At times life seems to be like riding a merry-go-round. The same things happen year after year and the older I get the more boring the whole thing gets. The seasons of the year never fail to produce their typical weather patterns. Birthdays and anniversaries, religious and national holidays, vehicle licenses and insurance on everything, and just about the time I think I’ve got it all under control, it’s tax time again. It’s said there’s only two things certain in life, death and taxes. We’re always demanding more, so we work ourselves to death to pay more taxes. Go figure. Round and round we go…
Some people just give up on life, rebel and buck the system only to end up spending most of their life in prison. If they serve their sentence or are paroled, a large percentage of ex-offenders find a way to get back into prison as soon as possible because life is too hard for them. Not that I’m thinking about dropping out or anything, but sometimes life just doesn’t make any sense. Think about it. In prison you spend most of your time in an 8x10 cell and at work you spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle. In prison you get three meals a day, at work you get one meal break and you have to pay for it. In prison you get time off for good behavior, but at work you get rewarded for good behavior with more work. In prison escort guards unlock and lock, open and close all the doors for you and at work you must carry around a security card and open all the doors yourself. In prison you can watch TV and play games, but doing that at work gets you fired. In prison you get your own toilet, but at work you have to share it with an idiot that won’t lift the seat before using it. In prison they encourage visits from family and friends, but at work you can’t even talk to them on the phone. In prison all expenses are paid by the taxpayer with no work required and you pay all the expenses to get to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. Go figure. Round and round…
[1 Peter 2: 11-17] I write with tongue in cheek and humor in mind to illustrate what God has said about the ways of men being foolish. If everyone believed in God and the great rewards that wait for us in His presence, there would be no need for prisons. But on the other hand God has told us in His word that these things must be and that He has appointed authorities to handle such matters. If we obey the laws of the land and live as God has instructed we won’t ever be looking through prison bars from the wrong side. Of course if we don’t stand firm upon our faith in this country there may come a day we could find ourselves in prison for preaching God’s word. Well, I pray that never happens but if it does I pray I go with the faith and honor of Paul. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Round and round we go…where we stop nobody knows. That’s not what Jesus taught. If we want to waste our time going round and round in this world I’m afraid we’re missing the whole point of life. (Matthew 7: 13-14) We’re on a journey, lost and searching for the way home. Jesus says there is a small gate and a narrow road that will take us there safely but few will find it. Why? Because they’re too busy swinging open the big gates and following everyone else down the boulevard searching for a reward on this earth. There is no reward here. Pay your taxes and die! (Matthew 6) Seek first the kingdom of God. Jesus is the gate too small for most egos. The Word of God is the path too narrow for most materialists. I’m on the path straight to the Promised Land.
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