Saturday, July 27, 2019


It’s an absolute shame and a total sham of representation the American public is receiving, and pathetically accepting without logic, from our federal, state and local governments. The business that our representatives have been elected and hired for is being greatly ignored while they are going about sticking their noses in everybody else’s business. I want to know why my tax dollars are being misappropriated and used for things I disapprove of. And what is the U.S. Congress doing about those who are trying to overthrow my country and destroy our God-gifted Constitution and my civil rights? Me thinks I doth not protest enough! We can allow this elephant-size can to be kicked down the road just so long, but eventually it’s going to have to be dealt with; someday.

[Proverbs 27:1] A couple of boys learned a valuable lesson one day at the hand of an old country store grocer. They asked the grocer for some free candy. He said, “Come back tomorrow and I will give you some.” The next day came and rushing into the store the boys asked for the promised candy. The grocer smiled and said, “I told you I would give it to you TOMORROW!” Even as children, the boys understood that tomorrow would never come. “I’ll do it later; I’ll do it when I get around to it; I’ll do it tomorrow!” Will tomorrow ever come? We keep putting things off as if we have the promise of tomorrow. We don’t! Solomon wrote, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” The fancy word for tomorrow is, “procrastination.” To procrastinate is, “to put off doing something until a future time.” Procrastination is unproductive to our lives, frustrating to those in our lives and dangerous to all of our souls. * Mary Todd Lincoln compared procrastination to an evil genius who whispers, “Tarry ‘til a more convenient season.” * Edward Young said, “Procrastination is the thief of time.” * Wayne Gretzky said, “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.” * Christopher Parker said, “Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” * Jimmy Lyons said, “Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man.” * Edward Young also said, “Tomorrow is the day that idlers work, and fools reform.” * Think what procrastination does to our productivity. Thomas W. Bonham says, “Never do today what can be put off till tomorrow.” * Mark Twain said, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” * H.G. Bohn said, “One of these days is none of these days.” * There is an old Scottish proverb that says, “What may be done at any time will be done at no time.” * Mignon McLaughlin said, “Don’t fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all.” * Think what procrastination does to our perspective. Olin Miller said, “If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting it off.” * George Claude Lorimer said, “Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.” * Charles Kingsley said, “Every duty that is bidden to wait returns with seven fresh duties at its back.” * William James said, “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” * The best way to get something done is to begin! Benjamin Franklin was right when he said, “You may delay, but time will not.” * Solomon exhorted, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Dare I remind you? “Someday, is not a day of the week.”

Saturday, July 20, 2019

While I Still Can

Bumper stickers (bumper “snickers”) say or advertise anything you can imagine. It’s not unusual to come to a traffic light and stop right behind a car plastered with all manner of stick-on slogans designed to reveal the views of the driver. And, one cannot help but to read them, just like the ridiculous tabloid headings staring you in the face while standing in the check-out line in the grocery store. I saw one not long ago that was particularly memorable. Against the background of symbols of religions around the world, the bumper sticker read, “How Dare You Presume I’m A Christian!” Just think, the Son of God died on a cross for that driver, who, with abysmal ingratitude, acts like he would be offended were anyone make an assumption that he were a follower of Jesus. Christianity really is offensive to some. Not only are they unwilling to obey the gospel, but they actually cringe at the thought of anyone thinking that they would have anything to do with Jesus. Their “enlightened” mindset has no need for a Savior and they don’t mind letting it be known. Jesus himself said, “ will hate you because of me...” (Mark 13:12-13). Being hated by those who claim, “Christian’s are intolerant” makes no sense.

