O.K.; it’s time to stand up and be counted! How many of you are still sticking to your New Years resolutions? All right, good! Now for the rest of you, what happened? Well, we’re only half way through the month and it’s never too late to try again. Most of the time we’re trying to form a new habit or break a bad habit and I’ve got to tell you it’s not easy to do. Think of it this way. Psychologists tell us it takes twenty-eight days to form a habit that will stick to our everyday lifestyle. But, I’ve never read about getting rid of a habit, so I came up with my own formula using personal experiences. I believe it takes thirty days to rid yourself of a habit. The two extra days are for you to decide you really want to get rid of the habit. That’s where most people fail. They haven’t truly made up their mind they want to stop or start doing something that will change their lifestyle. Then of course, we need a little encouragement from our friends and family. So I say to you who are holding on and changing your lifestyle, keep going, you’re already half way there, only fifteen days to go. For you who have slipped, don’t be discouraged. Consider the last try practice, take two days to think about it and try again.
We may not always realize that everything we do; Affects not only our lives, but touches others too. A single happy smile can always brighten up the day; For anyone who happens to be passing by your way. And a little bit of thoughtfulness that shows someone you care; Creates a ray of sunshine for both of you to share. Yes, every time you offer someone a helping hand; Every time you show a friend that you understand; Every time you have a kind and gentle word to give; You help someone to find beauty in this precious life we live. For happiness brings happiness and loving ways bring love; And giving is the treasure, that contentment is made of. (Author Unknown)
[Hebrews (chapters) 11, 12 & 13] Do you need encouragement in your resolution to become a more dedicated, faithful Christian? Maybe your resolution is a little more difficult, like it was for the Jews in the first century, in your wanting to enter into the Christian lifestyle. The author of this letter to the Hebrew people is unknown, but nevertheless was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is a great encouraging message to anyone wanting to become a child of God. Chapter 11 tells of those who by faith followed God’s lead, not looking for a reward in this life for being obedient, but expecting God to reward them with the promise of a heavenly home. Their faith has affected billions of people throughout history. Chapter 12 talks to us about what we must do to approach the throne of God. We must change our lifestyle by turning away from sin and looking to Jesus for guidance. The writer tells us to expect discipline from God, as a father would discipline a child. Then the writer tells of some of the habits we must start and stop in our life, for the Holy Spirit is warning us that God is not someone to mess with. Our reward will come in two different ways and it is purely up to each individual which reward he will receive. Then with our faith in tack and growing Chapter 13 tells of how we are to continue living showing our deep faith and affecting those about us by telling them of the influence Jesus has had in our life. (1 Timothy 1: 15-16) Paul calls himself the worst of sinners, but grace was given him so Jesus would affect others through him. God’s grace awaits you, so you can show others God’s love.
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