New Year’s seemed to slip right on by in the blink of my eye and without a moment of celebration. I awoke to the fact that the first month of the year has already slipped by, practically un-noticed, on my way to burning up another decade. It amazes me how fast Monday morning can turn into Saturday afternoon. I saw a refrigerator magnet the other day that read, “Caution! Dates On The Calendar May Be Closer Than They Appear”. Isn’t that the truth! The old saying, “The older you get the faster time travels”, is a prevalent reality and I don’t care if it fits E=MC2 or not. I don’t think I’m alone here when I confess I’ve have opened books, magazines, articles and unfinished DVD’s everywhere. 24 hours just doesn’t seem to be long enough to complete one thought before moving on to the next, hence, my New Year’s resolution, which I seem to be failing at miserably so far. I really don’t know how to state it, but last year was dedicated to my health, which I did well at, thank you very much, and continuing in that tradition I am going to add a healthier mind, you know, get rid of some more “stinkin thinkin”. I may end up with a swollen tongue by the end of this year, but I’m going to try hard.
Every successful man loves to think he has done it all on his own, his wife smiles and lets it go at that. The difference between the old and the young; the old forget and the young don’t know yet. An old timer is one who remembers when people aimed to get to heaven instead of the moon.
An artist asked the gallery owner if anyone had shown interest in his work. “I’ve got good news and bad news”, she said. “The good news is that some guy inquired if your work would appreciate in value after you died. When I told him I thought it would he bought all 15 of you paintings.” “And the bad?” “He said he was your doctor.”
Three weak Christians were out of town on a trip together sharing a room. The first said to the others, “Let’s confess our secret sins, one to another. I’ll start …my secret sin is I love to gamble and I do so every chance I get.” The second one said, “My secret sin is I love to steal, and I’ve stolen from just about everyone I know.” The third one confessed, “My secret sin is gossiping, and oh boy, I can’t wait until we get back home!”
[Psalm 46] In the midst of it all, God says, “Be still, and know that I am God”. I have learned this one important thing, the world will not stop if I do. Oh, I know I’m important to a few people in this world, but I’m not all that important. I know this world can and will survive without me if I were to depart tomorrow. Don’t call me now, thinking I’m all depressed. I’m just saying it’s time we all slow down from our running just to keep up. The world seems to be rushing into eternity all the while running away from the Eternal One. We need to slow down and bow down, taking time to give thanks for the blessings of life and confess our sins to the One who will forgive us, not exploit us. Paul writes, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again; Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 4-7) I’ve been working on this goal for a long time, but I for one feel it necessary to make a more conscientious effort for my Lord.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Power Of Prayer
The natural disaster, which occurred in Haiti, is being labeled as the worst in modern history, when it comes to the loss of life. Mass graves of up to 10,000 bodies are becoming commonplace as the estimated death toll is expected to exceed 100,000. As I watch reports on CNN in the evening, my heart and my prayers are for the survivors and their future. I also try to imagine going through thirty seconds of violent shaking of the earth and watching everything around me crumble to dust. What would I do and how would I feel as I gazed out at what was, and is no more? Every time I see destruction, death and suffering, natural or man induced, I thank my God for the blessings of my life.
The future is impossible to predict with absolute certainty. Will tomorrow come? Who knows? If tomorrow comes, will I be a part of it? Then again, will I want to be a part of it when I find out what the day brings forth for my life? Then, should I not plan for tomorrow? I am destined to survive as long as I can even knowing my final demise. I will, and should, plan for tomorrow, years in advance, expecting to be there when tomorrow arrives. In all of this, I must also plan for my departure from this life to the next. So, how does one keep from dwelling on the finality of life? I can tell you what changed my life. I quit being a slave to the world. When we do not trust or have faith in the Creator of life for happiness, but lean on our own thinking and the influences of the world for completeness, we’re hammering a square peg into a round hole every day. I know I’m an alien to this world, a sojourner for God, living His will, not mine. Yes, you’re right, not an easy thing to do. So how does one accomplish it? I can testify, God must be in your thoughts, in all you do and say. Satan and the world will do all it can to defeat your cause, but God gives us a back up, prayer. What a concept! Ask, according to His will, and it will be give to you. There is comfort and total satisfaction in answered prayer. Happiness is knowing that I’m protected and loved, and have a home in the future, where there is no more death and destruction, heartaches or tears, only love.
