Compared to one year ago, we’re having a wonderful Spring season with abundant rains and moderate temperatures. Cool nights and warm afternoons are the perfect weather conditions for new tree growth and the reemergence of summer grasses. That means it’s time for yard grooming and a renewed effort to rid your property of unwanted guests. It seems we’ve become very intolerant toward several nature tenants around our property, with due cause in some cases. Bees and squirrels and birds and ants and snakes and ground moles, along with the occasional possum or skunk, are all looking for a new residence for the summer to raise their new born. The urban NINBY syndrome (Not In My Back Yard) kicks in and we go to war with whatever we don’t want sharing our nest. Between the squirrels digging up nuts, stored last fall, during the day and a visiting possum rooting for grubs during the night, my yard looks like the lunar landscape. I guess it’s time to get the traps out. Anybody still eat these things?
God called the angel in charge of gardening into His office. “You know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there in the USA? What happened to the dandelions, violets and thistles I started eons ago? I thought I had a perfect no-maintenance gardening plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honeybees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now, but all I see are these green rectangles.” “Lord, it’s the tribes that have settled there”, the angel explained, “the Suburbanite’s. They started calling your flowers weeds and went to great lengths to kill them and plant grass.” “Grass!?” “Yes sir. They go to great pains to grow it. They fertilize it in the spring, which also kills any other plant that might want to grow there.” God observed, “The spring rains and warm weather makes the grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanite’s happy.” “Apparently not’, said the angel. “As soon as it grows a little they cut it, sometimes twice a week.” “Do they bail it”, asked the Lord? “Not exactly”, explained the angel, “most of them rake it up and bag it.” “So they sell it.” “No sir”, replied the angel, “just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.” In disbelief, the Lord said, “So the Suburbanite’s fertilize the grass to make it grow so they can cut it and throw it away?” “That’s not all”, replied the angle, “when it stops growing in the summer, due to less rain and higher temperatures, they drag out hoses and pay money to water it to make it grow, so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.” “What nonsense!”, said the Lord. “At least they kept the trees. Beauty and shade in the summer, and when the leaves fall in Autumn, they form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. Plus they rot and enhance the soil. It’s a natural circle of life.” The angel nervously said, “Lord, I think you better sit down before I continue.”
[1 Corinthians 3] The Word of God is direction for mankind to establish a spiritual relationship with God. The church is a support group to encourage righteous living and maintaining a right relationship with God. Yet, we still see humans, being elevated to the same level, if not higher, than God is. Their authority is accepted when God’s is questioned. All humans can do is plant and water the Word of God. Study and listen to God’s Word every day, and Jesus will make it grow in your life, now and forever.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Don't Throw Darts
I’ve been to my specialist again for a look-see at my vocal cords. This appointment was somewhat unscheduled. Eight weeks ago at my normal check-up, the doctor wasn’t real happy at what he saw and wanted to see me again soon. I’m not convinced he’s still happy with what he saw the other day, but my vocal cords did indeed look better. I think I had caused the problem over the holidays by slipping off my diet, eating too much of the wrong stuff. In my case, acid control is a must and I’ve learned sugar is a no-no, but very hard to get away from. It seems sugar is in everything by the carload. I recognized this and between appointments, I got back on my diet and it showed in this exam. Health is important and you’ve got to listen to your body. It has needs, likes and dislikes just like anyone else and you can’t force things on it without consequence. What’s the saying? “Too soon old; Too late smarts.” So true.
John was a student in a Christian university. One of his teachers was known for his elaborate objectivity lessons. John walked into class one day and knew they were in for some fun. On the wall was a big target, and on a nearby table were many darts. The students were invited to draw a picture of someone they disliked, or had made them angry. He and his classmates quickly started drawing. The images were pinned to the target on the wall and one by one, the students were invited to throw darts at their image. Some of the students threw the darts with such force their pictures were ripped. John looked forward to his turn and was filled with disappointment when, because of time limits, the teacher asked the students to return to their seats. As John sat thinking how angry he was because he hadn’t had a chance to throw any darts at his target, the teacher removed the pictures and the large target from the wall. To everyone’s surprise, underneath the target was a picture of Jesus. A hush fell over the room as the students viewed the mangled picture of the Lord. Holes and jagged marks covered his face; His eyes were pierced where the darts had penetrated deeply. The teacher softly uttered a few words to the quiet class, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
[Luke 6: 37-42] Before U were thought of or time had begun, God stuck U in the name of His Son. And each time U pray, you’ll see it’s true; You can’t spell out JesUs and not include U. You’re a pretty big part of His wonderful name; For U, He was born, that’s why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died; It even takes U to spell crUcified. Isn’t it thrilling and splendidly grand, He rose from the dead, with U in His plan? The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U. When JesUs left earth at His Upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He had to mention. “Go into the world and tell them it’s true, that I love them all – Just like I love U.” It all depends now on what U will do, He’d like all to know, But it all starts with U. God has definitely approached mankind with an invitation to come to Him in a spiritual relationship that will last for eternity. I find that God really hasn’t asked much in return when I look at all He has given me. He wants me to forgive others as He has forgiven me, give freely what I have been given, judge others as I would want to be judged and love as I want to be loved. Don’t throw darts blindly with anger, because the one you hurt most is the one that loves you most.
