The deeper I get into all the techno stuff available to play with, of which I know I’m only scratching the surface, I realize I’m getting more done at work, with more efficiency and with greater imaginative end products. Ready to use materials found within programs, on the inter-web and now in every app imaginable, can make simple day to day strugglers like me feel good about what they do every day. Used to be cut and paste was a real physical part of producing shared information. Apps were real news-stand magazines with which one used for current event research and would extract beautiful color pictures with a pair of scissors, or, if you could afford it, an Exacto knife. Then with some orange liquid glue from a bottle with a funny-looking red rubber applicator, some colored pencils and maybe one black clothing-marker pen, one would build their school project/report spending hours going through magazine after magazine to produce the best white cardboard presentation ever. At school my presentation never did look as good as it did at home. When I worked in the advertising department of a food market chain, cut and paste was a real thing. We used hot wax instead of glue whereupon changes could be readily made. Then the finished product was photographed for lithograph reproduction. Simply fascinating stuff in 1967. Today, with two hours of research on the inter-web one could nearly write a book complete with all the color bells and whistles to make any report pop. Save it, change it, add to it, subtract from it, move it around until its pleasing-to-the-eye; click, click, click; tap, tap, tap like magic your project gets printed within seconds or stored on a flash-drive for a power-point presentation. And I still don’t have enough time to get all the things done I want to accomplish in a day. I don’t guess we’ll ever be satisfied with our accomplishments. Bigger, better and faster is the order of the day, the 25 hour day.
A friend of mine was telling about his visit to his daughter’s home on a short vacation. One morning at the breakfast table he asked his son-in-law if he could borrow the morning newspaper. “This is the 21st century!” he exclaimed, “We don’t waste money on newspapers. Here, you can use my iPad.” With a sheepish smile and a little chuckle my friend said, “I can tell you one thing… that fly never new what hit it!”
Two cows were grazing in a pasture when they saw a milk-truck pass by. On the side of the truck were the words… ‘Pasteurized; Homogenized; Standardized; Vitamin “A” Added’. One cow sighed and said to the other, “Kind of makes you feel inadequate.”
[Psalms 119:105; Proverbs 24:3-6; James 1:2-8] The 21st century and life in general has dropped many a humbling circumstance into my life, as in yours. Even though I don’t like it, I find it has been good for me. We rest on our past experience and become complacent, prideful of what we have learned. But when we are in a situation for which we have no answer, our ignorance and inabilities humble us. We all need a lesson in humility once in a while. It drives us to seek the advice of others and to realize how much we need each other. It causes us to search the Word of God for answers. It leads us to pray to God for wisdom instead of trusting in ourselves. It leads us to trust in the providence of God. When you truly ‘let go and let God’ it will amaze you the work God does in your life. Circumstantial accidents your friends tell you. No not at all. It’s God moving in your life, because He doesn’t want you to feel inadequate
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