The Power of Prayer by Joseph Ferrara. “The power of prayer cannot be measured, ‘tis just a feeling to be treasured. Its power shows in many ways, as we offer God our heartfelt praise. A prayer is a feeling deep inside, a plea to God, our paths to guide. We pray that He be always there, for all His children, everywhere. The power of a prayer, though not in sight, is there through day and dark of night. It gives one strength, where there was none, to prove God’s work is never done. At times, Dear Lord, I would ask of thee, to grant to me one special plea. To free me from my dark despair, through the mighty power of a prayer. God caters to every race and creed, ready to help all those in need. He will give to all His blessings rare, through just the power of a prayer.”
[John 9: 1-5] Why did Haiti crumble to the ground? “…but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed…” The thought of how many lives that will be changed through this disaster is staggering. The thought of how many prayers around the world have been offered up to God because of this disaster is even more staggering. Why does it take a disaster for the world to rekindle relationships with God, begging Him for mercy? Look around you. Does God not know how to give good gifts? (Matthew 7: 7-12) We should be on our knees thanking God for today and for the day He has promised.
The future is impossible to predict with absolute certainty. Will tomorrow come? Who knows? If tomorrow comes, will I be a part of it? Then again, will I want to be a part of it when I find out what the day brings forth for my life? Then, should I not plan for tomorrow? I am destined to survive as long as I can even knowing my final demise. I will, and should, plan for tomorrow, years in advance, expecting to be there when tomorrow arrives. In all of this, I must also plan for my departure from this life to the next. So, how does one keep from dwelling on the finality of life? I can tell you what changed my life. I quit being a slave to the world. When we do not trust or have faith in the Creator of life for happiness, but lean on our own thinking and the influences of the world for completeness, we’re hammering a square peg into a round hole every day. I know I’m an alien to this world, a sojourner for God, living His will, not mine. Yes, you’re right, not an easy thing to do. So how does one accomplish it? I can testify, God must be in your thoughts, in all you do and say. Satan and the world will do all it can to defeat your cause, but God gives us a back up, prayer. What a concept! Ask, according to His will, and it will be give to you. There is comfort and total satisfaction in answered prayer. Happiness is knowing that I’m protected and loved, and have a home in the future, where there is no more death and destruction, heartaches or tears, only love.
The Power of Prayer by Joseph Ferrara. “The power of prayer cannot be measured, ‘tis just a feeling to be treasured. Its power shows in many ways, as we offer God our heartfelt praise. A prayer is a feeling deep inside, a plea to God, our paths to guide. We pray that He be always there, for all His children, everywhere. The power of a prayer, though not in sight, is there through day and dark of night. It gives one strength, where there was none, to prove God’s work is never done. At times, Dear Lord, I would ask of thee, to grant to me one special plea. To free me from my dark despair, through the mighty power of a prayer. God caters to every race and creed, ready to help all those in need. He will give to all His blessings rare, through just the power of a prayer.”
[John 9: 1-5] Why did Haiti crumble to the ground? “…but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed…” The thought of how many lives that will be changed through this disaster is staggering. The thought of how many prayers around the world have been offered up to God because of this disaster is even more staggering. Why does it take a disaster for the world to rekindle relationships with God, begging Him for mercy? Look around you. Does God not know how to give good gifts? (Matthew 7: 7-12) We should be on our knees thanking God for today and for the day He has promised.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It Could be Tomorrow
It never ceases to amaze me that I can go about in life perfectly happy then suddenly discover I’m about as intelligent as a stump. This technical world is slowly but surely leaving me in its wake as it cruises away from me, but I suppose every generation before me has felt the same rejection. What really gets me is how little investigation I’ve done to quench my curiosities of the simple world I live in. I don’t know if that makes sense to you or not, but I’ll give you an example. All my life I’ve just sort of blew on past December 26th like it didn’t even exist, yet on most calendars its designated as a Canadian holiday called, Boxing Day. I always thought it weird to have a big fistfight championship the day after exhibiting love and peace, but then again the cultural antics of other countries were none of my business. I just couldn’t help myself, so I Googled it to get the facts. Low and behold, it’s an old English custom of giving Christmas boxes to tradesmen, postmen, and servants. The original boxes were of earthenware containing money, retrieved by breaking the boxes open. These days, a gift of money is usually contained in a greeting card, given before the holiday. Not at all as barbaric as I thought. The date on the calendar is merely a custom, but held true to by some older generations in Great Britain, Canada and Australia. It’s also a huge soccer day. (Barbaric football.)
