Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Ant and I

Here are ten good rules for daily living. Think on them. (1) Try never to say anything behind a person’s back that would give you the least bit of embarrassment to say to their face. (2) Try never to speak back to personal critics. Friends do not need to hear the defense and enemies would not believe it. (3) Every day, greet every person you see with a smile and make a special effort if one is poor or in unfortunate circumstances. (4) The first thing when you awake in the morning, plan what your duty for the day is, and try to go beyond it. (5) Every day, read from the Bible and from some other good book. Feeding the mind and soul is more important than bodily food. (6) Try to pay every debt you owe on time and always to save something from every paycheck, however small. (7) Like people, and never harbor any malice or hatred toward any person in the world. Like places, go there with the intention of liking the place. (8) Be a confirmed optimist, believing that even in this life evil people will be punished by their own unhappiness and good men will be rewarded. “It is better further on.” (9) Try to close each day as if it were the last day you’ll be on earth, closing the books on all regrets, worries, and annoyances. (10) The last thing to do at night is to count one by one the blessings of the day. This makes one so thankful and happy that you will soon drift into pleasant sleep. In this spirit one can hope to close life’s journey and drift into eternity feeling fulfilled.

[John 5:16-17] ...”My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” I think everything in God’s Creation has a work to do, even to the smallest of creatures – The Ant. They get into everything; they are bothersome, contrary, persistent, and, on top of all of these things, they hurt! However, the Bible tells us: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” (Proverbs 6:6). Thus, we “go to the ant” for some guidance, some instruction, and some motivation. Please consider these three characteristics about ants: ANTS WORK HARD - This is the point of Proverbs 6:6-8. I am struck with how much Proverbs has to say about hard work. I am impressed and amazed with how much God’s Word overall has to say about working hard. Some other verses include: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth” (Proverbs 10:4). “He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment” (Proverbs 12:11). ANTS DON’T QUIT - Ants never quit. Each day, they just keep going. Whenever faced with problems and roadblocks it’s easy to quit. However, the wise person knows that giving up is not always the answer. The Bible says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). It is interesting to note that some Greek authorities translate the last part of this verse as “caving in.” We must not cave in! The ants don’t! ANTS ALWAYS REBUILD - When rain, kids, or my lawnmower destroys the ant mounds, those ants rebuild. In like manner, when we find ourselves “mowed down” by problems, accidents, sin, or guilt, let’s recoup. We need to “rebuild” by remembering (1) we are God’s possession (Psalm 139); (2) we have access to God’s throne of mercy and help during our time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16); and (3) God answers prayer (Mark 11:22-24). Let’s have the attitude that God’s people had in ancient days when the returned to rebuild the temple. “I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me … They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work” (Nehemiah 2:18). ...”If a man will not work, he shall not eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15).

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