I’ll certainly be happy when all this doctor stuff is over with. Have you ever had a period in your life you wish would just go away? I bet you have and although I’ve had them before I’ve never experienced a period of numerous physical problems all at one time. Well, it looks as though things are coming to a crescendo with appointments abound to deliver (prayerfully) favorable results of all the testing I’ve been going through. One result has already made me more comfortable with the biopsies of my vocal cords clear of any cancer. Healing is progressing and only time will tell how much voice I’ll regain this go around. While I’ve been set back on my heels and humbled by age, I’ve naturally been reviewing my life and looking to the future as to what I would like the rest of my life to produce. I’ve been here before and will probably visit these thoughts again, but I think it’s good for the health of the soul.
I read an article recently about the future by Bob Harrison and I would like to share it with you.
[Isaiah 11: 1-9] “…and a little child will lead them.” (v.6) Abraham Lincoln has been considered by many to be one of our best presidents. One of the reasons I like Lincoln so much is because he is a brother in Christ who was baptized by one of the restoration leaders before he was elected as president. Also, his humor and wit still inspires people today, as he also inspired the nation at its worse during the Civil War. The following is a quote of Abraham Lincoln that we ought to seriously think about: “A child is a person who is going to carry on what you have started. He is going to sit where you are sitting, and when you are gone, attend to those things which you think are important. You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they are carried out depends on him. He will assume control of your cities, states and nations. He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities and corporations. All your books are going to be judged, praised, or condemned by him. The fate of humanity is in his hands.” Isaiah was prophesying about the coming of Christ in the flesh and that His kingdom would bring peace and knowledge of the Lord. When the Lord came, it would be like a little child leading them, something that would seem out of place in the mind of worldly leaders and thinkers. When the Lord came the world would experience what it had never experienced before and “…the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (v.9) As Abraham Lincoln was saying, a child will carry on what we have started. The next generation takes its cue from us. What are they seeing in us? What is our life about? What is important to us? Are we following the footsteps of the Lord who came down from heaven to leave us an example? (1 Peter 2:21) Where are we leading the children who are watching us? When Jesus came, He blessed the little children, praying for them, and said this is what the kingdom of heaven should look like. (Matt. 19:13-15) Jesus said we are to humble ourselves as a child if we want to be great in His kingdom. (Matt. 18:2-4) Where are we leading the children? Are we leading them to Jesus? Are we eager, like children, to follow Jesus? Do we realize how much our lives depend on Jesus like a child depends on a parent? Remember, a child will take your place one day and be like you and do what you have done. What future are we leaving our children? Teach by example.
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