Saturday, February 23, 2019

Seeds of God

A Pack of Seeds by Charles G. Ramsey – “I bought myself a pack of seeds, To grace my garden fair. And stuck them in my pocket, For months they waited there. And when the time had come to see, The flower’s lovely face; I thought it strange that only weeds, Were growing in their place. How foolish then, oh Christian man, God’s Word you have indeed. You carry it or hide it, but do not plant the seed. No fruit there grows in garden fair, unless the seed you sow; For you the Word of God you must plant, Then God will make it grow” We plant and water, but only God can make it grow (1 Corinthians 3:5-9).

[Genesis 1:11] The principle is as old as the seed itself. If you bury it, it can grow. “And God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit according to their kinds.” What a wonderful chain reaction. Man has developed hybrids, but God created the original. In the end a hybrid will die out without the intervention of man; but in the end the original seed will remain because that is what it was designed to do. Here’s an example of how amazing and resilient the seeds that God created really are. An archeological team was digging on a mountain site in Israel. Their study centered around the 2000 year old battle site between the Romans and the Jews known as Masada. History records the battle to be a rather devastating one. But what was not known is that something managed to survive the siege, seeds! The archeological team actually discovered preserved seeds from an extinct plant known as the “Judean Date Palm” at King Herod’s palace on Masada. The archeologists brought the seeds to a scientific expert that had some experience in dealing with aged seeds, and with a little love and nourishment, guess what they got? You guessed it; they got a formerly extinct plant known as the Judean Date Palm. The plant was affectionately given the nickname “Methuselah.” Any guesses why? The amazing thing is that the seed still contained exactly what it contained when it was separated from the plant. It contained all the information that it needed to create exactly what it came from despite the fact that it was literally 2000 years old. Makes one look at Genesis 1:11 with a little smile, huh? Now, if man is able to produce the exact same plant from a 2000 year old seed because of the principle created by God, then would it not stand to reason that God can produce a Christian, and a Christian alone, by using the same principle with His Word? After all, did Jesus not say, the Word of God is the seed of God? (Luke 8:11)[The Parable of the Sower Luke 8:1-15] Yes, He did! The apostle Peter also wrote concerning our salvation, “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable seed, through the living and enduring Word of God” (1 Peter 1:23). I’m not talking about hybrids here; I’m talking about the original. The original seed produced only Christians 2000 years ago and there is no reason the same seed cannot do the same thing today; if a person uses the same seed they will get the same result (Acts 2:47; 11:26). This is not hard to understand. The problem is that it is too simple for some people to believe. Put your faith in the Designer of the seed and allow it to grow the way it was intended to (Luke 8:15). It still works! Even before I found out about the story of the Judean Palm Date seeds, I already knew about the 2000 year old seed that is still growing and producing its own kind today.

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