A widower went to a pet store to buy a parrot, thinking the bird might fill some of the lonely hours. The next day he returned to complain, “The bird doesn’t talk.” The storeowner sold him a cage mirror, “When the bird sees his reflection he’ll start talking away.” The new bird owner returned the next day complaining the bird hadn’t said a single word. The storeowner sold him a swing, “Birds love little swings and a happy bird is a talkative bird.” Still, the bird never spoke a word. The pet shop owner then sold the man a ladder for the birdcage. “That has to be the problem,” explained the expert, “Your bird needs some exercise. I’m sure he’ll start talking once he starts climbing his ladder.” The next day the man returned to the store. “Did the ladder work? asked the storekeeper. “The parrot died”, said the saddened man. “I’m so sorry,” said the stunned businessman. “Did the bird ever talk?” he inquired. “Yes”, replied the widower. “He finally talked just before he died. He said, ‘Don’t they sell birdseed at that pet store?’”
[Matthew 24: 36-51] January 12, 2010 was a day much like any other day in Port-au-Prince, Haiti until a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the city. People were going about doing business, eating and drinking, caring for their families and doing what must be done to survive another day. In less than one minute, total devastation swept over the people. Some want to say it is a punishment from God. Give ma a break! It’s called life; no more, no less. Cars crash, planes fall out of the sky, trains derail, tornadoes tear things up and people get in the way. Survivors will move on in their lives, building new cages, filling them with new toys, gadgets and other stuff that will mistakenly represent happiness. The punishments of God will come when we leave this world. Happiness is knowing that we will survive spiritually in everlasting life and love with God. Excessive consumption of possessions will not make us sing praises to the One who supplies them. To enjoy the next life, we must be feeding ourselves the Word of God, now. A home is being prepared for you. Are you ready to move in? Moving day could be tomorrow.
A widower went to a pet store to buy a parrot, thinking the bird might fill some of the lonely hours. The next day he returned to complain, “The bird doesn’t talk.” The storeowner sold him a cage mirror, “When the bird sees his reflection he’ll start talking away.” The new bird owner returned the next day complaining the bird hadn’t said a single word. The storeowner sold him a swing, “Birds love little swings and a happy bird is a talkative bird.” Still, the bird never spoke a word. The pet shop owner then sold the man a ladder for the birdcage. “That has to be the problem,” explained the expert, “Your bird needs some exercise. I’m sure he’ll start talking once he starts climbing his ladder.” The next day the man returned to the store. “Did the ladder work? asked the storekeeper. “The parrot died”, said the saddened man. “I’m so sorry,” said the stunned businessman. “Did the bird ever talk?” he inquired. “Yes”, replied the widower. “He finally talked just before he died. He said, ‘Don’t they sell birdseed at that pet store?’”
