Saturday, January 27, 2024


A police officer stopped a young lady for speeding and asked her very nicely if he could see her driver’s license. She replied in a huff, “I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you took away my license and now today you expect me to show it to you!” * Teacher: “Joel, if you don’t shape up and stop clowning around, you will spend the afternoon in my detention class.” Joel: “But I can’t! I have baseball practice this afternoon.” Teacher: “Listen, mister. You have a choice of which bat you’re going to spend the afternoon with. Choose wisely!” * By the time Bobby arrived, the football game had already started. “Why are you so late?” asked a friend. “I couldn’t decide between going to church or going to the football game. So, I tossed a coin,” said Bobby. “But that shouldn’t have taken too long,” said the friend. “Well, I had to pray and toss it 35 times.”

When we talk about responsibility we are not necessarily talking about authority and being subject to it. When talking about authority there is a necessity to talk about those who defy it. The Christian has a duty to be submissive to constituted authority.

CIVIL RESPOSIBILITY * The powers are ordained, not the rulers (Romans 13:1-7). God doesn’t ordain the rulers; He does the power. Defying of governmental powers reflects the attitude of the individual. The form of government does not affect the duty of obedience. Monarchies; Republics; have in them alike the ordination and power of God for the welfare of society. There are, however, limits to this obedience - we ought to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29). When man wants me to do something that is in violation of the will of God, I have no choice but to obey God. Words of this text imply that the duty was already known. What about speed limits? What about if we don’t like the law or if we think they are antique and outdated? Obedience stands until laws are changed.

RESPONCIBILITY TO SELF * Who is the authority in your life (Romans 6:16)? Christianity covers all spheres of our life; civil, social, moral, and spiritual. There are rebels who abuse themselves and dress in unusual ways. They are trying to be different by going against the grain, doing their own thing. Many today are trying to get Christians to confirm to the world. We must be transformed (Romans 12:2). We can only do this through diligent Bible study and prayer. We must be convinced that “…He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

RESPONSIBILITY TO GOD * Be careful to maintain good works …works that have the right motives …works that have the right standard. A man can have the right motive, but his works be bad (i.e., supporting the church with ill-gotten gains). Our works should present the right influence (Romans 14:5-8).

RESPONSIBILITY TO STAND AGAINST ERROR * Christians have a responsibility to stand up against error. First, errors must be identified. Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits…” (Matthew 7:16). What a person says and does reflects whether or not there is error present. The Bible uses the word “heretic” to describe a false teacher. All heretics can be divided into three classes. * The theoretical believer – does not believe what others believe and maintain. * The professional believer – declares his faith every Sunday, then denies it in his life. * The practical believer – is those who are insincere. They do not act according to their own convictions.

Today, responsibility is terribly lacking. Christians should lead the way by taking responsibility for all their actions. “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17). 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Can It Happen Again?


Those of you who are old enough can remember the name Jim Jones, the former leader of the People’s Temple Church. On Saturday, November 18, 1978, a total of 918 members of the People’s temple Church in Jonestown, Guyana committed suicide/murder. Of this number, 294 of the dead were children under the age of 18. I was 28 years old at the time and remember spending over a week talking about the event at work and at church. Though 45 years have passed, I still vividly see in my mind the pictures of hundreds of people lying dead on the ground; arms wrapped around one another, mothers holding their babies, and a father embracing what must have been his wife and children. The question that people asked then, and continually ask to this day is, “How could so many people do such a senseless thing? How could so many people forfeit their life, and the life of their children?” While I still find these questions hard to answer, I do believe I have a better understanding of it today than I had so many years ago.

Jim Jones, the founder of the “People’s Temple Church” was a charismatic leader. In 1952 he left the Methodist church. He claimed to be “the manifestation of Christ principle.” He claimed to heal the sick just like Jesus did. He even claimed to raise the dead just like Jesus did. In fact, he demanded the absolute loyalty of his followers. Being disloyal to him was tantamount to being disloyal to Christ, himself. Jones said: “I have put on Christ, you see. I have followed after the example of Christ. When you see me, it is no longer Jim Jones here. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ that lives here. Now Christ is in this body. You will not get Christ’s blessing in Jim Jones’ blessing until you walk like Jim Jones, until you talk like Jim Jones, until you act like Jim Jones, until you look like Jim Jones. How long will I be with you until you understand that I am no longer a man, but a Principle. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one can come to the Father but through me.”

Jones claimed that he was the only way to the Father. Therefore, those who believed in him were willing to unquestionably follow him, even to death. But again, “How can religious people be so mistaken?” I believe the answer can be found in a comment made by the Major in charge of the Army operation to remove the bodies from Jonestown. In disbelief, he said, “There were no Bibles in Jonestown! These people had been weaned away from the Word of God and had learned to trust in the word of a man.”

[Romans 1:18-32] Can such a tragedy happen again? Of course, it can, and in fact is happening this very day. The death and destruction of faith in God is in a slow-motion free-fall. Not through mass suicides, but by the people who are turning away from the Word of God to follow the words of men. “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man… Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” (v. 22-25). Loyalty to God’s Word can save you from the tragedy of following men to our own physical and spiritual destruction. The World Economic Forum, meeting again this very week, is leading the world down a God-less path of nonsense, sighting the “fact” that the inhabitants of the earth must become, in essence, wiser than God the Creator of the universe, to save the planet from our mindless destruction of it. “…all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17).

