Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Black Day

“Black Friday” is a phrase coined a decade or so ago by the retail community as the day when so much money is traded for goods that most retail businesses find themselves out of debt and their bottom line is in black ink instead of red. The day following our national holiday, Thanksgiving, is always Friday, the day that retailers kick off their sales frenzy for the Christmas shopper, and this is where things seem to start getting out of hand. After the meal is finished, the dishes cleaned and put away on Thanksgiving Day, the serious shopper sits down with the newspaper sales flyers to strategize their activities for “Black Friday”. Stores promise to be open at 5 a.m. and the super-serious shopper will actually camp-out overnight on the doorstep increasing their chance of being the first person in the door to grab one of the, not enough in stock, sale items. I will never understand what it is that happens between the prayers of thanksgiving the day before and the unlocking of the retail store door the next morning. If you’re too slow, you get run over and trampled. If you inadvertently step in front of the wrong person, you’ve got a fight on your hands. One woman survived the whole mess only to arrive home and be robbed at gunpoint for a product she spent her whole paycheck on. I don’t know. To me “Black Friday” seems to bring out the “Dark Side” of man’s greed.
The day after Thanksgiving ought to be, “My Personal Best Day Of The Year”. Sounds good doesn’t it? How can I accomplish it? Well, the most useless thing to do …Worry. The greatest joy you can experience …Giving. The most satisfying work you can do …Helping Others. The greatest “shot in the arm” you could ever give someone …Encouragement. The most beautiful attire you could wear …A SMILE! Now, if you truly want to be successful at self-improvement, think about adopting the following. Get rid of your ugliest trait …Selfishness. Overcome your greatest problem …Fear. Tame your deadliest weapon …The tongue. Also remember your most worthless emotion is …Self-pity; and your greatest loss is …Loss of self-respect. Stop making excuses; Own up to your failures. And above all remember; No-one likes a gossip.
[1 John 5: 18-20] Believe me when I say, “Self-improvement is a daily chore.” The apostle Paul struggled with his daily activities as a man when he was tempted, finding himself slipping into sin (Romans 7: 14-25) and admits he had to work on his “self” as he daily ran the race of righteousness. (1 Corinthians 9: 24-27). So, what makes you and I think we are any different. If you’re a child of God then you have the traits of God within you. You have discovered the most effective sleeping pill …Peace of mind. You have an “I can” attitude and a most courageous spirit …Enthusiasm. You’ve discovered the most powerful force in life …Love, and press on every day because you’re filled with …Hope. You deem your greatest asset to be …Faith. And your most prized possession is …Integrity. You always use the most powerful means of communication …Prayer. And the most important thing in life to you is …GOD. “My Personal Best Day Of The Year” ought to include gathering up my traits as a child of God and sharing them with someone lost in sin. John said we know that Jesus came and gave us an understanding of the truth. Paul said it is Jesus who will save us from our sins. A “Black Day” is coming for everyone. Will you be black in sin or red in the blood of your Savior

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Food For Thought

Well, with the advent of the awaited cold, or should I say much cooler weather, it’s beginning to feel like the holiday season should. The year is winding down and as it was being discussed at coffee this morning in about six more weeks the New Year will have arrived. Isn’t it ironic how we begin the season by giving thanks for all the many blessings of life, then express our love for one another by giving gifts and sharing the blessings of life, and then we plan, scheme and calculate, how we can grab and take all we can get our hands on for the next nine months, so we can once again give thanks for all we have? Just food for thought in your New Years resolution planning.
I stuff the turkey every year with good things from the shelf; Then when everything is ready I sit down and stuff myself. Then it’s time to look around and survey all my blessings and giving thanks for all the wonderful things I possess in this life. Lord, thank-you for this sink of dirty dishes for it means we have plenty of good food to eat. Thank-you for this big pile of dirty clothes for it means we have plenty of them to wear. Thank-you for these unmade beds for they were very comfortable and warm last night. Thank-you for this finger-smudged refrigerator, that desperately needs defrosting, for it has served us well for many years. Our family is grateful for the tall green grass, that needs mowing, for we much enjoy our private yard. Thank-you for that slamming door for it shows our children are healthy and able to run and play. And Lord, the presence of all the chores awaiting me says that you have richly blessed this family.
[James 4: 13-17] There are loved ones that are missing from the fireside and the feast; There are faces that have vanished there are voices that have ceased; And we know they passed forever, from our mortal grief and pain; And we thank thee, Heavenly Father, for the blessings that remain. Thanksgiving! Oh, Thanksgiving! And their love once blessed us here, that so long they walked beside us, sharing every smile and tear; For the joy the past has brought us, but can never take away, the sweet and gracious memories grow dearer every day; For the faith that kept us patient, looking at the things unseen, knowing Spring will follow Winter, and the earth again be green; For the hope of that glad meeting far from mortal grief and pain; We thank thee, oh our Father, for the blessings that remain. (Author Unknown) You might get the idea I don’t think much of planning ahead but, that’s not my thoughts at all. A person would be a fool to not plan and have goals and aspirations in this life for we never know how long we’re going to have to endure the trials of life. But, on the other side of that coin, we don’t know how long we’re going to have life. I read this the other day: “I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn’t; Than live my life as if there isn’t a God, and die to find out there is.” Evil is very strong in the world today and with the media pushing every possible scenario which opposes the teachings of the Bible at the younger generation convincing them of a “better” lifestyle, evil is going to get stronger. Examine your life and honestly ask yourself, “Is my life really following God’s will?” We’re being whitewashed with the concept that life itself is going to be rewarded with eternal life with God, or reincarnation, for eternity. If that’s true, why then did Jesus give His life for the sins of man? Food for thought in your spiritual New Years resolution plans.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Heroes Welcome Home

