Saturday, August 24, 2013

Building Bridges

The Niagara River flows from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and on it is a fairly large island and one of the wonders of the world, Niagara Falls. Above the falls the river is navigable and serene, but below the falls the river is practically impossible to cross or navigate without great difficulty. The Niagara Gorge, as the river is known below the falls, is narrow with steep rock canyon features causing dangerous rough-water rapids and in the middle of it all, a huge natural whirlpool where the water rapidly slows before entering Lake Ontario. I’ve visited Niagara Falls several times on both the U.S. and Canadian sides of the river. I heard a story the other day that I had not thought of for years, how the first suspension bridge across the gorge got started. The first thing that has to happen in starting a suspension bridge is a cable has to be anchored on both shores. The 225 foot shear cliff canyon walls of the gorge made it impossible to simply boat one across; a rifle shot was too far at 800 feet; a canon shot, too dangerous; and in January 1848 there are no aircraft yet. The rather bazaar solution arose from a kite flying contest with a cash prize for the first boy to successfully land his kite on the opposite side of the gorge. Hundreds of boys made the pilgrimage. Nearly three weeks into the contest, fifteen-year-old American, Holman Walsh, successfully accomplished the task with his kite, named the Union. With a simple kite string, engineers started pulling larger and larger cords, then ropes and then steel cables across the gorge to begin constructing the bridge. Chief engineer Charles Ellet Jr. wrote to the local newspaper, “Dear Sirs, I raised my first little wire cable on Saturday, and anchored it securely both in Canada and New York. Today (Monday) I tightened it up, and suspended below it an iron basket which I had caused to be prepared for this purpose, and which is attracted by pulleys playing along the top of the cable. In this little machine I crossed over to Canada, exchanging salutations with our friends there, and returned again, all in fifteen minutes. The wind was high and the weather cold, but yet the trip was a very interesting one to me - perched up as I was two hundred and forty feet above the rapids, and viewing from the center of the river one of the sublimest prospects which nature has prepared on this globe of ours. My little machine did not work as smoothly as I wished, but in the course of this week I will have it so adjusted that anybody may cross in safety.” He did and people couldn’t wait to take the trip.

[Luke 16:19-31] Since the disobedient act of Adam and Eve in the garden, sin has separated mankind from God. As the rich man discovered at the end of his life a great chasm was between he and the comforts of God. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and the canyon that separates us from God is impossible to cross on our own. We must find a way to build a bridge of reconciliation to the grace God has to offer. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus gave his life as a ransom, dying for the sins of the world, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18). Jesus is our bridge back to Gods’ loving mercy. “But Tom, I don’t understand the Bible and I probably never will.” The bridge over the Niagara Gorge wasn’t complete with a kite string. Take what you do understand and build on it. God loves you and will help you build a bridge back to him.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's That Time

Of late I have had a few people approach me with the idea of writing a book, which has taken me somewhat by surprise as I really don’t feel I have that much to contribute on a large scale. Because of their insistence I’m kicking the idea around and may settle in to composing something, but I have no intentions of delving too deeply into the subject matter until my wife gets her new bathroom. Isn’t that generally the case? There’s always something more important to tend to and for some reason it’s always a procrastinated project that gets in the way. Everything in the bathroom is falling apart and the dripping in the shower is about to drive me crazy, so it’s time I stop making excuses and get with it. My last excuse was I wanted to wait until the new lumber yard opened. Well, no more excuse there. It opened Monday last. My coffee drinking buddy asked me when I was going to get started. I don’t know. I think it’s still too hot outside.
Another acquaintance of mind challenged me about my writing with the ultimatum of not having too much time left to accomplish the things that could make my whole life worth while. Oh, thanks a lot for that! I mean, I fully expect to live to be one- hundred-years-old. I can see it now- Headlines for New Years Day 2050: The State of Florida is finally re-admitted to the Union; Spotted Owl Plague now threatening western crops and livestock; George Z. Bush announces he is running for President of the United States; 50 year study, conducted simultaneously by several universities across the country, concludes, diet and exercise is the key to weight loss; Flash! Nursing Home Event – Bill Clinton denies Candy Striper’s allegations; Texas executes last remaining citizen; Upcoming NFL Draft likely to focus on use of mutants; Baby conceived naturally …Has scientists stumped; Authentic, Year 2000 “Chad”, sells at Sotheby’s for $1.8 million; and Magnetic Pulse Fields from far too many Electric Cars is suspect for the deaths of hundreds in Los Angeles. Hey! It could happen!
[Jeremiah 8:20; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25] He brushed his teeth twice a day, with a national leading toothpaste. The doctors examined him twice a year; he wore his boots when it rained; he slept with the window open, for the fresh air. He stuck to a diet with plenty of vegetables; he relinquished his tonsils and traded in several worn out glands. He got at least 8 hours of sleep every night; he never smoked, drank or lost his temper. He ritually did his “daily dozen”; he was all set up to live to be one hundred. His funeral will be held Wednesday. He is survived by eighteen specialists, four health institutes, six gymnasiums, and numerous manufacturers of health foods and antiseptics. He made just one mistake: He forgot God and lived as if this world was all there is and now is with those who say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” I can make up excuses for not getting things done and reason away some responsibilities in this life, but I can not be so wise as to say there is no God. With the least bit of intelligence anyone can see that there is something miraculous going on all around us, if only looking to ones self as a marvelous work of art, inside and out, an independent living being, full of thoughts of grandeur, yet scared to death of death. “…the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Decide today to save yourself from your selfish destructive sins (Acts 2:37-41). Your last breathe will not procrastinate.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Alien Trash?

