Saturday, November 17, 2018

Giving Thanks, Always

As life goes onward day by day, Let each one to his conscience say, That flesh is weak but God is strong, That right is right and wrong is wrong. That I have found my workday flies, But therein all my life’s hope lies. That on life’s upward path I’ll run, My face forever to the sun. That I shall do my best today, Not let one moment waste away; And as I travel on life’s road I’ll try to share a brother’s load. That force has power, but love has more; That peace is mightier than war; That real success is only won, By deeds of kindness one has done. (Author Unknown)

In this season of thanksgiving I thought I might introduce you to some unusual things to be thankful for. * Be thankful when you don’t know gives you opportunities to learn. * Be thankful for difficult times’s during those times you grow. * Be thankful for limitations ...they present you opportunities for improvement. * Be thankful for a new challenge will build strength and character. * Be thankful for your mistakes ...they will teach you valuable lessons. * Be thankful when you’re weary means you’ve made a difference. * Be thankful for the taxes you pay means you are employed. * Be thankful for clothes that fit a little snug means you have plenty to eat. * Be thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing means you have a house. * Be thankful for the spot you find at the far end of the parking lot means you are capable of walking. * Be thankful for all the complaining you hear about our government means we still have freedom of speech.  * Be thankful for that huge heating bill means you are warm. * Be thankful for the lady behind you in church service who sings off key means that you can hear. * Be thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing means your loved ones are nearby. * Be thankful for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours means that you are alive with somewhere to go and something to do. * Be thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day ... it means you’ve been productive. It’s easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the set-backs. “...always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

[Romans 5:6-8] Thankfulness is an attitude of heart and mind that expresses itself in speech and action. Most of us have experienced ingratitude from another at some point in our life when we have done something for someone and receive little or no appreciation.  It makes it hard to want to do it again. I often wonder how God feels at His creation’s ingratitude. How many have felt God’s sunshine, breathed God’s air, been blessed with God’s rain and yet never stopped to think of, or thanked, the Creator for all these things. Many, I’m sure, never give a moments thought to God, though they are here living by God’s grace and alive by God’s favor. What ingrates we humans can be. Even more, think about the greatest gift God has conferred upon man – the gift of His Son, Jesus. When we were undeserving, when we were yet enemies of God, the Father, in infinite love, gave His Son to die on our behalf. God’s lovely and innocent Son paid the debt we owed, took upon himself the penalty we deserved, and accepted punishment for the transgressions of our disobedience toward God. Thank God for his saving grace through His loving Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. God so loved the world... (John 3:16). Blessed!

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