Saturday, August 10, 2013

Alien Trash?

I heard a couple of interesting little blurbs on the radio this past week. One had to do with statistical reasons for divorce in the United States and the world. A new category has been added - social network - as a contributing factor in the ultimate failure and disablement of the modern marriage and family. Too much information (TMI) is being shared resulting in bridges being burned or making the grass look a lot greener on the other side of the fence. Either way, folks are drifting away from their commitments and reprioritizing their life with new commitments, simply because they like what they hear from someone else. We’re drifting away from each other, staring into a four inch screen of deception, thumbing our way through life looking for greener pastures and the illusive Grimm’s fairytale life of “...happily ever-after.” (Good luck with that.) The other has to deal with evolution and the ludicrous thought that this might answer a lot of our questions. An evolutionist theorizes that mankind has evolved from trash left behind by interstellar travelers millions of years ago. We are the direct product of alien fermenting DNA, therefore a set apart and separate life-form on the planet earth. The theorist concludes that that is where our superior intellect and ability to be independent thinkers has come from. Oh, and don’t forget about those thumbs. I hate to think what those interstellar travelers would do to us if they returned to vacation on Earth again, only to discover in horror their trash had ruined the pearl of the Milky Way. Hey, I just thought of something. Maybe that’s why mankind tends to be so dirty and trashy.

A man had a bad habit of grumbling about the food his wife placed before him at family meals. Then he would give thanks and ask a blessing from God. One day after the usual combination, complaint – prayer, his young daughter asked, “Daddy, does God hear us when we pray?” “Why of course,” the father answered. “God hears us every time we pray.” She thought about this for a moment, then asked, “Does He hear everything we say all the rest of the time?” “Yes dear, every word” he replied, encouraged that he had inspired his daughter to be curious about spiritual matters. His pride was quickly turned to humility when she asked, “Which does He believe?”

A father was at the beach with his children. His four-year-old son grabbed him by the hand and led him to a seagull lying dead at the shoreline, “Daddy, what happened to him?” “He went to heaven,” replied the dad. The boy thought about this for a moment or two, then asked his father, “Did God throw him back?” (Good luck with that.)

[Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-24; 1 Corinthians 15:38-41] God instituted marriage and the family. Far too many people are entering marriage without a spiritual thought in their head, thus it, and the family, suffers, because the physical problems of life have no support of hope and lasting faithfulness. Righteousness, obedience to God’s Word, is the glue that bonds one to another, be it marriage or family. The evolutionist had one thing right. Mankind is set apart and is a separate life-form on the planet Earth. But, God doesn’t make junk nor was man formed from left-over trash. Where does our intelligence and independent thinking come from? We are made in the image of God. I never anticipate the arrival of interstellar vacationing alien travelers, because I remain the firm believer that all I see and experience in this life was made for mankind alone, by a loving God who supports me in my faith, from which I pray I will never divorce.

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