Saturday, November 25, 2017

It's Sunday!

One December, Joe and Bill built an ice skating rink in the middle of a field for all their neighbors to enjoy throughout the winter months. A shepherd leading his flock decided to take a shortcut across the big rink instead of going around. The sheep, however, were afraid of the ice and wouldn’t go across it. The shepherd began tugging at them in an attempt to perhaps drag them across the ice one by one. “Well, would you look at that,” said Joe to Bill. “That guy’s trying to pull the wool over our ice!”

Many phrases inspire quick responsive behavior on the part of others. “Fire! * Run! * Help! * Dinner! * Free Television! * Incoming! * Snake!” Right alongside these declarations “After Thanksgiving Sale” must reside. Each year, prior to Thanksgiving the advertisements come pouring out. Shopping men and women dutifully take note, writing down all the particulars or saving the printed ads. Many literally write down a schedule of where they need to be minute by minute and what they specifically need to obtain in each location of every store. They know the prices, shapes, sizes, and colors of their objectives. Their priorities are established. It is not unusual to see long lines of people waiting early in the morning hours before stores open whether it is cold, dark, or rainy. Not only do these folks come early, they stay late! Busy throughout the day, they are driven like no other time in their life. Take deep breathes and always be kind to everyone.

[Psalm 122:1] “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’” How energized do you feel when you hear the phrase “It’s Sunday!”? Let us consider another moment – Sunday morning. Sunday morning is a time when the Church gathers as was the example in the early Church (Acts 20:7). At that time, they sang hymns to God (Colossians 3:16) and partook of communion as Jesus had commanded them to remember Him (I Corinthians 11:23-26). The Christians encouraged one another at these assemblies (Hebrews 10:25) and they also gave cheerfully a collection to further the Word of God and aid needy saints (I Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7). In the midst of this gathering, Christians also received the Word of God which was able to save their souls (2 Timothy 4:2). Sunday morning truly offers great treasure! Praising God, glorifying God in obedience, remembering the Savior of mankind, aiding others and enjoying their fellowship, and partaking of spiritual nourishment to make one complete (2 Timothy 3:16-17). “It’s Sunday!” or “After Thanksgiving Sale!” - Which of these phrases brings more organization, excitement, and involvement to the Christian? Do they plan ahead their interaction on Sunday? Do they have their Bibles in hand? Is their frame of mind prepared to glorify God, or be a spectator? Do they engage in the singing with voices bright and reverence, with cheer on their faces? When the congregation is viewed, does it appear everyone is at nap time, a funeral, bored out of their mind, disinterested? Does the Christian come early to be with his spiritual brothers and sisters? Does he stay late or find opportunity throughout the day to engage in the work of God rain or shine? Where is your heart? Are you excited day by day as the coming of Jesus grows nearer (I Peter 1:13)? Is this what drives your behavior above all other aspects of your life? There are many phrases which may ignite your behavior such as “After Thanksgiving Sale, and 75% off”, but may “It’s Sunday, let us pray, and study with me” be among the phrases that ignite your heart, soul, strength, and mind above all things. Jesus is our greatest gift.

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