It seems everybody is vying for your attention with whatever ammunition they can come up with to fire at you, hopefully hitting a bull’s eye. You think I’m crazy, right? Let’s just start with the mailbox. The only thing you even look for in the mail anymore is the utility bills and a few Christmas cards. The rest of it is junk headed straight for the trash. Then you probably don’t even want to think about the ringing of the telephone. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little tired, no, a lot tired, of the same companies calling me at the same time every day, with the same recorded message that I don’t want to listen to the nine hundredth time, any more than I wanted to listen to it the first time. Now, the advertizing on the major TV networks is totally out of control. A one-hour show is probably less than forty minutes long and the rest of the hour is devoted to prying money out of your wallet. Did you know the good ole USA is the only country that advertises medicines? Magazines are another thing all together. If you can think of an activity, I’ll bet there’s a magazine devoted to it. We are a consumer driven society where one size does not fit all and if I can’t find a size comfortable to fit my needs, I’ll simply develop a new performance package and market it to others, as fashionably new.
People are like potatoes. Some people never seem motivated to participate, but are content to watch others. They’re known as “Speck-taters”. Some people never do anything spectacular. They just lead simple lives. They’re known as “Common-taters”. Some are always looking to cause problems and get under your skin. They’re known as “Adja-taters”. There are those who always say they will, but somehow never get around to doing. They’re known as “Hezza-taters”. Some people put on a front, acting like someone else. They’re known as “Imma-taters”. Then there are those who walk what they talk. They are always prepare to stop what they are doing, to lend a hand and bring real sunshine into the lives of others. They’re best known as “Sweet-taters”.
Magazine Editor: “So, you wish a position as a proofreader, is that right?” Applicant: “Yes sir.” Editor: “Do you understand the requirements of this position?” Applicant: “Perfectly sir. Whenever you make any mistakes in your magazine, just blame them on me, and I’ll never say a word.”
[Jeremiah 10: 21] “I know, oh Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Even God’s Word has not escaped cultural fashion grooming, being specifically designed for certain groups of people. I receive Bible catalogs that offer an array of Bibles, the like of which I’ve never seen. Just a few examples are: A Military Bible, A Bible for Military Families, A Sports Bible, and A Bible for Urban Teen Outreach, A Bible for Small Groups, A Bible for Women, A Bible for Kids, A Bible for those Turned off by Religion, A Bible for The Muslim World, A Bible for Those Who Grieve, etc. The list seems endless. There’s a Bible for Racecar Fans, Basketball Fans, Baseball and Football Fans, Police, Cowboys, Campers, Naturalists and a Bible for those Who Face the Challenge of Forgiving. Why? God’s message is not to the physical man of the world, rather the sinful spirit of the man. God’s message is designed to speak directly to the spirit, not through your profession or hobby. We must separate ourselves from the world to understand the will of God for our salvation.
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