Saturday, November 26, 2011

Someone Needs You

Of all the schisms in the world, me-ism has to be the most selfish, arrogant, godless, self-centered, one person cult there is. Black Friday has been conjured up by big business as the day they will attempt to make enough sales through sheer volume to bring their bottom line into the black before the end of the year. This year competition among the top retailers has broadened the 24 hour dollar feeding frenzy to 36 and 48 hours with each retailer attempting to start their sales first, thus getting customers into their establishment first. Black Friday has, in actuality, brought out the deepest darkest side of some consumers - greed! This year the serious gluttons came prepared to fight for what they felt was theirs. People introduced knives and guns and body guards as persuasive tools against formidable foes in the electronics aisle. A person would think they were fighting over the last loaf of bread on the planet. I waited two days to buy a new TV and got a better deal than if I had gone to fight the crowds on Black Friday.
Several years ago, Charles “Chuck” Swindoll had this to say about “Attitude”. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, then failures, than successes than, what other people think, or say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company …a church …a home. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past …we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you …we are in charge of our attitudes.”
[Luke 5: 27-32] It was a crisp, sunny afternoon in early December when a family had gone to the Christmas tree farm in hopes of finding a suitable tree for their home. It was an outing they relished, with family members combing the entire farm for the perfect tree. It had to be just right, not too tall, not too thin, just the right shape, and of course, a straight trunk. While searching through the pines, they came upon another family they knew and stopped to visit. They commented, “This place is filled with beautiful trees. It’s going to be hard to pick one”. Their friends replied, “Not for us. We never look for perfect trees! We’re looking for a tree that needs us! Then we’ll make it beautiful!” When it comes to picking disciples, God operates on the same principle. He can take Peter, an impulsive, erratic fisherman and make him into a powerful spokesman. He can take John, a fiery hothead and turn him into the apostle of love. God doesn’t look for perfection in deciding who can carry out his work. I’m glad of this, because that means even an unlikely type like me has possibilities in his hands. Instead of perfection, he’s looking for folks who need him! He’s looking for someone whose heart can be broken! When we realize this, then God can make something beautiful of our lives. Paul wrote to Timothy about ones attitude among people who do not know God and it’s good advise to all who profess to be of God. (2 Timothy 2: 14-26) Read it. To be of God, I must show that God is with me and that I’m willing to share my joy of life. There is someone you know who needs you. Beautify them with God.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wise Foolishness

Haaaa,ha,ha,ha! :-) In this day and age of people screaming at the top of their lungs, begging for smarter decisions from representatives in state and federal governments, the very people we love to hate, make another irrational binding decision that has everyone shaking their head wondering, what in the world are they thinking. Our legislators are very concerned with the welfare of our children and are well aware of the obesity problem creeping into the lives of our 21st century couch potatoes. (About the only well developed muscle in their body is located in the thumb area.) Well, our concerned lawmakers once again scrutinized what was being served our children at lunchtime in our schools. Nutritionists would like to have pizza day removed from the menu because the ingredients in pizza are super fattening and should be replaced with a more suitable meal. In their infinite wisdom, our lawmakers made another politically correct decision avoiding controversy from any source. Pizza was examined and it was determined that the two tablespoons of tomato paste on the pizza as its base product of toppings was enough to reclassify pizza as a vegetable, thus keeping it on school lunch program as a nutritional meal. Late night show host Jimmy Kimmel said, “That’s like calling elastic waistbands weight control devices”. Another smart decision out of D.C.
I think we need to reduce the population and a good start would be not allowing women to have children after 35. I know this is a controversial statement, but I stand by it. Women should not have children after 35! Some say, “Of course women can have children after 35!” They don’t know what they’re talking about and I can guarantee they have had very little experience in the matter. I don’t care what the doctors say. I don’t care what your friends say. I don’t even care what the preacher has to say. Women should not have children after 35! You can quote me on this. I don’t advise it, I vehemently recommend against it, and loudly, and even at times rudely tell people, “don’t even consider it!” “Women should not have children after 35!” Some will send rude emails proclaiming the freedom of the womb, but I still stand by what I said. You may disagree with me, that’s your right. I stand firm on the issue. With most things I keep an open mind, but not on this issue. If I find an exception to this rule, then I will be open for change, but for now, it is firmly closed because I have never seen an exception. Women should not have children after 35. Thirty-five children are enough!
[1 Corinthians 1: 18-31] Paul was writing to the church in Corinth about divisions in the church. New Christians were holding on to old ideals and there didn’t seem to be any unity in their baptism in Christ. Man had been separated from God since his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Disobedience is sin and sin brought about spiritual death in mankind for the spirit was no longer being led by God. Man has a mind of his own and unfortunately he uses it way too often without consulting God. From the very beginning, God knew of this arising problem and had a plan to reconcile himself with man again. It is through Jesus that we are forgiven of our sins and it is through Jesus that we receive the Holy Spirit of God to help us and comfort us through this life. When man submits his will to God and accepts God’s will to regulate his life, hope springs forth and life is worth living. It’s all foolishness, until the wise and the selfish set aside their self-centeredness and boast in the Lord, sharing His love with concern.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


