Saturday, July 16, 2016

I Am A Christian First

I’m going to be right up front with you before I start ranting by telling on myself and confessing that I have games on my computer at work, and I play them too. I find taking a short break a couple of times a day to entertain myself with a game for fifteen minutes definitely soothes and calms the weary soul. I’m not a social butterfly and even though I have accounts on the inter-web connected to the “social media” craze, you’ll be hard pressed enticing me into a “conversation” of any length. I have a “smart phone” because it has become a necessary evil in our society for communication - like everything, it has its pros and cons about it. I treat it like the television most of the time, applying pressure to the off switch to resume more productive activities in my life. While most of the world seems to be anchored with heads buried in the sand over politics, racism and terrorism, a Japanese consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures has developed “Pokémon Go” to give the rest of the world’s “Yeh, whatever” crowd something to do while the wicked take over the planet. The warnings being shouted from the rooftops across this land are not coming from Chicken Little in a barnyard somewhere or a little boy crying wolf out in a field while tending the sheep. Our country and the world are being conquered by evil Godless men and women while the ignorant and inattentive unicorns are playing games. One day soon gamers are going to look up from their screen and the inattentive are going to pull their head out of the sand and in surprise say, “What’s happening here?” Wisdom must prevail in the situation we find ourselves in at the moment. Civil unrest, being provoked by those who want to destroy our country, could bring about “Marshall Law” and we could lose it all, including our Constitution, in one swoop of the pen at the desk of the oval office. Pray for righteous leadership.

[Matthew 28:18; Colossians 1:18] Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” and Paul writes, “…he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have supremacy”. I still hold the title of sinner, but as a follower of Christ I am forgiven, saved from the wrath of God for my disobedience. Christ must have first place in my life (I’m working hard at it every day). My relationship with Christ must take first place in all I do (a challenge for everyone). Above all other things in this life, I am a Christian first! As a citizen of this country I am a Christian first! My citizenship must not deter me from my first priority. Rather, being a Christian should make me a better citizen and my nation a better place to live. As an employee with a job, I am a Christian first! My job must not deter me from my first priority. Rather, being a Christian should make me a better worker and my jobsite a better place. As a member of my family, I am a Christian first! My family must not deter me from my first priority. Rather, being a Christian should make me a better spouse, parent, child or sibling and my home a better place to live. As a friend to others, I am a Christian first! My friends must not deter me from my first priority. Rather, being a Christian should make me a better friend and my relationships closer. As a member of various organizations, I am a Christian first! My involvement must not deter me from my first priority. Rather, being a Christian should make me a better member and my organization a better one. I must remember – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7) and, “…if God is for us who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

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