Saturday, July 01, 2017

Working On Your Health

My wife and I have come to the conclusion, with all the indicators at our disposal at the moment, we are probably going to get older. More birthdays are a good thing when considering the alternatives and great-grandchildren are arriving needing to be double-spoiled. Our health has taken on a greater priority than in the past and we’ve decided to rehabilitate our failing bodies to the best of our ability that we might continue to enjoy life into the always uncertain future. Research indicates that staying physically active can help prevent or delay certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and also relieve depression and improve mood. Inactivity is most often accompanied by advanced age. My wife has been retired two years and I semi-retired for several years, occupying some office space, no longer wrenching motor vehicles. Needless-to-say, we’ve gotten lazy and a little plump. We improved our diet intake about 18 months ago with weight loss to prove our do-diligence. But, that wasn’t enough according to our physician’s and specialist’s. Her loss of muscle mass and strength and my ever increasing blood pressure could only be resolved with rigorous exercise. We had been talking about going to the park for walks, but never have gotten there, probably not all we needed anyway. The other thing we had been talking about was joining an exercise gym, which a membership was available through our supplemental insurance. Yep, the old folks are going to the gym in an attempt to fool Mother Nature. I have to admit that maybe the cardiologist might just know what he’s talking about. My blood pressure sure enough drops like a brick following exercise and is over-all lower. I’ve also lost two pounds of weight already and am so encouraged to continue. I’m looking forward to getting off the meds like he promised, if only I would begin a daily exercise routine.

[John 3:16-21] Can you guess what it is? It’s greater than God, yet also more evil than the devil. The poor have it, and the rich don’t want it. If you wear it you show everything, if you speak it you remain quiet, and if you buy it you save money. The blind see it; the deaf hear it; but if you eat it - you’ll die. What is it? Nothing! Nothing doesn’t sound like it’s much of anything, but in reality it is something. Doing nothing can get you fired. Saying nothing can help you out of trouble. Seeing nothing will make you look ignorant, but revealing nothing can make you seem wise. Some folks believe when Jesus says nothing about a subject it means he’s saying he approves of it even though He’s said nothing at all. Likewise there are some that believe in doing nothing they will have done enough to hear “well done good and faithful servant.” However, the scriptures are clear that “nothing” is a very dangerous thing. In the three parables of Matthew 25, the condemned did nothing. They didn’t prepare, didn’t use their talents or do anything for the least of these. James says that faith that does nothing is dead (James 2:14-17). John tells us that the love of God can’t abide in us if we do nothing to help our brother in need (1 John 3:16-18). Doing nothing can cost us our soul (Matthew 25:21-46). God stopped at nothing to save us (Hebrews 1:1-3), but if we start doing nothing it’s the quickest way for us to be lost. When men are confronted with the gospel they ask “what must I do” because they know it deserves a response. An action must be taken; a change must be made; a confession must be offered (Acts 2:36-41). Something must be done! All you have to do to spend eternity in hell is - nothing. It’s time to work on your eternal health.

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