Saturday, May 14, 2005

Are You Jesus?

At a young age, delivering newspapers door to door, my older brother taught me, good service and personal attention to customer needs will reap special rewards in the long run. I’ve never experienced that to be untrue throughout my life. Going out of my way seeking customer satisfaction has profited me over the years with a constant source of income and a good reputation in the community. Hey, what more could a person ask for out of life? I mean, by loving and helping others through life, my life is justified.
A group of salesmen attended a regional sales convention in a large metropolitan city. Each had assured their wife they would be home for Friday night dinner, but as things sometimes go, speeches and demonstrations ran longer than anticipated. With no time to spare, their scheduled flight home had them speeding to the airport in their rental vehicle. With tickets in hand the group barged through the terminal to catch their flight home. In their rush, with briefcases flailing through the air, one of the salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table displaying several baskets full of apples, which flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back they managed to reach the departing gate just as the last boarding call was being made. But at the door leading to the boarding ramp one of the salesmen paused, dropped his arms to his side and took a deep breath. Experiencing a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple table had been turned over, he told his buddies to go on without him and to call his wife when they got home explaining why he would be taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal area where the apples were still all over the floor, and he was glad he did. The sixteen-year-old tending the table was blind and with tears running down her cheeks she was helplessly groping around on the floor for her spilled produce, while angry harried travelers swirled about her. The salesman knelt on the floor beside her, gathered up the apples, put them into the baskets and helped set up the display once more. He asked if she was all right and when assured she was he gave her twenty dollars along with his deepest apology. He then gathered his belongings and began to walk away. “Mister!” said the girl. He paused and turned to look back. She continued, “Are you Jesus?”
[Luke 18: 35-43] Like the girl at the airport, a blind man sat on the side of a well-traveled roadway begging for his daily needs. He heard a crowd coming and asked what was happening. When told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by he got excited and called out for help. He knew Jesus would give him sight if he asked and his life would change to become self-sufficient. The world is spiritually blind wandering around asking, “Where is God?” To those who know the answer, this question to them is like a fish asking, “Where is the water?” or the bird asking, “Where is the air?” God is everywhere! Are you Jesus? That’s the charge of a disciple of Jesus isn’t it? To be so much like Him that people cannot tell the difference as we interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and grace. Does the world see Jesus in your works and daily actions? Do you show God in all you do and say? Does the world experience God through you? Have you ever opened the eyes of a spiritually blind person? When someone sees the love of Christ for the first time, they go back into the world rejoicing for now they can see the love of God everywhere and the bliss of eternal life is at hand.

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