first one is a quote, often mistakenly attributed to Thomas Jefferson).

Our republic form of government, where the citizen rules over the elected, is constantly be referred to as a democracy, which is that form of government ruled by the popular vote. We do not live in a democracy! Our democracy is not being threatened by anything! But today our republic is being ignored by those who want to rule over the people through “pork-barrel” legislation, non-elected “bullies” and the empowering of NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations). The “land of the free and home of the brave” is being trampled on and destroyed by Marxist and Communistic influences silencing the honest, hard-working, capitalistic society America is known for. The tax-paying, voting public is being hoodwinked into believing that there is a better society awaiting them and it can all be done without the Creator. Just start doing whatever feels good to you – damn society.

[Jeremiah 18:1-12] The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying: "Arise and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause you to hear My words." Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel! The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it. "Now therefore, speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, 'Thus says the LORD: "Behold, I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. Return now every one from his evil way and make your ways and your doings good."'" And they said, "That is hopeless! So, we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart."

Once upon a time American’s allowed the Word of God to form and sustain a republic form of government that was faithful to and obeyed God with fear and its citizens lived moral upright lives. But we are being told that that kind of life in “unsustainable.” Family is burdensome and capitalism is nothing but slavery 2.0. Is this where America is today? "That is hopeless! So, we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart." (2 Chronicles 7:13-14) God promised once and that promise holds true today. We as a people must repent and pray or lose our country. VOTE!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A "Yes" Face


During his days as President, Thomas Jefferson and a group of companions were traveling across the country on horseback. They came to a river which had left its banks because of a recent downpour. The swollen river had washed the bridge away. Each rider was forced to ford the river on horseback, fighting for his life against the rapid currents. The very real possibility of death threatened each rider, which caused a traveler who was not part of their group to step aside and watch. After several had plunged in and made it to the other side, the stranger asked President Jefferson if he would ferry him across the river. The president agreed without hesitation. The man climbed on, and shortly thereafter the two of them made it safely to the other side. As the stranger slid off the back of the saddle onto dry ground, one in the group asked him, “Tell me, why did you select the president to ask this favor of?” The man was shocked, admitting he had no idea it was the president who had helped him. “All I know,” he said, “Is that on some of your faces was written the answer ‘No,’ and on some of them was the answer ‘yes.’ His was a ‘Yes’ face.”; The Grace Awakening, C. Swindoll, Word, 1990, p6.

On his first night in the barracks the new recruit faced a real test. At home, he had the habit of reading the Bible and kneeling down to pray before retiring. In the barracks, he was entirely surrounded by rough fellows, many of them cursing and joking loudly. The new recruit thought it might be wise to go to bed and read the Bible where nobody would notice him. Then he thought and boldly decided, I’m a Christian! I ought to be an example for Jesus before these guys. I won’t pull down my colors. I will do here what I always did at home. So, he took out his Bible and read for a while. Then he knelt down to pray. The barracks became noticeably quiet. After a while, the talk began again, but it was more subdue. No one said anything about the young soldier’s behavior. The next night when he got out his Bible, eight other soldiers got out their Bibles. Within a month every soldier in the barracks would have fought for the lad. They came to him with their questions and their troubles. May you and I have the same level of courage before the Lord and humanity.

[Matthew 5:16] “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” Sometimes it’s good for us to walk where we’re not comfortable. Comfort is difficult to define. It is generally the feeling we have when we know the people around us, are familiar with the place we are, and know pretty much what is going to happen next. On the other hand, discomfort is that feeling when we don’t know the people, the place, or what to expect. We would rather be comfortable. As followers of Jesus, we need to walk where it isn’t so comfortable. It isn’t comfortable to stand beside someone’s hospital bed, but Jesus needs to be there. It isn’t comfortable to go to the home of someone who has recently died, but Jesus needs to be there. It isn’t comfortable to go to someone who is in distress because of a rocky marriage, a wayward child, or a moral violation, but Jesus needs to be in all these places. So, He sends us. We are the ones to go, not seeking comfort, but giving it. We are the ones to stand in the presence of difficulty so that God will be remembered there. We are the ones who are to be more concerned with the wellbeing of others than we are about our own comfort level. And, truly, this is one of the ways He leads us to a greater adventure. Because of Him we end up going places we would never have dreamed of going, doing things we would have never dreamed of doing, and changing the lives of people we would have never met. God has a way of providing what people need, and often times, they need us. A “Yes” face to offer help and comfort.

Saturday, September 21, 2024



For the past several years, we’ve been hearing a lot of comments on “the graying of America.” According to statistics, American’s are reaching retirement age in startling numbers, and it affects everything from Social Security, to health care, to corporate retirement benefits. The discussions in the media usually center on the problems associated with older age. Believe me when I say older age presents one with new challenges and difficulties and one thing is for sure – the “golden years” and old age isn’t for sissies! Physical abilities decrease, eyesight diminishes, and memory seems to temporarily fail at the most inappropriate times. Sadly, one’s doctor list gets longer than their Christmas card list, time flies, and it seems there’s more to do every day than ever before.