It’s become a sad state of affairs when a body is afraid to leave his own home not knowing if it will be in the same condition when he returns. Nowadays we have to lock everything up and turn on an alarm to deter theft and wanton destruction. What’s even worse, we feel we have to purchase some back-up Smith & Wesson tactical force to feel comfortable when we are at home. In the cold country where I grew up all the utilities entered the home via the basement due to freezing and other inclement weather conditions. Once a month a complete stranger would enter your home and read the meters. A knock on the door, “Meter reader” and you let the guy in, showed him the basement door and he did his business. If it was snowless, he would enter through an exterior door directly into the basement and unless you saw him you wouldn’t even know he had been there. Not anymore! In light of the news reports, especially over the past twenty years, it seems it’s getting to a point a body can’t trust anyone anymore. Not only that, but our children and our seniors are in danger of abuse and outright theft. We’re living in the world of “me” and “I” with the attitude of, if “I” want it “I’ll” do whatever it takes to get it. How much worse can it get? Standby, hide and watch.
I saw some folks going from door to door the other day in an attempt to sell a cleaning product following a rather dramatic demonstration in the home. I’ve been there before and it’s amazing to me that the product the salesperson gives you at the time of purchase never does work as good as the stuff that was in their bottle they demonstrated with. The “peddler”, one who sells door to door, has been around a long, long time. Early America, and especially early Western America, relied and depended on the peddler for much of the household goods needed to have a more comfortable life. But some peddlers had a reputation for cheating and misrepresentation in order to secure some benefit for himself. Sincerity was not high on the hucksters list. He was prepared to say anything to make a sale. For example, there is the story of the oft-fooled bald-headed man who asked the peddler, “Can you prove this is a good hair restorer?” To which the peddler replied, “One lady customer took the cork out of the bottle with her teeth and twenty-four hours later she had a full mustache!” Some folks will say almost anything if it works to their advantage. Have we been taught such behavior? Consider collegiate debate teams. They argue subjects, even nonsensical, just to practice arguing a subject (essential training for lawyers and politicians). The rub for me is that one day students argue “for” the subject at hand and the next day they argue “against” the same subject. I’m afraid that’s where some of the insensitivity of our leaders is coming from. They don’t care which side of the fence they’re on, just so long as they end up on the winning team. Can “me” ever become “we” and mean it?
[2 Corinthians 2: 12 - 3: 18] In verse 17, Paul says, “Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary; in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.” Let’s face it. There are still “peddlers” of God’s word today. They preach to benefit themselves, although they say it’s to glorify God. Religion is being watered down, diluted to the point of being a social club. There are no absolutes of right or wrong, reward or punishment being taught our children today. I believe; therefore I speak. God’s will is written and it is mine. (2 Corinthians 4:13-18)

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Who Do You Trust?

Since the end of the big war, WWII, the war to end all wars, the world view of success in life is earning more money next year. Because of this philosophy the U.S. has watched its steel manufacturing, copper and other mining industries, automobile manufacturing, oil production and even farming, leave this country boycotting the ever rising cost of employment and demanded benefits by employees. The U.S. now imports more goods than it exports and the countries that now hold American jobs are thriving as we did pre the big war. The problem the world has today is the same it’s always had, except there’s more people involved and the current economic system is collapsing under the strain. There are four classes of people in the world; The Greedy, The Conscientious Worker, The Lazy and The Physically Impaired, and I don’t know as it will ever change. The world debt is fixin’ to bring the curtain down on a poorly written play of tragedy and the rewrites, in an attempt to keep the play running, are even sadder. People are fed-up with the greed. A well known bank tried to milk more money from its customers by levying more nickel and dime fees on their services only to find out that their customers have been pushed far enough as they started pulling their money out of the bank and depositing with strictly regulated credit unions. Is it going to take an "Olly olly oxen free!” to save the world economy? Greece, the once world center of great thinkers and philosophers, looks to be the first to collapse economically and that could bring about four more countries down with it. No company or country can survive gross mismanagement and misappropriation of funds on a regular basis. It appears to me that the “new math” isn’t working so well.
A man approached his local banker seeking a $500 loan. When asked what he wanted the money for the man explained it was to pay for a trip to a distant city where he would sell some jewelry he had made. The banker wasn’t too sure about this so asked the man what sort of collateral he had. The man asked, “What’s collateral?” “It’s something of value that can cover the cost of the loan in case you’re unable to pay it back”, replied the banker. In conversation the banker found out the man only owned a 1949 Chevy pick-up, an old two bedroom house and a toothless horse. Reluctantly the banker approved the loan. Several weeks later the man entered the bank with a fist full of money to pay his loan. The banker noticed the man had a rather large sum of money still in his hand and asked, “What are you going to do with the rest of your money?” “Put it in my pocket”, replied the man. “Why don’t you deposit it in our bank?” asked the banker. After explaining what it meant to deposit his money in the bank, the man looked suspiciously at the banker and asked, “What do you have for collateral?”
[Leviticus 25] I don’t think I want to go so far as calling God a socialist, but if the world had adopted the thinking of God we probably wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in today. Because life is not all about worldly gain, God had in place a time of forgiveness and freedom from monetary problems. Every fifty years was a Year of Jubilee, (v10) “…each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.” The chapter reveals a lot more in detail, but the idea was to go back to the basics of what was given them by God when they entered the Promised Land and be thankful for what God has done. People don’t trust and rely on God. Greed is king.