[Matthew 24: 36-51] January 12, 2010 was a day much like any other day in Port-au-Prince, Haiti until a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the city. People were going about doing business, eating and drinking, caring for their families and doing what must be done to survive another day. In less than one minute, total devastation swept over the people. Some want to say it is a punishment from God. Give ma a break! It’s called life; no more, no less. Cars crash, planes fall out of the sky, trains derail, tornadoes tear things up and people get in the way. Survivors will move on in their lives, building new cages, filling them with new toys, gadgets and other stuff that will mistakenly represent happiness. The punishments of God will come when we leave this world. Happiness is knowing that we will survive spiritually in everlasting life and love with God. Excessive consumption of possessions will not make us sing praises to the One who supplies them. To enjoy the next life, we must be feeding ourselves the Word of God, now. A home is being prepared for you. Are you ready to move in? Moving day could be tomorrow.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Check It Out Yourself
A mere six months ago, we were complaining about the 100 plus degree-days and a severe drought to go alone with them. Two months ago, it started cooling off and raining. Today we’re complaining it’s too cold and praying it won’t rain during this freeze we now find ourselves in. As long as the wind settles down and it doesn’t snow I’ll be all right. Hey, I moved 1800 miles south to avoid such weather and I don’t get all excited when a few snowflakes are floating in the air. This January’s weather pattern hasn’t been experienced for many years around here and it certainly doesn’t fit in with the “Global Warming” phenomenon. I’m still riding the other train when it comes to all the hoopla over this climate thing. I’ve looked at the pros and cons and feel I’ve reached a rational thought about this. There are scientists who are actually in hiding out of fear for expressing their theory on the warming trend the earth has been experiencing the last decade. They have concluded that the sun is going through a cycle of extreme activity, thus putting off more radiant heat. In just the past six months this activity has slowed dramatically and a more normal weather pattern has developed around the world. I for one can’t accept the fact that man can pump more pollutants into the air than the seven or so active volcanoes around the world on any given day. And, I’m told the worst of the “greenhouse gasses” is CO2. Isn’t that what plants use to grow? If I remember right, growing plants expel oxygen, you know, the stuff we breathe. If we need to reduce the CO2 content of our atmosphere, stop cutting down the rain forests and plant more trees. Instead, people are, once again, exploiting the common man, and getting rich with lies.
A Minister announced to his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach on the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I would like you all to read from the book of Mark, chapter 17.” The following Sunday, as he prepared to begin his sermon lesson, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Every hand in the audience went up. The minister smiled and said, “The book of Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my lesson on the sin of lying.”
[Acts 17: 1-13] Paul and Silas were traveling, after being released from prison in Philippi, and teaching the hope of salvation from the already existing Scriptures used in the Jewish synagogue. They taught that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the promised one of God. He had suffered and died at the hands of jealous men and had risen from the dead. Some believed, but there were still those who, for fear of losing their prominent position, made up stories, causing confusion, even riots, and then blaming the believers for the trouble. Paul and Silas were helped to escape that city and went on to Berea. It’s interesting that the Holy Spirit would show this contrast in people by stating; “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” When was the last time you opened your Bible and actually read and reasoned for yourself what was being taught to you, concerning the church and the plan of salvation, to see if it was true and according to God’s Word? Are you working out your own salvation through God’s plan, or are you trusting the teaching and theories of someone who’s words you like to hear? (Philippians 2: 12-13) It is God who saves you.
A Minister announced to his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach on the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I would like you all to read from the book of Mark, chapter 17.” The following Sunday, as he prepared to begin his sermon lesson, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Every hand in the audience went up. The minister smiled and said, “The book of Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my lesson on the sin of lying.”
[Acts 17: 1-13] Paul and Silas were traveling, after being released from prison in Philippi, and teaching the hope of salvation from the already existing Scriptures used in the Jewish synagogue. They taught that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the promised one of God. He had suffered and died at the hands of jealous men and had risen from the dead. Some believed, but there were still those who, for fear of losing their prominent position, made up stories, causing confusion, even riots, and then blaming the believers for the trouble. Paul and Silas were helped to escape that city and went on to Berea. It’s interesting that the Holy Spirit would show this contrast in people by stating; “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” When was the last time you opened your Bible and actually read and reasoned for yourself what was being taught to you, concerning the church and the plan of salvation, to see if it was true and according to God’s Word? Are you working out your own salvation through God’s plan, or are you trusting the teaching and theories of someone who’s words you like to hear? (Philippians 2: 12-13) It is God who saves you.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
When Mortality Knocks
When mortality knocks, everyone listens. My neighbor, who also happens to be our daughter’s father-in-law, passed away on Christmas day. He had been ill for over a year with a cancer and in spite of all the known medicines and treatments no cure or remission ever came. He had a short “bucket list”, wanting to travel to Europe, which he fulfilled, accompanied by his wife and daughter, only twelve days before his death. 2009 had filled my soul to the brim with the illnesses and deaths of family and friends and I for one was looking forward to a new year and prayerfully a year of joy and health. However, there was one more wake-up call on the horizon, no one saw coming. While preparing a photo collage DVD for her father-in-law’s funeral, our daughter suffered a stress heart attack. Needless to say, she missed attending his funeral, but will survive her own mortal demise for now. It’s hard to know all of what goes on in the life of another, but in times like these, it seems oh so easy to give advice. While we’re examining the neglect in tending to our mortal bodies, we’re ready at hand to prove the consequences on a personal level, showing a desire for our loved one not to suffer the same. When it gets right down to it, the best I can do is pray for a healthier body and mortal awareness.
