“Take me to your leader!” Remember the years of science fiction movies where the alien from outer space demanded to meet with a leader? I often wondered how the alien knew the person they were talking to wasn’t who they were looking for. I consider myself somewhat a leader, but in my lifetime one thing’s for sure, I’m glad for the leaders we have had over the years in this country. I’ve experienced some mighty anxious times in the past, what we now call “historical moments in time”. Just some of the things that come to mind are; the Great Northeast Blackout in 1965, where I grew up; the Assassination of President Kennedy, Nov. 22 1963, a very solemn Thanksgiving that year; Equal Rights Movements, over the years, some good, some not so good; Urban Riots, a very ugly time; Sputnik; Communism, it’s rise and fall; the Atomic Bomb Era; the Race to the Moon, which wasn’t a race at all; Vietnam and now it’s brother Iraq; the Berlin Wall; the loss of two NASA Shuttles; 9-11; and of course our present World Wide Financial Crisis. I’ve really only touched the hem of the historical garment, but it’s a reminder that as a people we’ve survived history, moving on to make more history, in spite of ourselves. I think sometimes the only lessons we learn from history is how to stick our necks out farther, thumbing our nose at the possibility of losing our head, all the while playing chicken with the guillotine operator. Just who is in charge, anyway?
[1 Timothy 2: 1-2] “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intersession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” I received an email from a friend the day after the elections reminding me of just who I am and who’s in charge. It’s a very well thought out and written essay by a minister of the gospel, Randy Missildine. I want to share a few thoughts from it, and if you wish to read his entire column, I have it posted on my blog. It’s entitled, “Where Do We Go From Here?”. The national election for the next president of the United States has been decided and with mixed emotions some citizens are elated and some disappointed, but all are asking, “What’s going to happen now?” and “What does the future hold?”. As a Christian, where do I go from here, what do I do now? If you’re worried about what decisions the new president will make, what policies he will try to enact, what direction he will take this country in, then pray for him. PRAY HARD! Pray the president and the congress will look to God for guidance, the they will seek to do His will. And remember this one thing. God is still in control. Some think we are looking into the depths of God’s wrath on this country for the evil we have allowed to blossom over recent decades. Maybe so, I don’t know. Read your Bible and you’ll discover God has in the past allowed bad things to happen to accomplish His will. If God is indeed bringing punishment upon this nation, faithful Christians may suffer some of the consequences. The righteous often suffer with the unrighteous, but Christians must be faithful. Our leaders are appointed of God. Read God’s will on this matter, (Romans 13: 1-7 & 1 Peter 2: 13-17). It doesn’t matter who the president is, who’s in congress or even what kind of government we have. Our first loyalty is to God and his will. We should never be afraid of what the future holds, rather rejoice over our future reward, (2 Timothy 4:8). Pray, Pray, Pray.
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