It’s time for that old school bell to start ringing again. Of course that’s only a call for formal classes of teaching. It seems there’s a lot of activities going on around the school yard at least a full month before classes begin. Football players are scrimmaging in the attempt to learn new plays and formations with the hope of throwing off upcoming opponents. Sports of new sorts such as volleyball and soccer, not in my yearbook, and the old standards, track and field, baseball and basketball, will be in the lineup of activities throughout the year. The band and flag corps along with the cheerleaders are practicing new routines to razzle-dazzle and excite assembled fans of interscholastic competition. I’ve got to tell you though; I don’t know how some of these teens and parents get it all done in a 24 hour period. I’m just happy there’s a learning rule in effect: No pass; No play. Learning has to be the number one priority.
Here’s a helpful hint for you busy soccer moms. Unless you deliberately set aside a little time for regular relaxation, you will not be able to efficiently care for your family. Therefore, plan to relax a minimum of an hour and a half every couple of years.
A teacher in the second grade drew a greater-than (>) and a less-than (<) sign on the chalkboard and asked, “Does anyone know what these signs mean?” A few moments passed, and then a boy confidently raising his hand said, “Fast-forward and rewind!”
Catlin’s mother was teaching her the Lord’s Prayer. For several evenings, at bedtime, she would repeat what her mother would say as she learned. One night, Catlin decided to go solo. Her mother listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word with perfection right up to the end of the prayer. “…lead us not into temptation”, she prayed, “but deliver us some e-mail…” What?!! Keep working at it mom.
During one high-school concert season, the music students were preparing for the big extravaganza. The teacher had clearly communicated every detail to the students and to the parents, on two different occasions, what was expected of the students, including the time for the mandatory rehearsal. But, on rehearsal day, one panicky mother called during practice to see what time her teenager was suppose to show up. Another called to say, “Oh, we’re taking Tommy to Grandma’s. It’s okay if he misses rehearsal, right?” When the teacher reminded the parents that this was a mandatory rehearsal and it had already begun she heard, “Why didn’t someone tell me? How was I to know?” How often are we instructed and informed, only to not listen and act?
[1 Thessalonians 4: 1-12] Just as the teacher was troubled that her clear instructions were ignored, is it possible that God is troubled by our tendency to ignore his clear instructions? Paul reminds us that his God-inspired message tells us “…how to live in order to please God…” and that those instructions come by “…the authority of the Lord Jesus.” God is not pleased, but grieved, when we ignore his instructions. (Ephesians 4:17 - 5:2) How do we keep from forgetting about God in our busy daily life? The Hebrew writer says, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess…” and “…let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” How can we do this? “Let us not give up meeting together… but let us encourage one another…” (Hebrews 10: 23-25) We don’t meet together because we have nothing better to do. We meet to remember God and his love for us. Are you following instructions?
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