Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Lord Has Instructed Fathers

      “When the Lord Created Fathers” by Erma Bombeck (abbreviated) When the good Lord was creating Fathers he started with a tall frame. And a female angel nearby said, “What kind of Father is that? If you’re going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high? He won’t be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping.” And God smiled and said, “Yes, but if I make him child size, who would children have to look up to?” And when God made a Father’s hands, they were large and sinewy. And the angel shook her head sadly and said, “Do you know what you’re doing? Large hands are clumsy. They can’t manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber bands on pony tails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats.” And God smiled and said, “I know, but they’re large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day...yet small enough to cup a child’s face in his hands.” And then God molded long, slim legs and broad shoulders. And the angel nearly had a heart attack. “Boy, this is the end of the week, all right,” she clucked. “Do you realize you just made a Father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?” And God smiled and said, “A mother needs a lap. A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle, and hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus.” …God worked throughout the night, giving the Father few words, but a firm authoritative voice; eyes that saw everything, but remained calm and tolerant. Finally, almost as an afterthought, he added tears. Then he turned to the angel and said, “Now, are you satisfied that he can love as much as a Mother?” The angel shutteth up. “Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their father.” (Proverbs 17:7).
      [Genesis 17:4-7] Abraham is revered throughout the world. Nearly every religious sect pays tribute to ‘Father Abraham’, and rightfully so. God chose him to be a father – a father with descendants as numerous as the sands of the sea. God had a plan in mind for Abraham. Can you recall what it was? “For I have chosen him, so he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him” (Genesis 18:19). The responsibility laid upon Abraham by God is the duty and responsibility of every father today. As was Abraham, we are to direct our children and household to keep the way of the Lord. “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). It is sadly true that much of the trouble we see in society today can be traced to fathers who neglected their duty. There is also the charge to do ‘what is right and just’. One must never forget the power of setting a good example before his children. Long after spoken admonitions have been forgotten, a life well lived is remembered. God told Abraham, “I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.” We never know who our children will become and in my mind it is a sin to try and make them a mini-me. God has given our children gifts to use throughout their life and as fathers we should never alter God’s plans. Our duty is to live a righteous life in the midst of our children, teaching them of God, who gave them life and will love them for eternity.

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