I heard a couple of interesting little blurbs on the radio this past week. One had to do with statistical reasons for divorce in the United States and the world. A new category has been added - social network - as a contributing factor in the ultimate failure and disablement of the modern marriage and family. Too much information (TMI) is being shared resulting in bridges being burned or making the grass look a lot greener on the other side of the fence. Either way, folks are drifting away from their commitments and reprioritizing their life with new commitments, simply because they like what they hear from someone else. We’re drifting away from each other, staring into a four inch screen of deception, thumbing our way through life looking for greener pastures and the illusive Grimm’s fairytale life of “...happily ever-after.” (Good luck with that.) The other has to deal with evolution and the ludicrous thought that this might answer a lot of our questions. An evolutionist theorizes that mankind has evolved from trash left behind by interstellar travelers millions of years ago. We are the direct product of alien fermenting DNA, therefore a set apart and separate life-form on the planet earth. The theorist concludes that that is where our superior intellect and ability to be independent thinkers has come from. Oh, and don’t forget about those thumbs. I hate to think what those interstellar travelers would do to us if they returned to vacation on Earth again, only to discover in horror their trash had ruined the pearl of the Milky Way. Hey, I just thought of something. Maybe that’s why mankind tends to be so dirty and trashy.

A man had a bad habit of grumbling about the food his wife placed before him at family meals. Then he would give thanks and ask a blessing from God. One day after the usual combination, complaint – prayer, his young daughter asked, “Daddy, does God hear us when we pray?” “Why of course,” the father answered. “God hears us every time we pray.” She thought about this for a moment, then asked, “Does He hear everything we say all the rest of the time?” “Yes dear, every word” he replied, encouraged that he had inspired his daughter to be curious about spiritual matters. His pride was quickly turned to humility when she asked, “Which does He believe?”

A father was at the beach with his children. His four-year-old son grabbed him by the hand and led him to a seagull lying dead at the shoreline, “Daddy, what happened to him?” “He went to heaven,” replied the dad. The boy thought about this for a moment or two, then asked his father, “Did God throw him back?” (Good luck with that.)

[Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-24; 1 Corinthians 15:38-41] God instituted marriage and the family. Far too many people are entering marriage without a spiritual thought in their head, thus it, and the family, suffers, because the physical problems of life have no support of hope and lasting faithfulness. Righteousness, obedience to God’s Word, is the glue that bonds one to another, be it marriage or family. The evolutionist had one thing right. Mankind is set apart and is a separate life-form on the planet Earth. But, God doesn’t make junk nor was man formed from left-over trash. Where does our intelligence and independent thinking come from? We are made in the image of God. I never anticipate the arrival of interstellar vacationing alien travelers, because I remain the firm believer that all I see and experience in this life was made for mankind alone, by a loving God who supports me in my faith, from which I pray I will never divorce.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Grabbing The Brass Ring

In the days of the carousel, the outside circle of horses often did not move up and down and therefore were not as enticing by them self. To create some excitement for those riders, they were given the incentive of “grabbing the brass ring”, which when redeemed gave the holder a free ride. There was a dispensing arm, within the reach of horse riders, full of rings, dispensed one at a time, mostly iron and of no value with a few brass rings mixed in. As the carousel turned, riders would snatch a ring, as they passed the wooden arm, hoping a brass ring would be available on the next trip around. A good part of life was like riding a carousel. First we sit in the chairs and just go round and round because we’re too little to do much of anything else. Them we get the nerve up to ride one of the horses that move up and down until that becomes boring. Then we find there’s a brass ring to be obtained and free rides come with a brass ring. So, we start riding the outside circle of horses “grabbing for the brass ring”. It seems throughout my life the guy in front of me always got the brass ring. No matter how I strategize, no matter how hard I’ve worked for it, I find that brass ring to be an elusive little trinket of luck just out of reach. I still have time, so I’m going to keep trying.

On the merry-go-round of life we’re always looking for that reward we don’t have to work very hard for. A modern twist on “grabbing the brass ring” can be found in a recent insurance TV commercial. Two gals spy a purse (looks like a suitcase to me) and without hesitation one of them latches on to it. Magically, she comes in contact with her insurance agent to find out if her rebate rewards, for being a good driver, will cover the cost of her new found accessory. He quotes her a figure; she takes the brass ring offered and redeems it for the new purse. Feeling rejected, her friend calls for her insurance agent, who dangles a dollar bill in front of her on the end of a fishing line. She coyly snatches at the dollar bill whereupon the agent jerks on the pole making her miss the prize. The agent grins and says, “Ooooo; You’ve got to be quicker than that.” And while the world dangles “rings” in front of us to chase all day long, we fail to see the destructive path we are walking. Me-ism has brought about the cultural mind-set of, “to each his own” and “it is what it is” and “what’s right for you is okay” and “it’s my body” and “I’m not hurting anyone”. While we snatch up worthless “iron rings” in hopes that tomorrow we get the “brass ring”, we’re ignoring the influx of artificial non-redeemable “mood rings” being collected and weighing down our righteous society.

[Matthew 13:24-30; Ephesians 5:1-21] “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Pornography, alcoholism, drug addiction and you name it, are being sown into society by the enemy to destroy the family and render the Word of God non-redeemable. Individualism, pluralism, secularism, and apathy are rendering American religion impotent, nearly incapable of doing anything about our moral crisis. I dread to think where I would be if I hadn’t been taught right from wrong by my parents. I once imitated the weeds of the field and I dread to think what condition my soul would be in if it were not for a concerned child of God bringing me the “brass ring”, Jesus, and the Good News of salvation into my life. “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Yes, you.