Do you remember the self-improvement craze of the late nineties? It seemed like everybody was writing a book on how to change ones lifestyle to live a happier life. Well, that sort of got pushed aside for a short while by extremist that had us all shook up over Y2K and the world falling apart at midnight December 31, 1999. After the dust settled and we awoke in a new century to find nothing had really changed, the self-improvement regime returned with a few new twists added, like how we shouldn’t worry so much and how stress was bad for our health. And if we weren’t depressed enough in our feelings of neglect toward our physical well-being every time we stepped on the scales, our psyche completely fell apart September 11, 2001. It’s my belief that obesity has stemmed from armchair psycho book writers convincing, happy to have what they’ve got, contented 8-5 laborers, that they’re failures in life because they don’t drive a Lincoln. So, one day you find yourself eating potato chips, washing them down with soda while sitting in front of the TV listening to someone telling you to go out and buy yourself something new to make yourself feel better. How did this happen? But guess what? That’s exactly what the world did and now we’re so far in debt we actually believe it’s all someone else’s fault. But, look on the horizon. There’s a change coming! Ya, right! You and I must change to bring about a change. Think about it.
TODAY, I have decided to change my life. TODAY, I have decided to improve my lifestyle. TODAY, I have decided to improve my attitude. It will not all change by tomorrow, but it will start with me today. The past is no longer and tomorrow will be what I make of it. TODAY, I will forgive, even myself. TODAY, I will forget the past, because it is forever unchangeable. TODAY, I will give, love, lend an ear and smile at a stranger, because tomorrow I may need these things. TODAY, I will rely on God to make my tomorrow’s better and if tomorrow never comes, I’m happy I changed, today.
A man went to the doctor seeking a cure for his snoring. During his examination the doctor asked, “Does it bother you wife or keep her awake at night?” The man replied, “No, it just embarrasses her. It’s the rest of the congregation that’s upset with me.”
A husband and wife got into a petty argument. As is our nature, neither of them would admit the possibility that one of them might be in error. To her credit the wife finally said, “Look, I’ll tell you what. I’ll admit I’m wrong to arguing with you if you’ll admit I was right in the first place.” “Fine”, he said. Taking a deep breath, she looked him straight in the eye and said, “I was wrong.” He grinned and replied, “You’re right.”
[Matthew 6: 19-34] The best self-improvement book ever written, Proverbs, was authored by the “teacher”, King Solomon, son of David, over two thousand years ago. The book begins with its purpose “...for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young.” At the end of the authors introduction he adds “...The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Seek first the kingdom of God and life will no longer be a burden. People own one, but don’t read it. Wisdom comes from God’s Word, the BIBLE; Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
1 comment:
Just wanted to share that if self-improvement is one of your new year resolutions, this book - Free Mind Free Body - might help.
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