John was a student in a Christian university. One of his teachers was known for his elaborate objectivity lessons. John walked into class one day and knew they were in for some fun. On the wall was a big target, and on a nearby table were many darts. The students were invited to draw a picture of someone they disliked, or had made them angry. He and his classmates quickly started drawing. The images were pinned to the target on the wall and one by one, the students were invited to throw darts at their image. Some of the students threw the darts with such force their pictures were ripped. John looked forward to his turn and was filled with disappointment when, because of time limits, the teacher asked the students to return to their seats. As John sat thinking how angry he was because he hadn’t had a chance to throw any darts at his target, the teacher removed the pictures and the large target from the wall. To everyone’s surprise, underneath the target was a picture of Jesus. A hush fell over the room as the students viewed the mangled picture of the Lord. Holes and jagged marks covered his face; His eyes were pierced where the darts had penetrated deeply. The teacher softly uttered a few words to the quiet class, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
[Luke 6: 37-42] Before U were thought of or time had begun, God stuck U in the name of His Son. And each time U pray, you’ll see it’s true; You can’t spell out JesUs and not include U. You’re a pretty big part of His wonderful name; For U, He was born, that’s why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died; It even takes U to spell crUcified. Isn’t it thrilling and splendidly grand, He rose from the dead, with U in His plan? The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U. When JesUs left earth at His Upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He had to mention. “Go into the world and tell them it’s true, that I love them all – Just like I love U.” It all depends now on what U will do, He’d like all to know, But it all starts with U. God has definitely approached mankind with an invitation to come to Him in a spiritual relationship that will last for eternity. I find that God really hasn’t asked much in return when I look at all He has given me. He wants me to forgive others as He has forgiven me, give freely what I have been given, judge others as I would want to be judged and love as I want to be loved. Don’t throw darts blindly with anger, because the one you hurt most is the one that loves you most.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Spring Has Sprung
Well, Spring has certainly sprung. After the super dry conditions and the lack of cold weather last year, I think everyone has been looking forward to this year’s wild flower season and we haven’t been disappointed. It takes cold weather and moisture to sprout wildflowers and we had plenty of that this past winter. The fields are full of brilliant reds, whites and yellows and the always awaited, last to appear, Bluebonnet, which steals the show by upstaging the rest with its contrasting blue. It seems like over night the trees have put on their summer garb awaiting their chance to lent space for nesting birds and squirrels, shade some barbecue cooks and make a comfy cool spot for an old hound dog or two. The weeds in the yard haven’t totally given up yet, but the grass is coming on with the longer days and warmer nights. Of course, there’s always a down side to beautiful things. Warnings have been posted about the abundance of rattlesnake activity and the bugs are on their way. I discovered squirrels in the church building having found their way into the attic space. I heard them running and tumbling around like out of control first graders, performing their acts of nature, which means I’ve got to get them evicted before there’s a dozen more of them running around. I pray we don’t have to tear half the building down to remedy the situation. Nevertheless, it’s a beautiful time of year and I’m going to enjoy it, pollen reactions and all.
An elderly couple sat in their porch rockers watching a beautiful sunset and reminiscing about the good old days. Suddenly, she turned to him and asked, “Honey, do you remember when we first started dating and how you would just casually reach over and take my hand?” The man looked over at her, smiled and obligingly took her hand. With a wry little smile, she spoke again, “Honey, do you remember when after we were engaged, you’d sometimes lean over and surprise me with a kiss on the cheek?” The man slowly leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her wrinkled cheek. Growing bolder still, she asked, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were married, you’d kind of nibble on my ear?” The man rose from his rocker and entered the house. Confused she asked, “Where you going?” He yelled out, “To get my teeth!”
[Romans 8] Has your life ever reached a plateau? I know it has, I don’t want to be alone here. I’ve been there several times and seem to be there at the moment. I return to this chapter of Romans to regain my bearing on life. It’s hard to not slip back into the old habits of worldly living when life becomes a little mundane. We feel we need something new and exciting to get our blood peculating again. I’m not about to confess some sort of juicy foolishness so settle down. My point is, life just seems to be on hold. Personally, I’m satisfied with the little vacation, so to speak. But, I’ve been here before, many years ago. Being young in the faith, I slipped away for several years. I never became comfortable in my relationship with God just by being good at life. Until I returned to live by the spirit and do life in my Lord’s name, did I become comfortable in life. Through this chapter I can look back to see where I came from, where I am and where I’m going with the confidence of knowing I’m on the right road. My study habits and prayer life are no longer sufficient for who I want to become, hence the plateau. I’m mature enough not to slip away ever again, but I also know I’m not what I ought to be spiritually. The meat of God’s Word is what I need. Where are my teeth?
