Sunday, October 09, 2011

Stop The Downward Trend

Did you ever dream you would see the “Wall” come down, or the “Towers” come down? The confidence level of the American people in their government, nationally and locally, throughout the country, is at an all time low. Did you ever dream you would see the day that the American public would demonstrate against corporate America, fed up with their greed and dishonesty? The world economy is coming down, slowly being crushed under the weight of its own paperwork. You wanted change? I’ll tell you right now, change is a comin’. The U.S. dollar used to be used as an honest exchange between parties for honorable means of gain. Today it seems there is less and less honor in the exchange as people are trying their best to accumulate all the dollars they can by hook or by crook. Is it possible corporate business is coming down a notch or two? Wall Street has made a lot of people very, very rich, but I see a weaning.
Maybe we should have listened to our country’s forefathers a little more closely. Maybe we should review what they had to say about preserving the Republic they established. For example, do you know who Benjamin Rush is? He is a signer of the “Declaration of Independence” from Pennsylvania. His biography is interesting and among his life’s accomplishments, he was a great physician. The following is one of his ideals. “Under this head, I must be excused in not agreeing with those modern writers who have opposed the use of the Bible as a schoolbook. The only objection I know to it is its division into chapters and verses and its improper punctuation which render it a more difficult book to read well than many others, but these defects may easily be corrected, and the disadvantages of them are not to be mentioned with the immense advantages of making children early and intimately acquainted with the means of acquiring happiness both here and hereafter. How great is the difference between making young people acquainted with the interesting and entertaining truths contained in the Bible, and the fables of Moore and Croxall, or the doubtful histories of antiquity! I maintain that there is no book of its size in the whole world that contains half so much useful knowledge for the government of states or the direction of the affairs of individuals as the Bible.” (Reference;
[Psalm 34] Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders and personally that scares me. Now I know my father probably thought the same thing as did his father and his father before him, but I believe it to be a legitimate fear when it comes to the welfare of our country and the world. Why are our children turning away? Why are they turning away from responsible, honest, moral and spiritual living? Quit simply, as parents we are trying to mold our children in our image after God has sent them to us molded in his own image. God has plans for our children and whatever gifts they display we need to encourage that gift and display life as God would have us all to live (Ephesians 5 & 6). God is being evicted from the lives of our children by those who hate righteousness and by parents who allow the world to rule their life. Without God, the world will always be getting the best of us only to tell us our best isn’t good enough. How sad it is we live this way. Everyone asks, “So, where is God?” You find God the same way you find money, you seek it (Luke 12:22-34). Our children are a mess. Our country is a mess. The world is a mess. God wants to help clean up the mess. Invite Him in to help.

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