It seems the only time we hear about goodness and kindness is when it’s noted in the news as something out of the ordinary. I personally would like to make a shout out to our community as being one of the friendliest, most courteous, and respectful people around. When it comes to holding a door for someone, or having a door held out of kindness, without fail there is always an exchange of “thank-you and you’re welcome” expressed which makes one want to do it repeatedly. A smile and a “Hello” or “Good Morning” from a complete stranger, or delivered to a complete stranger, can, and has, changed the attitude and outcome of one’s entire day. I just want to say thanks to those who unashamedly express a Godly love for one another in this increasingly demonic depraved world.

[Romans 12:9-21] At a murder trial, a victim’s relative said, “When I lost my brother, I lost someone who never said an unkind word to me!” I have to confess with shame that, if I were her brother, she could not have said that about me. How many of us could have somebody say that about us? Kindness is an integral part of the Christian character. It is linked strongly to our Lord and our God. The kindness of God is mentioned hundreds of times in the Old Testament. Jesus said of our Father, “…For He is kind to the unthankful and evil” (Luke 6:35-36). Paul’s deep analysis of love tells us, “Love suffers long and is kind…” (1 Corinthians 13:4). And again, Paul reminds us to be, “…kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate)…” (Ephesians 4:32). Paul warned Timothy that the Lord’s servant must be, “…kind to everyone …not resentful” (2 Timothy 2:24). He instructed Titus to tell the older women to teach the younger women to, “…be kind so that no one will malign the Word of God” (Titus 2:5). I wish I could take back every unkind word I have spoken in this life. What about you? We can’t do that, but we can change our present attitude to become a people of respect. Therefore, be Godly in attitude toward one another; Be kind and respectful if you expect to receive kindness and be respected.

One winter morning the old preacher brought out a large pot of hot chocolate and an assortment of glass, crystal, and plain-looking cheap cups. When those present all had a share of hot chocolate in their hand, the preacher said, “Notice that all the nice-looking, expensive vessels have been taken and used, but not the plain and cheap ones. What each of you really wanted was the chocolate, not the vessel, but each subconsciously went for the best vessel.” Consider this: Life is the hot chocolate; your job, money, and position in society are the vessels. They are just tools to hold and contain life. Sometimes, by only concentrating on the vessel, we fail to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us. God makes the hot chocolate. Individuals choose the vessel. The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have! Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. And enjoy your hot chocolate - every day!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Are You For Heaven Certain?


We live in a world that is full of doubt and mistrust. People are skeptical and we can see the reason as many high-ranking officials and CEO’s have lied and cheated in their positions on their way to the top. We see many who do not believe there is an absolute truth for all of mankind. It seems ridiculous to many folks to think there is anything that is “sure.” Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines “sure” as: 1) firmly established / steadfast; 2) reliable / trustworthy; 3) admitting of no doubt / certain. So, is there anything that is “sure” anymore? Is there anything that is certain and without doubt?

If you knew that in the next fifteen minutes you would have to stand in front of the Lord to learn your eternal destination, what would your reaction be? Would you be relaxed, sitting comfortably in a chair with no worries and anxiety? Or would you be pacing back and forth, wondering if you were assured a place in heaven, hoping for the best, but unsure about it all? How many of us Christians are confident that we are going to heaven? Whenever I ask that question in a public setting, I am always surprised to learn that many are unsure. Why is that? Why do we not feel assured of our salvation?

We humans are good trash collectors, but we’re not very good garbage collectors. We allow the trash of sin to build up around us, many times to the point of suffocation. We go through life carrying it around on our backs. It weighs us down. It’s rotten and it smells because it’s trash, yet we cannot seem to throw it away. And so, we haul around this burden of guilt; never fully enjoying the benefits of the Christian life. To enjoy the assurance that comes with being a Christian we must be good garbage collectors. We must be able to throw out the trash and not allow it to pile up around us any longer.

Psalm 103:12 reads, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” How reassuring it is that God not only forgives, but He also strikes it from the record; He wipes the slate clean. If God can forgive even the most heinous sin, why can’t we forgive ourselves? We are all sinners (Romans 3:23). We are not good enough and we are not worthy enough to earn an assured place in heaven. But that’s what’s so amazing about God and His grace. We don’t have to be good enough or worthy enough.

[1 John 5:11-13] “And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.” We just have to be His! Unfortunately, there are many devoted Christians who feel uncertain about their salvation. They feel as though they can never really know for sure whether they have eternal life or not. But we don’t have to feel uncertain about our eternal fate. God gives Christians eternal life, and that eternal life is in His Son. Therefore, when one believes in Jesus Christ and obeys the gospel (Acts 2:37-41; Romans 6:1-11), he receives this precious gift. It is a life that includes all blessedness and fellowship with God and is not broken by physical death. When we clothe ourselves with Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26-27), we become a child of God. We are a part of His family. And by being a part of His family we can rest assured that He will save us if we continue to live in faithful obedience to Him (1 John 1:5-7). “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15, 17). Are you sure you’re going to heaven with Jesus? (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)