Friday, March 09, 2007


I was talking with a friend the other day about the changes we’re seeing in our local community and in the U.S. in general. Our local area has been experiencing changes for some time now as more and more farm and ranch lands are being sold off for housing development. Peanut farming is all but extinct, jeopardizing the recognition our city and county as “The Peanut Capital Of Texas”. Of the two dozen or more dairies that use to dot the local country-side, there’re all gone, save one or two. The “Mom and Pop” business is just about a thing of the past, as everyone is well aware of. My friend thought it an absolute sin that Toyota has been allowed to race with the “good ole boys” of NASCAR. He called the Camry a foreign car whereupon I had to correct him. I said, “Think about this. Of the four auto manufacturers represented in NASCAR Cup racing, the Chevy Monty Carlo and the Dodge Charger are made in Canada, the Ford Fusion is made in Mexico and the only car made in America is the Toyota Camry.” What’s wrong with this picture? Then we got to talking and thinking about all the changes an eighty or ninety-year-old has seen in their lifetime. Change is good, right?
A hunter went to a lodge and bagged a record number of birds. The reason is that he was allowed to use an incredible hunting dog named “Salesman”. That dog was the hardest working, with the most productive spirit, the hunter had ever seen. The next year the hunter returned and asked to use Salesman again. “That mutt ain’t no good any more”, the handler said. “What happened!!” cried the sportsman. “Was he injured …is he sick?” “No”, replied the handler. “Some fool come here and called him ‘Sales Manager’ for a full week. Now all he does is sit around and bark all the time.”
A new congregation needed a preacher. They agreed to look for one that would stay a long time, because typically they stay for a year or two then leave. Several preachers were interviewed and one prospect came close to fulfilling their expectations until they neared the end of his interview. “I’ve been preaching for twenty-five years and I’ve preached for only two congregations. I faithfully continued with both, until they died.”
[Deuteronomy 4: 1-31] A reader of this column from Ohio dropped me a line the other day to inform me of yet another disturbing change. The third time might be a charm, one dollar simulated gold coin is about to go into circulation, again. The two previous coins were emblazoned with images, one an American Indian, I don’t recall her name, and the other, Susan B. Anthony. The new coin sports a portrait of the all American stand-by, George Washington. But something obvious is missing. “IN GOD WE TRUST”, is gone!! Talk is to take it off paper money also in an ever stronger effort to “separate church from state”, I’ve never totally understood that concept. While patient pains-taking surgical like separation is taking place by atheistic nay-sayer’s, the very foundation of our country is being eroded away. God and prayer have long since been removed from our schools and take a look around you at the disgusting moral values we are witnessing in our young people. The money of the United States of America is based on nothing but the God fearing good word of the man holding it. Take God completely out of the equation and I don’t think there’s enough gold in the world to support U.S. Be careful what you change for the good of all. Remember, GOOD minus GOD equals O.

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