I’ve been promising myself a new wallet for over a year and of course the only time I think about it is when I pull it out to pay for something. Oh nuts! Well, too late this time. I’ll get it next time - Yeh, right. It just so happened I finally wrote it down on a sticky note and stuck it in my pocket. I do that for the shear agitation, whence after a while the note in my pocket produces action on my part, fulfilling the request, enabling the disposal of the note. It worked, although I had been to the store twice before I remembered to take the note out of my pocket and be bothered to read my reminder to myself. Now shopping is not one of my favorite things to do. Give me a list and I’ll fill it toot-sweet, but standing in the isle waiting for a decision as my lovely wife ponders over the far too many brands of the same thing is not my cup of tea. I have over the years come to the understanding this is a lesson straight from God and my patience has grown, but I still don’t like it. Anyway, I found myself giggling when I discovered I was mirroring my wife’s shopping habits trying to decide on the most logical purchase to fit my needs. I’m glad she wasn’t with me, perhaps tempted to prod me. It probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway, for I know I’m not the only guy who stops to look at something in the store only to discover his wife can totally disappear in ten seconds.
I read the “Beatitudes for Senior’s” the other day and thought I might share them with you. * Blessed are they who understand my faltering steps and palsied hand. * Blessed are they who know my ears today must strain to catch the words they say. * Blessed are they who see my eyes are dim and my wits are slow. * Blessed are they who looked away when coffee was spilled on the table today. * Blessed are they with cheery smiles that stop to chat for a little while. * Blessed are they who never say, “You’ve told that story twice today.” * Blessed are they who know the ways to bring back yesterdays. * Blessed are they who make it known that I’m loved, respected and not alone. * Blessed are they who know I’m at a loss to find the strength to carry my cross. * Blessed are they who in loving ways ease the days on my journey home.
[Matthew 5:1-14] I’m expanding my horizons later this week. I and a few colleagues are going to Piedras Negras, Mexico to meet with the church there and preach God’s Word. The church here has a small interest in a grass-roots orphanage there and our trip is to meet and encourage the brothers and sisters in their work. Following Jesus’ teaching on the attitudes of life he said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the world.” I never thought so deeply about the responsibilities of my beliefs before, but now that I have been invited to share them with those who are completely out of my comfort zone I think, “I’m not ready for this.” That brings to mind the record in Acts 10 when Cornelius sent for Peter to come to his house and explain the gospel and teach him and his household more clearly about Jesus. God had to convince Peter in a vision that this invitation was His will. The gospel had been presented to the Jew and now it was time to take it to the Gentile (Romans 1:16; 2:9-11). Jesus’ metaphor teaches us that we are the seasoning of the earth, a righteousness and pleasant flavor to the bitterness that is often found in the world, a presence that keeps that which is good, decent and honest from disappearing. I pray my light will shine and glorify my Father in heaven this week and the rest of my life.
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