“HEEEEY, AB-BOTT!!” I was watching part of one of those Abbott & Costello meet some sort of monster movies the other night for a few minutes as I was channel surfing. Lou Costello just cracks me up. He’s always in a world of his own and then the unexpected happens and he totally freaks out. The only thing he can think of is to call for his buddy Abbott to come rescue him. Of course Abbott never does see what the problem is with Costello and everything seems to be back to normal until Abbott exits the scene. Then some creature will tap Lou on the shoulder sending him into a tailspin once again running and screaming looking for his savior, “HEEEY, AB-BOTT!!!” I’ll bet you know somebody who’s jumpy. You know, the guy or gal if just touched with a finger, they jump right out of their skin. We used to say they were “goosey”. I’ve known a couple of people that all you have to do is point your finger at them and they would jump. And just like ticklish children, they’ll keep an eye on you for a few minutes, but sooner or later their attention will lead elsewhere, opening the door for another fun-filled attack. The problem with some of these people though, you might be surprised at what comes out of their mouth when they jump, and it ain’t, “Hey Abbott”.
A passenger in a taxi leaned forward to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches away from the large plate glass window of a store front. For a few minutes there was silence in the cab, and then the still shaken driver said, “I’m sorry, but you scared the daylights out of me.” The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn’t realize a mere tap on the shoulder would frighten him that much. To that the driver replied, “No, no; I’m sorry. It’s entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. I’ve been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.
[Matthew 24: 30-44; 2 Peter 3: 3-13] How often have you gotten all wrapped up in something only to be unexpectedly startled by the presence of someone? I can’t remember how many times I’ve jumped out of my skin when someone would quietly walk up behind me and ask me a question. “BANG!” I’d rise up and hit my head on the hood of a car. I had to teach people to walk around where I would catch them out of the corner of my eye and then speak. Well, I wonder how many people are going to be caught off guard on the day their life on earth ends or the day the Lord returns? Both Jesus and the Apostles warn us of the impending return of Jesus and the destruction of everything that has ever been made. The coming is described as “like a thief in the night”. That’s chilling enough for me right there. In this case God is trying to get across to us that death or the return of Jesus is going to take place when we least expect it. The angels, not even Jesus himself, know when this will happen, according to the scriptures. So, many lessons have been given to us about being prepared for His coming. Matthew chapter 25 illustrates this perfectly, also Luke 12: 35-38; plus many more, which you’ll find in your studies. All I can say is, if these things were not important, they wouldn’t be in God’s Word. Think about it. If the Lord were to come right now, are you ready to go with Him to the Heavenly Father where you’ll live life eternal in love, or will Jesus say, “I don’t know you”? Scream all you want, no one can save you then. Not even Jesus!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Do You Pray To A Machine?
So where’s the rain? I once was told by an elderly native of this part of the country, since passed on, that anyone who predicts the weather in Texas is either a “new-comer” or “a *##* fool”. Well, I’ve been living here long enough to pretty much except that theory because I’ve see a many a 60% chance of rain slip east of us leaving us high and dry. Then again, I’ve also seen a 20% chance of rain last three or four days. We keep getting promised rain, but the rain keeps eluding us, taking its own wandering direction, not listening to the professional climatic experts as to its predicted behavior. I guess we’ll survive. We’ve been here before. Farmers and ranchers have suffered, some to the point that their lives have been so altered they’re no longer farmers or ranchers breaking, in some cases, a five or six generation family tradition. But, the world goes on and they’re making it in other occupations. I have no doubt things will hold together until it decides to rain again. I also have faith that it won’t be long before I’ll be writing about the rain and the mud. We never know what the morrow brings; pray for the best; prepare for the worst; but live each day as a blessing from God and be thankful for it.
One morning an impatient four-year-old told her mother, “Maybe if we both pray out loud, God would hear us.” Mom agreed, so they prayed together. When they had finished, the little girl asked what God said. Her mother then tried to explain that God doesn’t work that way. She told her that sometimes prayers aren’t answered for a long time, but every prayer gets answered in the proper time. The little girl, upset by what her mother just told her, gasped, “Do you mean we were praying to an answering machine?”
