A Swiss guy,
looking for directions, pulls up to a bus stop where two Americans are waiting.
“Entschuldigung, keonnen Sie Deutsch spechen?” he asks. The two Americans just
stare at him. “Excusez-moi, parlez vous Francais?” he tries. The two continue
to stare. “Parlare Italiano!?” “Habian ustedes Espanol!?” Still nothing. The
Swiss guy drives off extremely disgusted. One American says to the other, “Maybe
we should learn a foreign language.” The other rationalized, “Why? He knew four
and it didn’t do him any good!”
Humpback whales
are about 40 feet long at maturity and weigh about one ton per foot. They carry
a thousand pounds of barnacles, and when they jump, or breach, they extend
themselves totally in the air, and then free-fall back into the ocean. One can
see the splash up to one mile away. Humpback whales travel to Hawaii from
Alaska every year to calve in the warm waters. Year after year each family
comes back to the same place around the islands. When the calves are born,
weighing in at about 5 tons, they are born breach, or tail first. If they were
born headfirst, these air-breathing mammals would drown during the lengthy birth
process. As a baby whale is born, another humpback whale comes alongside and pushes
it up to the surface to help the baby take its first breath of air.
The humpback
whale sings a song that can be heard more than 50 miles away under water. Every
one of these whales sings the same song. Each year, the song changes slightly, and
every humpback whale in the world will sing that year’s song. Amazing!
Incredible! What a display of the wonderful power of our great God!
Around 1970, a man
named Gordon Moore originated a computer technology maxim which has been termed
“Moore’s Law.” Simply stated, the law says computer processing power will
double every two years. Since that time, the rule has proven true. Personal
computers are tremendously fast and powerful, and capable of amazing things.
Researchers continue to expand computer power all the more. However, they still
can’t touch God’s creation of the human brain. The living computer God designed
is capable of performing 38 thousand-trillion operations per second. In order
to even get close to this, a man-made supercomputer would require an
ever-expanding number of microchips and more than 17 megawatts of electrical
power. The human brain can store about five times as much information as
Wikipedia, and only requires the power of a 10-watt lightbulb. All this from
one single brain.
[Psalm 139:14] We
are indeed “…fearfully and wonderfully made.” Have you ever stopped to wondered
what this life is all about? Why you’re here and where you’re going when your
lease on time runs out? Maybe you’ve been far too busy, trying hard to reach
your goals; Would you let me ask you kindly, “Have you thought about your soul?”
You may reach the highest portals and your dreams may all come true; Wealth and
fame may be your portion and success may shine on you – All your friends may sing
your praises not a care on you may roll; What about the great tomorrow? Have
you thought about your soul? Don’t forget your days are numbered, though you
may be riding high; But like all of us poor mortals, some day you’ll just up
and die. Your success and fame and glory won’t be worth the bell they toll; Let
me ask you just one question, “Have you thought about your soul?” If you’ve
never thought it over, spend a little time today; There is nothing more
important that will ever come your way, than the joy of sins forgiven and to
know you’ve been made whole – In the name of Christ the Savior – Have you
thought about your soul? Work out your own salvation - Repent; Be baptized;
Live Forever!