I continue to be
amazed at the congealing of every level of society to become one class of
cooperative support to aide their fellow man in his time of deepest need
following Hurricane Harvey. Businesses from large corporations to mom and pop,
have sacrificially given all they can to provide basic sustenance to those
displaced from their homes. Utility companies through emergency co-ops have
provided expert field workers to rebuild infrastructures. Churches and many
other non-profits are gathering and supplying refugee families with clothing
and household goods, anything to help folks get started with some sort of
normal life again. It’s all going to take a long time for our Gulf Coast
to rebuild, and now another hurricane is tearing at the fabric of our nation as
it enters Florida .
Pray for those who will be impacted by this storm and pray they become one to
survive and rebuild . Pray we all become a stronger people through our love and
grace for one another and that we continue to grow stronger as “One Nation
Under God” for tomorrow.
“If from the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and one can be known by the quality of
the fruit produced, then it is reasonable to conclude that both the words
spoken and the deeds done are indicative of the person’s heart. People are able
to see this and judge. People of maturity can understand this, but people full
of sin (or self) are quick to point out that one, especially one guilty of
sinful behavior. It is interesting that these are the same people who look upon
the Lord and faithfully proclaim they would NEVER deny Him, but their lives
have denial written all over them. The deeds we do, the words we speak, and the
thoughts we think reflect correctly on (or against) the Lord’s influence on our
lives.” Ron Thomas, Bulletin Digest, September 2016
[Luke 9: 2-4] “...A
man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He
wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the
crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus
was coming that way.” Have you ever wanted to see something really bad but
couldn’t because your view was obstructed? A friend of mine once told me that
several years ago he had the opportunity to see an Ohio
State vs. Michigan football game live and in person.
Unfortunately, the tickets he had purchased were in the nosebleed bisection of
the Horseshoe, and he was only able to see half the field of play. No matter
how he positioned himself in that seat, he could not see the action going on
below him. Only the scoreboard and the roar of the crowd kept him informed as
to who was winning and losing. Luke, by pen of inspiration, depicts a man who
had a desire to see Jesus but couldn't because his view was impeded. Isn't this
true, even today? Many, like Zacchaeus, want to see and know Jesus but find it
difficult because their vision is obstructed; that is, there seems to be
something always standing between them and the Lord. Riches impede the vision
of many (Matthew 19:21-22; 1 Timothy 6:10). For others their vision is
obstructed by false teachers and the traditions of men (Colossians 2:8; Matthew
15:13-14). Worldliness keeps many from truly seeing the Lord (2 Corinthians
4:4). Time and or convenience constricts the vision of some (Acts 24:25). What
is keeping you from truly seeing and knowing Jesus? May we, like Zacchaeus,
have a desire to seek Him above all else (Matthew 6:33). May we be willing to
cast off all fears and climb to new heights, setting our affection on Him
instead of on things here below! (Colossians 3:1-2)
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