[Matthew 6] As have I, you sometimes wonder if your prayer will ever be answered. Like the little girl, our faith may be so small we think God will get to us sooner or later, but right now more important things need tending to in the universe. We just continue to pray His answer won’t come too late. (John 11: 1-44) Lazarus became ill and died. His sisters, Martha and Mary, each exclaimed that he would never have died if Jesus were there to heal him of his illness. Because of Jesus’ close relationship with the family both sisters knew of the powers Jesus possessed. Martha knew who Jesus was, but neither she nor Mary had any idea what Jesus was about to do. He restored life to Lazarus, a friend whom He loved. There are times when I have prayed earnestly for the health of someone and rejoiced when they recovered of their physical problems, then again, I’ve witnessed their decline unto death. Was I praying to an answering machine? One day God wasn’t too busy and got right to me, but on another I was just too far down the list to get what I wanted. And that’s the whole point. God is still in charge! Jesus had a marvelous way of showing us what life is all about and the love that God has for us in this life. In Matthew the 6th chapter, Jesus teaches us how to live humbly and how to approach God with repentance and thanksgiving. We’re not to express our faith and obedience so much in a physical manner as we should a spiritual manner. God loves us as individuals and wants that relationship to be personal. Jesus says we should not worry; God will take care of us. (Also, Luke 11: 1-13) It’s God’s will what happens in this life. My prayers are answered because of my faith in God’s will. I know tough times are coming, but I also know I have life in Jesus, even after I enter the grave, for He loves and weeps for me.
One morning an impatient four-year-old told her mother, “Maybe if we both pray out loud, God would hear us.” Mom agreed, so they prayed together. When they had finished, the little girl asked what God said. Her mother then tried to explain that God doesn’t work that way. She told her that sometimes prayers aren’t answered for a long time, but every prayer gets answered in the proper time. The little girl, upset by what her mother just told her, gasped, “Do you mean we were praying to an answering machine?”
[Matthew 6] As have I, you sometimes wonder if your prayer will ever be answered. Like the little girl, our faith may be so small we think God will get to us sooner or later, but right now more important things need tending to in the universe. We just continue to pray His answer won’t come too late. (John 11: 1-44) Lazarus became ill and died. His sisters, Martha and Mary, each exclaimed that he would never have died if Jesus were there to heal him of his illness. Because of Jesus’ close relationship with the family both sisters knew of the powers Jesus possessed. Martha knew who Jesus was, but neither she nor Mary had any idea what Jesus was about to do. He restored life to Lazarus, a friend whom He loved. There are times when I have prayed earnestly for the health of someone and rejoiced when they recovered of their physical problems, then again, I’ve witnessed their decline unto death. Was I praying to an answering machine? One day God wasn’t too busy and got right to me, but on another I was just too far down the list to get what I wanted. And that’s the whole point. God is still in charge! Jesus had a marvelous way of showing us what life is all about and the love that God has for us in this life. In Matthew the 6th chapter, Jesus teaches us how to live humbly and how to approach God with repentance and thanksgiving. We’re not to express our faith and obedience so much in a physical manner as we should a spiritual manner. God loves us as individuals and wants that relationship to be personal. Jesus says we should not worry; God will take care of us. (Also, Luke 11: 1-13) It’s God’s will what happens in this life. My prayers are answered because of my faith in God’s will. I know tough times are coming, but I also know I have life in Jesus, even after I enter the grave, for He loves and weeps for me.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
You Can Do It!
O.K.; it’s time to stand up and be counted! How many of you are still sticking to your New Years resolutions? All right, good! Now for the rest of you, what happened? Well, we’re only half way through the month and it’s never too late to try again. Most of the time we’re trying to form a new habit or break a bad habit and I’ve got to tell you it’s not easy to do. Think of it this way. Psychologists tell us it takes twenty-eight days to form a habit that will stick to our everyday lifestyle. But, I’ve never read about getting rid of a habit, so I came up with my own formula using personal experiences. I believe it takes thirty days to rid yourself of a habit. The two extra days are for you to decide you really want to get rid of the habit. That’s where most people fail. They haven’t truly made up their mind they want to stop or start doing something that will change their lifestyle. Then of course, we need a little encouragement from our friends and family. So I say to you who are holding on and changing your lifestyle, keep going, you’re already half way there, only fifteen days to go. For you who have slipped, don’t be discouraged. Consider the last try practice, take two days to think about it and try again.
