Haaaa,ha,ha,ha! :-) In this day and age of people screaming at the top of their lungs, begging for smarter decisions from representatives in state and federal governments, the very people we love to hate, make another irrational binding decision that has everyone shaking their head wondering, what in the world are they thinking. Our legislators are very concerned with the welfare of our children and are well aware of the obesity problem creeping into the lives of our 21st century couch potatoes. (About the only well developed muscle in their body is located in the thumb area.) Well, our concerned lawmakers once again scrutinized what was being served our children at lunchtime in our schools. Nutritionists would like to have pizza day removed from the menu because the ingredients in pizza are super fattening and should be replaced with a more suitable meal. In their infinite wisdom, our lawmakers made another politically correct decision avoiding controversy from any source. Pizza was examined and it was determined that the two tablespoons of tomato paste on the pizza as its base product of toppings was enough to reclassify pizza as a vegetable, thus keeping it on school lunch program as a nutritional meal. Late night show host Jimmy Kimmel said, “That’s like calling elastic waistbands weight control devices”. Another smart decision out of D.C.
I think we need to reduce the population and a good start would be not allowing women to have children after 35. I know this is a controversial statement, but I stand by it. Women should not have children after 35! Some say, “Of course women can have children after 35!” They don’t know what they’re talking about and I can guarantee they have had very little experience in the matter. I don’t care what the doctors say. I don’t care what your friends say. I don’t even care what the preacher has to say. Women should not have children after 35! You can quote me on this. I don’t advise it, I vehemently recommend against it, and loudly, and even at times rudely tell people, “don’t even consider it!” “Women should not have children after 35!” Some will send rude emails proclaiming the freedom of the womb, but I still stand by what I said. You may disagree with me, that’s your right. I stand firm on the issue. With most things I keep an open mind, but not on this issue. If I find an exception to this rule, then I will be open for change, but for now, it is firmly closed because I have never seen an exception. Women should not have children after 35. Thirty-five children are enough!
[1 Corinthians 1: 18-31] Paul was writing to the church in Corinth about divisions in the church. New Christians were holding on to old ideals and there didn’t seem to be any unity in their baptism in Christ. Man had been separated from God since his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Disobedience is sin and sin brought about spiritual death in mankind for the spirit was no longer being led by God. Man has a mind of his own and unfortunately he uses it way too often without consulting God. From the very beginning, God knew of this arising problem and had a plan to reconcile himself with man again. It is through Jesus that we are forgiven of our sins and it is through Jesus that we receive the Holy Spirit of God to help us and comfort us through this life. When man submits his will to God and accepts God’s will to regulate his life, hope springs forth and life is worth living. It’s all foolishness, until the wise and the selfish set aside their self-centeredness and boast in the Lord, sharing His love with concern.
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