An elderly couple sat in their porch rockers watching a beautiful sunset and reminiscing about the good old days. Suddenly, she turned to him and asked, “Honey, do you remember when we first started dating and how you would just casually reach over and take my hand?” The man looked over at her, smiled and obligingly took her hand. With a wry little smile, she spoke again, “Honey, do you remember when after we were engaged, you’d sometimes lean over and surprise me with a kiss on the cheek?” The man slowly leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her wrinkled cheek. Growing bolder still, she asked, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were married, you’d kind of nibble on my ear?” The man rose from his rocker and entered the house. Confused she asked, “Where you going?” He yelled out, “To get my teeth!”
[Romans 8] Has your life ever reached a plateau? I know it has, I don’t want to be alone here. I’ve been there several times and seem to be there at the moment. I return to this chapter of Romans to regain my bearing on life. It’s hard to not slip back into the old habits of worldly living when life becomes a little mundane. We feel we need something new and exciting to get our blood peculating again. I’m not about to confess some sort of juicy foolishness so settle down. My point is, life just seems to be on hold. Personally, I’m satisfied with the little vacation, so to speak. But, I’ve been here before, many years ago. Being young in the faith, I slipped away for several years. I never became comfortable in my relationship with God just by being good at life. Until I returned to live by the spirit and do life in my Lord’s name, did I become comfortable in life. Through this chapter I can look back to see where I came from, where I am and where I’m going with the confidence of knowing I’m on the right road. My study habits and prayer life are no longer sufficient for who I want to become, hence the plateau. I’m mature enough not to slip away ever again, but I also know I’m not what I ought to be spiritually. The meat of God’s Word is what I need. Where are my teeth?
Saturday, April 03, 2010
The Bottom Line
I have a rather mixed feeling when it comes to today’s thoughts about free enterprise and the act of profit overshadowing all other consideration of personal well being. I grew up in a small city in Upstate New York during the fifties and sixties. Springtime was a rather significant event, especially after a rather harsh winter. Unlike South Texas, it involves a wardrobe change and the tools of engagement toward household chores changed from snow removal to lawn care and garden tending. Much like South Texas, as long as Texas has winter rains, people have a sense of renewal with the sprouting of flowers filling the countryside with color and the trees putting on their new clothing for the summer. As a youngster, I also felt a sense of Springtime Thanksgiving when Easter rolled around. I grew up in a time when there was no fast-food drive-thru’s and the movie theater was closed on Sunday. It was very rare to find any kind of business open after six, nine at the very latest, on Saturday evening until eight on Monday morning. At noon on “Good Friday”, every business locked their doors and every activity came to a screeching halt until three o’clock. There was a feeling of reverence in the air all day and the anticipation of an awesome celebration to be experienced at worship on the coming Sunday morning. The earth was being resurrected from the winter to newness of life and it was time to remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Nothing else mattered that weekend. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ has become as commercialized as the celebration of His birth. It seems the hope that lies in Christ anymore is the bottom line of red or black. It’s all about “me”, my wants and needs and how best “I” can satisfy them. Once again, I would like to remind you, the reason for the season is Christ, nothing more.
“Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me. Look at him, up there, bleeding! It’s not a pretty sight to see. He doesn’t look very lordly, hanging there on that old tree. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me. He could have called ten legions of angels just to come and rescue him. He could have called down God’s anger on everyone, on a whim. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me.”
[Matthew 24: 36-51] Our Lord and Savior, has been gone a long time and our complacency is turning our hearts to stone. No matter how much our attitudes change I can predict this: The Bible will still have all the answers; Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on earth; The Holy Spirit will still move; God will still honor the praises of His people; There will still be God-anointed preaching of the Word; There will still be singing of praise to God; God will still pour out blessings on His people; There will still be room at the cross; Jesus will still love you; And Jesus will still save the lost who come to Him. Do you call yourself a servant of the Master, yet do not do the things he has assigned you to do? What came first, the spirit or the body? Which will live longer, the spirit or the body? One day we’ll all leave this world behind. Is your spirit ready to move on? Does your bottom line belong to the world or heaven?
“Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me. Look at him, up there, bleeding! It’s not a pretty sight to see. He doesn’t look very lordly, hanging there on that old tree. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me. He could have called ten legions of angels just to come and rescue him. He could have called down God’s anger on everyone, on a whim. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Suffering there for all to see. Oh, my Lord! Look at him hanging there! Dying there for you and me.”
[Matthew 24: 36-51] Our Lord and Savior, has been gone a long time and our complacency is turning our hearts to stone. No matter how much our attitudes change I can predict this: The Bible will still have all the answers; Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on earth; The Holy Spirit will still move; God will still honor the praises of His people; There will still be God-anointed preaching of the Word; There will still be singing of praise to God; God will still pour out blessings on His people; There will still be room at the cross; Jesus will still love you; And Jesus will still save the lost who come to Him. Do you call yourself a servant of the Master, yet do not do the things he has assigned you to do? What came first, the spirit or the body? Which will live longer, the spirit or the body? One day we’ll all leave this world behind. Is your spirit ready to move on? Does your bottom line belong to the world or heaven?
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