We may not always realize that everything we do; Affects not only our lives, but touches others too. A single happy smile can always brighten up the day; For anyone who happens to be passing by your way. And a little bit of thoughtfulness that shows someone you care; Creates a ray of sunshine for both of you to share. Yes, every time you offer someone a helping hand; Every time you show a friend that you understand; Every time you have a kind and gentle word to give; You help someone to find beauty in this precious life we live. For happiness brings happiness and loving ways bring love; And giving is the treasure, that contentment is made of. (Author Unknown)
[Hebrews (chapters) 11, 12 & 13] Do you need encouragement in your resolution to become a more dedicated, faithful Christian? Maybe your resolution is a little more difficult, like it was for the Jews in the first century, in your wanting to enter into the Christian lifestyle. The author of this letter to the Hebrew people is unknown, but nevertheless was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is a great encouraging message to anyone wanting to become a child of God. Chapter 11 tells of those who by faith followed God’s lead, not looking for a reward in this life for being obedient, but expecting God to reward them with the promise of a heavenly home. Their faith has affected billions of people throughout history. Chapter 12 talks to us about what we must do to approach the throne of God. We must change our lifestyle by turning away from sin and looking to Jesus for guidance. The writer tells us to expect discipline from God, as a father would discipline a child. Then the writer tells of some of the habits we must start and stop in our life, for the Holy Spirit is warning us that God is not someone to mess with. Our reward will come in two different ways and it is purely up to each individual which reward he will receive. Then with our faith in tack and growing Chapter 13 tells of how we are to continue living showing our deep faith and affecting those about us by telling them of the influence Jesus has had in our life. (1 Timothy 1: 15-16) Paul calls himself the worst of sinners, but grace was given him so Jesus would affect others through him. God’s grace awaits you, so you can show others God’s love.
We may not always realize that everything we do; Affects not only our lives, but touches others too. A single happy smile can always brighten up the day; For anyone who happens to be passing by your way. And a little bit of thoughtfulness that shows someone you care; Creates a ray of sunshine for both of you to share. Yes, every time you offer someone a helping hand; Every time you show a friend that you understand; Every time you have a kind and gentle word to give; You help someone to find beauty in this precious life we live. For happiness brings happiness and loving ways bring love; And giving is the treasure, that contentment is made of. (Author Unknown)
[Hebrews (chapters) 11, 12 & 13] Do you need encouragement in your resolution to become a more dedicated, faithful Christian? Maybe your resolution is a little more difficult, like it was for the Jews in the first century, in your wanting to enter into the Christian lifestyle. The author of this letter to the Hebrew people is unknown, but nevertheless was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is a great encouraging message to anyone wanting to become a child of God. Chapter 11 tells of those who by faith followed God’s lead, not looking for a reward in this life for being obedient, but expecting God to reward them with the promise of a heavenly home. Their faith has affected billions of people throughout history. Chapter 12 talks to us about what we must do to approach the throne of God. We must change our lifestyle by turning away from sin and looking to Jesus for guidance. The writer tells us to expect discipline from God, as a father would discipline a child. Then the writer tells of some of the habits we must start and stop in our life, for the Holy Spirit is warning us that God is not someone to mess with. Our reward will come in two different ways and it is purely up to each individual which reward he will receive. Then with our faith in tack and growing Chapter 13 tells of how we are to continue living showing our deep faith and affecting those about us by telling them of the influence Jesus has had in our life. (1 Timothy 1: 15-16) Paul calls himself the worst of sinners, but grace was given him so Jesus would affect others through him. God’s grace awaits you, so you can show others God’s love.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Where Is It?