Mrs. Watson was terribly overweight. Her doctor put her on a strict diet. “I want you to eat normally for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you will have lost at least five pounds.” When Mrs. Watson returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly twenty pounds. “Why, that’s amazing!” the doctor said, “Did you follow my instructions?” Mrs. Watson nodded affirmatively. “I’ll tell you though; I thought I was going to drop dead at the end of the third day.” “From hunger you mean?” asked the doctor. “No, from skipping!”
After Bible class, where she had been taught about Jesus’ return, a little girl was quizzing her mother, “Mommy, do you believe Jesus will come back?” “Yes”, mother replied. “Could He come this week?” “Yes.” “Could He come tomorrow?” “Yes” “Today?” “Yes” “This hour?” “Yes” “Mommy, would you please comb my hair?”
[Jeremiah 8: 4-20] He brushed his teeth twice a day, with a widely approved toothpaste. The doctors examined him twice a year. He wore his boots when it rained. He slept with the window open for the fresh air. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several worn out glands. He golfed, but never more than eighteen holes at a time. He got at least eight hours of sleep every night. He never smoked, drank or lost his temper. He was all set up to live to be one hundred. His funeral was Wednesday. Twelve physical specialists, four health institutes, six gymnasiums and numerous manufacturers of health foods and antiseptics, survive him. He made just one mistake. He forgot God and lived as if this world was all there is. Humanity strives to survive on history passed, learning from its mistakes, to stretch life a precious few more days, weeks, months even years. All the while, much of humanity is ignoring the history of the God who gives life. Throughout the Bible, God begs mankind to get to know and understand him. The God given spirit within you will never die for it is made in the image of God, who has always been and will always be. Consider the health of your spirit before, “summer has ended, and we are not saved.” God loves you.
Mrs. Watson was terribly overweight. Her doctor put her on a strict diet. “I want you to eat normally for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you will have lost at least five pounds.” When Mrs. Watson returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly twenty pounds. “Why, that’s amazing!” the doctor said, “Did you follow my instructions?” Mrs. Watson nodded affirmatively. “I’ll tell you though; I thought I was going to drop dead at the end of the third day.” “From hunger you mean?” asked the doctor. “No, from skipping!”
After Bible class, where she had been taught about Jesus’ return, a little girl was quizzing her mother, “Mommy, do you believe Jesus will come back?” “Yes”, mother replied. “Could He come this week?” “Yes.” “Could He come tomorrow?” “Yes” “Today?” “Yes” “This hour?” “Yes” “Mommy, would you please comb my hair?”
[Jeremiah 8: 4-20] He brushed his teeth twice a day, with a widely approved toothpaste. The doctors examined him twice a year. He wore his boots when it rained. He slept with the window open for the fresh air. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several worn out glands. He golfed, but never more than eighteen holes at a time. He got at least eight hours of sleep every night. He never smoked, drank or lost his temper. He was all set up to live to be one hundred. His funeral was Wednesday. Twelve physical specialists, four health institutes, six gymnasiums and numerous manufacturers of health foods and antiseptics, survive him. He made just one mistake. He forgot God and lived as if this world was all there is. Humanity strives to survive on history passed, learning from its mistakes, to stretch life a precious few more days, weeks, months even years. All the while, much of humanity is ignoring the history of the God who gives life. Throughout the Bible, God begs mankind to get to know and understand him. The God given spirit within you will never die for it is made in the image of God, who has always been and will always be. Consider the health of your spirit before, “summer has ended, and we are not saved.” God loves you.
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