A few weeks back I shared some insightful advice that
had been passed along by farmers and ranchers over the years from the wisdom
they’d gained through their dependence on God and the loving relationship they
enjoy. Many readers commented so I thought I’d send a few more to you with the
hope they lift your heart and perhaps help with life’s little struggles in some
way. *Life is easier when you plow around the stump. * The best sermons are
lived, not preached. * God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts. * Laugh
every day; it’s like inner jogging. * If you worry, you don’t pray. If you
pray, you don’t worry. * As a child of God, praying is like calling home every day.
* Blessed are the flexible. They cannot be bent out of shape. * The most
important things in yer house are the people. * When you get tangled up in
problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot. * A
grudge is a heavy thing to carry. * He who dies with the most toys - is still
dead. * Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional. * There is no key to
happiness. The door is always open. * Silence is often misinterpreted but never
misquoted. * Do the math. Count your blessings. * A bumble bee is considerably
faster than a John Deer tractor. (Psalm 19:7-11)
I rarely get off on a rant in this column, but in the
light of the U.S. Constitution I have to ask, where have all the real men gone?
And don’t try to make me out to be some sort of bias anti-feminist or racial
combatant. I want to know where my representatives in government are! I don’t
work for anyone in government except to help pay their salary to represent me
and defend, preserve and uphold the freedoms afforded me through that same Constitution.
Everyone in government works for the people! It’s the people who put them to
work, but for some reason are now cowering because of a self-proclaimed tyrannical
thought within our government that the elect knows what’s best for the
collective even if it causes nothing but friction. At the moment I hear only a
few who are willing to stand and argue with truth and justice, truly representing
the majority of the citizens of this country, even at the risk of antagonistic rebuttal
from all sides. I praise God for you and be rest assured the like-minded people
you represent are behind you.
[Proverbs 2:1-22] Recently I saw a bumper sticker that
read, “Real Men Love Jesus”. The sentiment impressed me because there is such
confusion over the role of men in society today. Jesus was a real man. He
possessed a physical and moral strength that shames any tough guy out there.
So, what are some characteristics of a real man? * A real man is strong enough
to protect his children, and gentle enough to hold them in his arms. * A real
man does honest work for honest pay. * A real man will pray on his knees in the
sight of his children. * A real man will return good for evil at the work place,
in the church, and at home. * A real man will teach his son to be gentle, and
his daughter to be strong. * A real man respects the elderly. * A real man
doesn’t cheat his boss, his friends, or his wife. * A real man brings his
family to worship, and teaches his children God’s way. * A real man forgives. *
A real man builds, whether it’s tables and walls or the church. He knows that
anyone can heap mockery and derision on another’s efforts; he will lend a
helping hand. * A real man listens to children.* A real man will admit when he
is wrong, and take responsibility. * A real man learns humility; a weak man
thinks he knows it all. * A real man takes God at His Word. * And most importantly,
a real man loves Jesus! Pray for more men and women in government who are
willing to defend the Godly morals of our Constitution. God bless America,