This past week has been a challenge to say the least. It started with the old man in me jumping out growling and snapping in a frustrated moment. Quit inappropriate and uncalled for, but God’s not finished with me yet. Yes, I’m making amends. Then a co-worker, who had been slowly returning to his duties around the plant, following his recovery from a broken hip, took a tumble and broke his other hip. Soooo, he’s back in the hospital and probably looking at another good three to four months before he’s back to where he was at the first of last week. The transmission in my vehicle is about to crater, actually it’s dying a slow death every mile that’s added. I was hoping to get it into the shop, but as things can go, my mechanic got behind with a couple of jobs that just didn’t want to go right. I’ve been there and experienced all that. He’ll get it this week, I hope. I still have two habits I’ll probably never rid myself of. One is I have a hard time saying NO. So, as a friend puts it, my plate is full most all the time. The other, as I look around my office, is, I keep dragging stuff home for use in some future, as of yet, unknown date. If I would just file some of it away, but I always want to re-read everything and run myself out of time. Oh well, I do enjoy being busy and reading some inspirational quips and stories seems to bring me back into the light of understanding.
I found this while sorting a pile of papers. It’s a list of sayings found on church building marquees. The Best Vitamin For A Christian Is B1. Under The Same Father & Son Management For Nearly 2000 Years. SOUL FOOD SERVED HERE. Tithe If You Love Jesus; Anyone Can HONK! Don’t Give Up! Moses Was Once A Basket Case. TO BELITTLE IS TO BE LITTLE. What Part Of: “THOU SHALT NOT” Don’t You Understand? Can’t Sleep? Try Counting Your Blessings. NEVER GIVE THE DEVIL A RIDE; HE ALWAYS WANTS TO DRIVE. Satan Subtracts And Divides; God Adds And Multiplies. Prevent TRUTH Decay. Brush Up On Your Bible. CHRISTIANS KEEP THE FAITH, BUT NOT FROM OTHERS. Life Has Many Choices. Eternity Has Two. What’s Yours? It’s Hard To Stumble When You’re On Your Knees. A Clear Conscience Makes A Soft Pillow. Forbidden Fruits Create Many Jams. GOD ANSWERS KNEE-MAIL.
[2 Peter 1: 3-11] (NIV) These quick quips are posted in hopes that passers-by will take the notion to say, “Hmmmm” and think about their eternal future. In the light of my little stumble I went back to the checklist provided by Peter as to the progress of my Christian walk. And when I go through this list (v 5-7) I have to agree with what he says in v.8, when I fail in any of these areas I become unproductive as a witness to my Lord and Savior. In most areas I can confidently say I show Christ, but in a few I still stumble more often than I would like, yet a whole lot less than in earlier times. To admit it, my weakest points are self-control and brotherly kindness. How we all can fly off the handle for the least little reason sometimes and we also have a tendency to be talking about others. But Peter says to keep trying. This Christian lifestyle came to us through hearing about it from someone and we’ve elected to join in. No one has forced it upon us. So, the world and our sinful nature are always trying to drag us away from it. I don’t about you, but I’m working hard toward that “rich welcome into the eternal kingdom” one day.
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