How many times in your life have you gone looking for something only to discover it’s not where you expected it to be? I can’t count the times I’ve seen an item clear as day in my minds eye as to exactly where I’ll find it, to not find it there at all. Then thinking about it for a moment, get another picture, and not find it there either. I’ve probably spent many hours looking for stuff I knew exactly where they were, only to never find them. Of course if they are found, they’re always in the last place you look, I hope.
Can you find the names of 25 books of the Bible in this paragraph? This is a most remarkable puzzle. Someone found it in the seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping himself occupied for hours. One man from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his johnboat. Roy Clark studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Victs mentioned it in her column once. One woman judges the job to be so involving; she brews a cup of tea to help calm her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot, that’s a fact. Some people will soon find themselves in a jam; especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. The truth is, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them. At the worst, something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have. Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation may help. Books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without there numbers. And punctuation or spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete. Remember, there are 25 books of The Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph.
[Acts 1: 7-11] In Montana, overlooking the Missouri River and the Great Northern Railroad is a monument erected to pay tribute to ole “Shep”, a collie dog that had belonged to an old shepherd. Wherever the man went, Shep was always at his side. Then in 1936 Shep’s master died. Shep accompanied him one last time as men took his body to the train station; it was to be shipped back east for burial. Shep tried to board the train, but was put off. Shep followed the train as far as he could. After losing sight of it he returned to the station, dug a spot under the depot platform and waited for his masters return. For six long years he would expectantly greet the arrival of each train, looking for his master. In January 1942, a train struck and killed the faithful dog. Railroaders who had befriended and fed the dog, buried him on a nearby bluff, and the monument was erected in his memory. Everyone has a master and everyone spends much time waiting on and serving their master. Unlike “Shep”, I have the hope, knowledge and faith that my master will return. The two (angels) who appeared to the disciples assured them that Jesus would return and staring up into the sky was just a waste of time. We’re to be about our Fathers business, saving the lost, and yes preparing for the last day, but not dwelling on it. If you would spend the time you’re about to spend on the puzzle, each day studying Gods Word, you’ll find your master is alive, and working in your life though He is out of sight. (Titus 2: 11-14) I once was lost, but now I’m found, in Christ.
Can you find the names of 25 books of the Bible in this paragraph? This is a most remarkable puzzle. Someone found it in the seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping himself occupied for hours. One man from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his johnboat. Roy Clark studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Victs mentioned it in her column once. One woman judges the job to be so involving; she brews a cup of tea to help calm her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot, that’s a fact. Some people will soon find themselves in a jam; especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. The truth is, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them. At the worst, something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have. Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation may help. Books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without there numbers. And punctuation or spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete. Remember, there are 25 books of The Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph.
[Acts 1: 7-11] In Montana, overlooking the Missouri River and the Great Northern Railroad is a monument erected to pay tribute to ole “Shep”, a collie dog that had belonged to an old shepherd. Wherever the man went, Shep was always at his side. Then in 1936 Shep’s master died. Shep accompanied him one last time as men took his body to the train station; it was to be shipped back east for burial. Shep tried to board the train, but was put off. Shep followed the train as far as he could. After losing sight of it he returned to the station, dug a spot under the depot platform and waited for his masters return. For six long years he would expectantly greet the arrival of each train, looking for his master. In January 1942, a train struck and killed the faithful dog. Railroaders who had befriended and fed the dog, buried him on a nearby bluff, and the monument was erected in his memory. Everyone has a master and everyone spends much time waiting on and serving their master. Unlike “Shep”, I have the hope, knowledge and faith that my master will return. The two (angels) who appeared to the disciples assured them that Jesus would return and staring up into the sky was just a waste of time. We’re to be about our Fathers business, saving the lost, and yes preparing for the last day, but not dwelling on it. If you would spend the time you’re about to spend on the puzzle, each day studying Gods Word, you’ll find your master is alive, and working in your life though He is out of sight. (Titus 2: 11-14) I once was lost, but now I’m found, in Christ.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Spiritual Resolution
Once again the calendar has flipped leaving behind another year and propelling us into the sixth year of the second millennium. Scientist tell us this is also the year we need to add one second to our time pieces to catch up with the rest of the universe. I have no idea where they come up with this stuff, but I imagine I’ll find something to do to fill the extra time they’ve allotted me. It’s not a leap year, so we don’t have to figure out what to do with a whole extra day. Our leaders are still contemplating the extension of Daylight Savings Time, if only they can figure out what to do with all the electronically timed devices we use every day that automatically adjust one hour forward or backwards at the current schedule. I suppose it will end up something like forcing High Definition TV on all of us. Oh well, let me tell you about one of my New Years resolutions. I’ve always read about the futuristic products coming to the consumer and I plan to continue reading a little about a lot of things, whether I understand it or not. From what I can understand, the next five years are going to bring about huge changes in the world that will directly impact all of us, and like it or not we’re all going to have to educate ourselves every day or get left behind. Ha! Really nothing new under the sun, because if all of us look back twenty years I think we’d discover we never dreamed we’d be doing some of the things we do today or we’re already lost in the flood of technology.