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Refreshing Others


The Houston Airport had a problem. Over and over, a major complaint from its customers was that they had to wait too long for their bags after the flight. So, the executives worked to address the issue. They added new staff, streamlined the process and were able cut wait time from as long as 30 minutes in some cases to an average of only 8 minutes. Still, complaints kept pouring in. They did everything they could to shrink the time, but 8 minutes was about as fast as they were going to get. Yet, irate customers still bemoaned the delay. It was odd because the 8 minutes was well within the standard for most airports, but other locations didn’t face an onslaught of complaints. That's when the administrators realized the real problem. The walk from the disembarking gate to baggage claim at Houston was a short 1-minute walk. In most other airports the journey was an average of 5 to 10 minutes. It wasn’t the 8-minute delay itself that was the problem; it was the fact that people had to stand around doing nothing during that time. When the airport moved the gates and carousels farther apart, making the journey 6 minutes and the idle time only two minutes, complaints disappeared.

Rayden Overbay is a special needs youngster from Yukon, Oklahoma. At 12 years of age, he became somewhat famous because of the terrible way he was treated. A video of him being bullied went viral on social media. He was bullied to such a degree - he felt such shame - that he had written on his arm, “I want to kill myself.” What can be done in such a situation? How can we help someone recover? What is the remedy for the shame that they feel? Being from Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma Sooners football team took it upon themselves to try and make things right. They made him a special guest at one of their home games. Rayden was given a game ball. He was put in front of the entire team, and he was made to feel that he was important and special. Even Jalen Hurts told Rayden that they were brothers and that he always had his back. The young man who had been teased, taunted, and torn down was now praised and elevated. This is what we are told we need to do to properly process and deal with our shame: (1) to be given kind words of praise and (2) to be restored or elevated to a new standing.

[1 John 1:5-10] Now, consider what the Lord Jesus does for repentant sinners who continue to deal with their shame of past sin: “Well done, good and faithful servant...enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21). “The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels” (Revelation 3:5; Hebrews 2:11; 11:16; Zephaniah 3:19). Through Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we are lifted up out of our shameful state of sin. We are praised as part of God’s family. We are placed in a position of glory! Our submission and obedience to Jesus the Christ is the remedy. The blood of Jesus cleanses, washes, makes new and thus is the remedy for sin and shame!

One of my all-time favorite passages of scripture is found in Philemon 7. There, the apostle Paul commended Philemon “For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother.” Every Christian could be like that with a little work on the matter of “attitude.” Unfortunately, some who profess to be Christians just never seem to “get it” concerning the importance of having a Christ-like spirit and spend most of their lives “out of sorts,” disgruntled and unhappy. Isn't there enough “doom and gloom” in the world already without Christians adding to it? Are others refreshed when they see you coming? Let your light shine before others.

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Making Decisions for 2024


I have heard people say that they do not like to call them “New Year Resolutions,” but a “To-Do List” for the new year. I am sure we can all agree that we are great at making resolutions, but we are horrible at following through with them.

Decision-making is easy. It is easy to start a new diet. It is easy to decide to pay off all of one’s loans. Once we have de­cided to put our hand to something, that is the easy part. What is not always easy is following through with your decision.

Most to-do lists revolve around wanting to eliminate a bad habit in our life or the desire to form a new, healthier habit. It is said that most habits are formed during constant practice of a certain task over 28 days. To eliminate that same habit from one’s life takes 30 days. Why the two extra days? After making the decision to change or eliminate a habit it takes two days to convince oneself that you can and must do it and after 28 more days success will be a new part of your life. Stick to it – You can do it!

Likewise, it is easy to start one’s jour­ney to follow Jesus the Messiah. May I be so bold to suggest that following Jesus must become a habit in your life? If you truly believe that Christ offers a better, healthier way of living to you then He must become a part of your life and one must be obedient to His teaching of how to live by studying God’s Word and fellowshipping with God’s people. If one is going to be successful at following Je­sus, we need to heed Jesus’ stern warning about counting the cost. It is foolhardy not to calculate the cost before pursuing any endeavor. Jesus said that following him meant certain hardship. He said, “If you do not bear your cross and come after me, you cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27). I not only encourage you this new year to start your journey with Jesus, but also to follow through with your convictions. Start; Stick to it – You can do it! Need help? Let me encourage you to go to (World Video Bible School) for thousands of videos, Bible only, lessons on history and Christian living.

Before we plan for 2024, can we look back at 2023? We apply this strategy with most anything in our lives. It would be­hoove us to apply this to our spiritual lives as well.

Let’s Review! 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 says, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” We should be mindful of the world when it comes to entertainment, our relationships, our goals, and anything that competes for space in our lives. Look­ing back, have we given in to temptation and moved God to second place?

Let’s Reflect! 1 John 2:15-17 says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever.” What do we see when we turn­around and replay 2023? Did our goals, our desires, and ambitions cloud our walk with Christ?

Let’s Reset! Titus 1:2 says in hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie, promised before time began. We can’t change what’s happened, but we can change what happens next! Summarizing our year should cause us to examine our life. God has promised us eternal life. Are we going to allow our past choices to di­minish our eternal hope? 2024 - With God’s peace and love, who needs anything more? (2 Peter 3:10-18).