I wonder how many
people actually know that our country is dying? It’s becoming more apparent
every day that anti-capitalism and anti-Christian factions are breaking down
the American society and destroying its culture all in the name of
“neutrality”. Everything seems to be the fault of the government and the only
solution offered up is, “We need bigger government”. Those who are working hard
to maintain our Constitution of equality are being called “fascists” by an
organization, “ANTIFA” (Anti-fascist) whose leaders are admittedly
Marxist-fascists and Neo-communists – does this make sense? The only thing in
their way to totally voiding the Constitution of the United
States is the Christian culture, which means we’re living
the 1930’s of Germany
all over again. Laws are already being written in parts of this country to
silence the Christian and the persecution of God-fearing people has only just
begun. Get on both knees and pray.
She went to Sunday
school when she was small and learned all about God. After she was married she
decided to go again and take her children. She couldn't persuade her husband to
go, but the children and she went regularly for a year. Then she skipped a
Sunday. And soon she skipped two or three. Then they went only on special days.
Soon she joined a bowling team that competed on Sunday. She could go to church
and Sunday school, but she would have to give up her bowling. Bowling won the
battle. Not long ago in a courtroom she heard a judge say, “Twenty years!” He
was pronouncing sentence on her 21-year-old son — a punishment for a robbery
which ended in the death of a man. The sentence might have been less, but her
son took a sneering, defiant attitude all through the trial, ridiculing every
officer and official in the courtroom. But the crowning, shocking climax came
when the judge sternly asked, “Young man, don't you believe in God?” Her son
laughed and said, “God? Who’s that?” Every person in the courtroom turned to
look at her. If only she had those years to live over she would attend Sunday
school and church faithfully and make sure her children attended as well.
[Galatians 5:16-26]
There is a wonderful transformation that takes place in the heart and mind of
one who follows Jesus. Jesus’ disciples turn from darkness to light, and shift
from serving sin to serving the Savior. This wonderful change produces
peaceable fruit. No longer do we seek revenge or look to get even for every
wrong suffered. Pardon and forbearance replaces vengeance and vitriol. Kindness
supplants cruelty. This is the natural response for one who has received the
good blessings that Jesus offers. It amazes me how the loving lamb changes our
minds and actions to gentler, calmer and sweeter expressions of His own great
love. Rufus McDaniel penned these meaningful words that echo this thought:
“What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought; Since Jesus came into my
heart. I am happy, so happy, as onward I go; Since Jesus came into my heart.”
It is a great blessing to be in the family of God who truly want what is best
for each other. It is delightful to be part of a group offering friendship and
fellowship to people with which they might not always agree. In the body of
Christ is found people with the “mind of Christ” i.e. people who are humble,
loving, caring, giving, kind, and compassionate. The child of God will spend
his time in prayer for those who are his enemies. He will seek to go a second
mile to share God’s love. Please, take time to thank God for your blessings,
pray for the forgiveness of you sins and forgive others with grace