I did go to see my sister last week, traveling
safely between our recent bouts of severe weather, just missing a big hail
storm on my way home. She’s declining in her thought to speech processing with
apparent stuttering and repeating of words. Motor skills are beginning to wane,
especially walking, which she loved to do, sharing long ones in the park with
her dog, Walter. She’s having a hard time with the fact that nothing can be
done to correct her health problem and although she appears to be ready spiritually,
she been getting deeply emotional, as it seems to be taking forever to get her
house in order. Many who love her are sharing much physical and spiritual
[Psalm 9:9-10; Hebrews 10:32-39; 1 John 5:1-5]
(From Bulletin Digest 2/16) “When your cup runs over, is it a blessing, or a
mess? Is your glass half full or half empty? Do you make difficulties out of
your opportunities, or opportunities out of your difficulties? Are you the kind
that complains about the noise when opportunity knocks? Do you claim to be an
optimist who doubts that being one really helps? I was reading Psalm 23 this
week, and it occurred to me that King David was a true optimist. “I am never in
need...green pastures...peaceful waters...paths of righteousness...my cup overflows...even
though I walk through the dark valley of death, because you are with me, I fear
no harm...your rod and staff give me courage.” His faith in God enabled him to
overcome obstacles that would derail our faith. His faith in God allowed him to
see winning possibilities in horrible circumstances. Remember how he faced a
lion, a bear, a giant, and a mentally unstable king? Remember how he faced the
death of a child, and rebellion within his own family? His faith empowered him
to live with optimism and assurance of victory. When faced with setbacks and
difficulties, our reactions reveal whether we are people of faith and optimism,
or people of pessimism and defeat. There are three basic differences in the way
optimists and pessimists react. The first is that the optimist sees a setback
as temporary, while the pessimist sees it as permanent. When David’s infant
child died, he saw it only as a temporary separation. Even after praying and
fasting that the child would not die, his faith in God never wavered. He could
not bring the child back, but he said, “I will go to him” (2 Samuel 12:23).
Even death is not permanent for those with faith in God. The second difference
is that the optimist sees difficulties as specific, while the pessimist sees
them as pervasive. David’s sin with Bathsheba was not allowed to destroy his
whole life and eternity. He messed up big time, but he dealt with it as the
specific sin it was, repented, and went on to live as a man with the heart of
God. His failure with Bathsheba did not cause his whole life to be a failure.
The third difference is that optimists view events as external, while
pessimists interpret events as personal. King Saul’s repeated attempts to kill
David was seen by David as rebellion against God, not him personally. He would
not raise his hand against Saul because he still saw him as the Lord’s
anointed. Difficulties are most often simply external circumstances, not
personal attacks. Learn from David to live by faith and optimism. Look upon the
inevitable setbacks that you face as being temporary, specific, and external.”
I don’t know if I will have to spend days evaluating my life or whether the end
will come quickly. I do know that my graduation day looms on the horizon and I
pray to my last breathe I’m still learning of my God’s love for me.