Another year is dawning; Dear Father let it be; In working or in waiting; Another year with thee. Another year of progress; Another year of praise; Another year of proving, thy presence all the days. Another year of mercies; Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness; the glory of thy face. Another year of leaning, upon thy loving breast; Another year of trusting; Of quiet, happy rest. Another year of service; Of witness for thy love; Another year of training, for holier work above. Another year is dawning; Dear Father, let it be; On earth, as it is in heaven; Another year for thee.
[Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14] My most used study Bible introduces Solomon’s book as follows: “Life seems inconsistent, unpredictable, and unfair at times. No matter the generation, no matter the time in history, the righteous and the wicked have the same experiences, face the same trials, and grapple with the same problems. And all end up in the grave! As people grow older they look back and see what a breath, what a vapor, life is. It passes so quickly. What was its purpose? Was what we strove to obtain worth it? Did we live as we should have? What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun? And what is the conclusion of it all?” I think no one experienced life to the fullest as did Solomon. Did he regret some of his experiences? I think all of us can say yes to that, including Solomon. What is life? It is a gift from God and without God involved in my life, life becomes meaningless. Read the entire book of Ecclesiastes. In it you’ll find several warnings to those who do not include God in their life. No matter how unfair we see life, it will not go well for the wicked in the end. A good New Years resolution for everyone would be to focus on their spirituality. No, don’t get all weird about it. Start investigating and studying to answer some of the questions you have about yourself. Is this life all there is, and do I truly need to be preparing for the spiritual life that follows? Awaken your spirit. Let God in, and discover a peaceful, fulfilling life.
Another year is dawning; Dear Father let it be; In working or in waiting; Another year with thee. Another year of progress; Another year of praise; Another year of proving, thy presence all the days. Another year of mercies; Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness; the glory of thy face. Another year of leaning, upon thy loving breast; Another year of trusting; Of quiet, happy rest. Another year of service; Of witness for thy love; Another year of training, for holier work above. Another year is dawning; Dear Father, let it be; On earth, as it is in heaven; Another year for thee.
[Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14] My most used study Bible introduces Solomon’s book as follows: “Life seems inconsistent, unpredictable, and unfair at times. No matter the generation, no matter the time in history, the righteous and the wicked have the same experiences, face the same trials, and grapple with the same problems. And all end up in the grave! As people grow older they look back and see what a breath, what a vapor, life is. It passes so quickly. What was its purpose? Was what we strove to obtain worth it? Did we live as we should have? What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun? And what is the conclusion of it all?” I think no one experienced life to the fullest as did Solomon. Did he regret some of his experiences? I think all of us can say yes to that, including Solomon. What is life? It is a gift from God and without God involved in my life, life becomes meaningless. Read the entire book of Ecclesiastes. In it you’ll find several warnings to those who do not include God in their life. No matter how unfair we see life, it will not go well for the wicked in the end. A good New Years resolution for everyone would be to focus on their spirituality. No, don’t get all weird about it. Start investigating and studying to answer some of the questions you have about yourself. Is this life all there is, and do I truly need to be preparing for the spiritual life that follows? Awaken your spirit. Let God in, and discover a peaceful, fulfilling life.
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