I have a good
friend. She doesn’t drink alcohol; thus, she has never been involved in any
alcohol-related crimes or embarrassments. She doesn’t destroy her mind through
the use of illicit drugs. I have never heard my friend gossip or tell a single
lie. She never wastes her time in nightclubs, casinos, or questionable establishments.
I cannot recall ever hearing her speak with profanity or vulgarity. And she has
never cheated a soul in business. Many people would call my friend a “good
Christian.” Yet you need to know that I have just described my dog, Bella!
The world holds
many good and honest souls who are not maliciously engaged in the blackest of
evils. Many of these good, moral citizens are our neighbors, our friends, our
relatives. They may, in some cases, be more moral than some of the church’s
more nominal members. But they should not, by virtue of their upstanding
lifestyles, be confused with “good Christians.” They may refrain from wrong;
they may even be involved in promoting much that is right. But outside of
Christ they cannot be considered Christians. Not until one comes to Christ and
obeys the gospel is one a Christian. There’s a world of difference between my
dog and a “good Christian.”
[Acts 4:12] Why is it that some Christians
seem to believe that their only responsibility in reaching the lost is to live
a pure lifestyle before them? Will alien sinners become Christians by simply
observing that Christians refrain from things like profanity, fornication, and
drugs? Will simply being kind to others convert the lost? There are many others
in this world besides Christians who are kind to others. There can even be
atheists who choose to be kind to their fellow man. There are other religions
besides Christianity which emphasize humility, kindness, sobriety, modest
dress, and other forms of morality. What makes Christianity different, and how
will the lost learn those differences?
Certainly, the
Christian’s influence must not be minimized (Matthew 5:13-16); and yes,
Christians are to live holy lives and be kind to others (1 Peter 1:15-16; Matthew
5:38-48); but is that all it takes to convert the lost? No one can live a pure
enough life to save himself, and there is still no other name to save us but
the name of Jesus Christ.
We need to
learn what being a Christian is all about. Being a Christian involves more
than merely not doing evil. A Christian must be concerned with actually doing
good, fully submitting to Christ, and living by faith. Christ taught, “If
anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross
daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Complete and total submission to Christ is
essential if we would be called by His name. Like the brethren of Smyrna, all who
are in Christ are expected to “…be faithful until death, and I will give you
the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10).
Of course, the
answer is that Christians must expose the lost to the words of the Bible! True
faith does not come from seeing someone live a good, moral life. Faith comes
from hearing the Word of God! (Romans 10:17). If the Seed (God’s Word) is not
planted, the fruit (a Christian) will never be produced (Luke 8:11-15). The
Great Commission does not teach Christians to simply go out and live an upright
life. Christians are specifically told to teach, baptize, and teach some more
(Matthew 28:19-20). Philip had to “open his mouth” to convert the Ethiopian
(Acts 8:35). If we would open our mouth and “preach Jesus” like Philip did, would
we not expect the same reaction of the Ethiopia? “...what hinders me from being
baptized? …I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” (Acts 8:30-37).
Jesus commanded
“…love one another as I have loved you” (Matthew 15:12).