Could this be you? I sat in my seat of a Boeing 727 wanting everyone to hurry and grab a seat so we could start what I was sure to be a long, uneventful flight home. People were taking their time, stuffing luggage far too big to fit comfortably into the overhead compartments, holding up the growing line boarding the aircraft. I was anxious to get home to my loved ones totally focused on “my” issues and just felt like standing up and yelling for some of these clowns to get their act together. Finally with everyone settled in, we just sat there with the cabin door open and no one in any hurry to get us going, even though we were already past our departure time. An attendant spoke over the intercom explaining our delay, “We’re holding the plane for some very special people who have been held up in traffic on their way to the airport.” The entire plane let out a collective groan. “The delay shouldn’t be more than another ten minutes”, the voice reassured us. A considerable amount of time had passed before the voice fulfilled its promise and the VIP’s began funneling through the cabin door. I strained to look down the isle to see and discover what all the “hoopla” over these folks was. I was expecting some celebrity or dignitary or sports giant. Just hurry up, sit down and let’s get going. At the same time I saw with my own eyes who it was we had been waiting for, the attendant announced in a loud and excited voice that we were being joined by several U.S. Marines returning home from Iraq!! The men were taken by surprise as 340 people erupted into applause. They were having their hands shook by almost everyone within arms reach as they passed down the isle searching for their seats. One elderly lady kissed the hand of one Marine and the whistles and cheers didn’t stop for a long time. During the flight I got my selfish outlook back in order and suggested to the attendant she ask everyone to remain seated until our heroes had deplaned. We waited in thankful prayer.
[Revelation 6: 9-11] Impatience must be a universal thing. John tells us even those who have gone to battle and given their life for the sake of God’s Word are asking, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitance of the earth and avenge your blood?” They were told they must wait a little longer, “…until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed had been completed.” I receive a lot of mail & email from around the world and let me assure you, this very day someone on this planet will lose their life for the sake of the Word. If this is hard for you to believe, go to; The Voice Of Martyrs. When I read this passage of scripture I’m reminded of what Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians, (6:12) “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” The day is coming that right here in America someone is going to stand up for God’s Word and be slain for their conviction. I fear it will be soon. (James 4) Read this chapter carefully, and you might begin to see God’s Word as something you’re willing to give your life to. (Ephesians 6: 13-18) Have you got your armor on? If you really want a home in heaven, you’re going to have to fight for it. All of heaven is waiting for the heroes that are defending God’s truth to arrive home again. A thunderous applause will be heard by those who have been diligent in their work.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What Hinders You?

I think I can safely say that many of you have, at one time or another, spent a lot of time and effort at a particular endeavor only to be disappointed by the final outcome. What I mean is, maybe you’ve planned a big vacation or an outdoor event just to have it rain on the most important time of your life. I know of engineering designers who invest hundreds of hours in a certain project only to have it crumpled up and tossed into the wastebasket. Then there are parents who make all the right moves and teach their children well, only to have one turn down a dead end road, never accomplishing the things envisioned and hoped for. But, in most cases, we hold an amazing track record for endurance. Even though the weather may turn sour, we make the best of the moment. Though our ideas may be rejected, we press on looking for another better way. When disappointment looms heavy over a child, we never reject their pleas for help and love.
You’ll meet many just like me, upon life’s busy streets; With shoulders stooped and heads bowed down, and eyes that stare in defeat; Or souls that live within the past where sorrow plays all parts; Or stood and watched with helpless hands, while the heart inside you dies. Some lose faith and love and life, when sorrow shoots his darts; And with hope all gone they walk alone; These “Men With Broken Hearts”. Some were farmers, some were kings, and a living death is all that’s left for “Men With Broken Hearts”. You have no right to be a judge, to criticize and condemn; Just think… but for the grace of God, it would be you instead of him. You never walked in that man’s shoes, or seen through his eyes; And some were masters of the arts, but in their shame, their all the same; These “Men With Broken Hearts”. So, help your brothers along the road, no matter where you start; For the God that made you, made them too, These “Men With Broken Hearts”. This little poem was written by a person that I and several others have been ministering to for some time (years). It came with a P.S. Thank you all for not giving up on me and for seeing things in me I could not see in myself. I only hope I can give back in some way what has so lovingly been given. I gave up on myself many times, but you all never did; you all kept me in your prayers. Therefore there is one more Christian Warrior fighting and witnessing for God and his Son, Jesus. Yes, one more warrior to fight this war against Satan at this time of spiritual warfare! I belong to God!
[1 Corinthians 9: 12-27] “…On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.” Paul states he has his reward. He’s a soul winner for the Lord and the Lord will compensate him for his work. Paul is totally convicted to the Gospel of Christ. He’s willing to endure anything rather than hinder the progress of the gospel. Until I received that poem I began to think I was wasting my time and maybe others were right, this person can’t be reached. Then I’m reminded of the day Jesus was entering the city of Jerusalem and he wept, as he thought about it’s impending demise. Most everyone still had no idea who he really was and the power and comfort they could draw from him to soothe the sorrows of everyday life. Those who have no hope “Men With Broken Hearts” need committed Christians bringing the saving grace of the Gospel to them no matter what the cost. Jesus was willing to lay His life on the line, even to endure death on the cross. What hinders you from spreading the Gospel of Christ?