As I contemplate all the facets of justice being tossed about lately, it’s hard to pass judgment on my feelings without looking inward for a closer examination of ones self. Would I forgive a young man for murdering members of my own family, as well as members of my church family, after I sat and shared the Word of God with him for over an hour in Bible study? I believe I could, but really don’t look forward to the opportunity to prove it. I honestly believe that the statements directed at Mr. Roof by the bereaved are heartfelt and truly full of forgiveness. I also believe the same bereaved have turned the judgment of this man over to God, that His will may be done. But, I have a hard time blaming it all on a flag or a gun. Neither have a selfish conscience nor the power to perform any act of violence for the betterment of mankind. I don’t wish to get into a political rant about the direction our government officials are taking this country, but I feel compelled to make a few observations. These United States were founded on the morals and equalities found in the Word of God, the Bible. Reject or deny this premise if you wish, but it doesn’t change the fact that the strength of this country has been maintained by the faithful, God-fearing families and churches, across this nation. As the morals of the people, and the demands of equality based on the continual erosion of Godly morals, are being “justified” by our over-amended and appended constitution, the God-fearing strength of this country is waning. This may be okay with the self-centered, give-me-more it’s my right portion of our populous, but I have to insist upon your observing the condition of our ever increasing criminal status. It’s the results of immorality and the abuse of “anything goes”. The hardest thing for me to witness was the White House cloaked in the LGBT colors as if it represented the approval of all Americans. Mr. President, it may represent your home, but not mine! It may show support to your agenda and the decision of the Supreme Court, but not the majority of the citizens of this nation. Did I just hear another freedom being flushed?
[Romans 1:18 - 2:16; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 7:1-40] If this is still a God-fearing nation, maybe we ought lay the Bible on top of the constitution and review it before making decisions on what is best for the people and the strength of the nation. I’ll almost bet there is more discrimination among our citizens this day than there was a week ago. In one breathe we’re blessing and forgiving one another in the name of our Lord and in the next breathe we’re not sure which flag is going to be run up the pole for us to salute in the name of equality. You can be sure of one thing. God is not pleased with the direction this country is going in. If we continue on this trek, be assured God will turn us over to our own desires and be depraved of His blessings and grace. This country and its freedoms will be lost, taken away, because we have rejected God. Unless the people of this country repent of this rejection and turn again to the upright moral standards of God’s Word, all of God’s Word, what you think is hard times now will get much worse. And after thumbing your nose at God all your life, do you thing Mary Bonauto will take you on as a client when you stand before the judgment seat of God? It will take an eternity for her to be heard in heaven. Call me what you may, that’s okay. Just remember this: I also hold beliefs by which I live; I do not have to agree or engage in your lifestyle; Remember, I have rights also. Shalom!
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