[1 Corinthians 1:18-25] “Political correctness” has cast a pall of liberal-inspired censorship upon us, which has begun to be translated into “hate-speech” laws. The assent of national moral sense has paralleled its opposition to God, Jesus Christ and the Bible. God-lovers love the souls of God-haters, but despise the things they say and do. If they had it their way, and they are slowly acquiring it, it will soon be a crime to preach and practice certain parts of the gospel of Christ. This nation, founded to a great degree by Bible-believers seeking refuge from religious persecution, is now rapidly becoming the source of such persecution. What irony! Therefore, while I still can, I will continue to proclaim: * Jehovah God is the creator of the universe and is the only true and living God. There is no other rational explanation for the origin of all things except it came from an omniscient, omnipotent, eternal Being. * The Bible to be the Word of God, revealed by Him to inspired men, by which we learn of His nature and of our own. It provides a record of our origin, our purpose for being, and our destiny. It alone is the infallible, objective standard of righteous behavior and true religion. * Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the one and only Savior of mankind to whom men must submit to be saved from eternal ruin. His disciples win converts by persuasion, never by force. Before Him all will some day stand in judgment. * Abortion to be murder. It mercilessly, cruelly kills the most innocent and defenseless among us. “Thou shall not kill” was God’s law long before He inscribed those words on a stone tablet. The judges and lawyers who legalized this crime, along with the medical personnel who perform it, have the blood of 50 million plus innocents on their hands. * Homosexuality to be wickedness. God so calls it that, as well as “abomination,” “vile passions,” “unnatural,” “unseemly,” “unrighteousness,” and going after “strange flesh.” Its impenitent practitioners will not be in heaven. * Islam to be a non-peaceful, false religion. It is in truth a religio-political system that thrives on “conversion” and “conformity” by force. Peaceful Muslims are simply those who are not true to the Koran. Islam despises “freedom of religion” and its whole point of being in this country is to destroy the Bible, Christianity and capitalism. George Orwell said, “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Warning! You need to educate yourself as to what is happening in the world to your self-governing rights, now! PRAY!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Nation Falling Away

I’ve been holding back for some time on my personal rant about life and death as being developed throughout the world by atheists and God-haters alike. Sadly, the world turns to our society to witness what becomes acceptable in the righteous-living land of America and being supported by the Supreme Court of the United States. It is so sad that what we are showing the world is we are becoming a Godless nation and the only “Golden Rule” acceptable any longer is, “Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You!” Life is becoming like that of disposable income – too much of it is too taxing and must be disposed of - generally in an inconsequential, self-gratifying, flippant manor. So, sad!

“Diary of an Unborn Child” author unknown. October 5th – Today my life began. My parents don’t know it yet. I’m as small as a seed of an apple, but it is I already. And I am to be a girl. I shall have blond hair and azure eyes. Just about everything is settled, even the fact that I shall love flowers.  October 19th – Some say that I am not a real person yet, that only my mother exists. But I am a real person, just as a small crumb of bread is still bread. My mother is; and I am. November 2nd – I am growing a bit every day. My arms and legs are beginning to take shape. But I have to wait a long time before those little legs will raise me to my mother’s arms, before these little arms will be able to gather flowers and embrace my father. November 12th – Tiny fingers are beginning to form on my hands. Funny how small they are! I shall be able to stroke my mother’s hair with them. And I shall take her hair to my mouth and she will probably say, “Oh; no, no, dear...” November 20th – It wasn’t until today that the doctor told Mom that I am here living under her heart. Oh, how happy she must be! Are you happy, Mom? November 25th – My mom and dad are probably thinking of a name for me. But they don’t even know that I am a girl. They are probably saying Andy. But I want to be called Cathy. I am getting so big already! December 24th – I wonder if mom hears the whispering of my heart? Some children come into the world a little sick. And then the delicate hands of the doctor perform miracles to bring them to health. But my heart is strong and healthy. It beats so evenly – tup-tup-tup... You have a healthy little daughter, Mom! December 28th – Today my mother killed me. Every aborted child is sinless, and with Jesus this day.

 [Psalm 106:34-38] This country is the greatest the world has ever witnessed and has been looked up to as a beacon of light and hope for nearly 250 years. That’s why peoples’ of the world want to come here to live. But, this country is being flooded by those who refuse to assimilate into a righteous God-fearing society - with unwarranted protests against symbols of our believed Deity of authority and protection over our blessed nation; against our symbols of history and heritage that remind us of what it takes to protect our blessed nation; and against the laws and form of government that established our blessed nation; because they find it offensive to their culture. Because these immigrants didn’t check their “culture” at the door, (I didn’t say their religion), they feel they have the right to intimidate every “citizen” into submission of Sharia surrender. That’s exactly what our elected representatives, corporate giants, Bible-less liberals and even some “preachers of the gospel” are doing – caving in to their demands. The United States is in the midst of a civil war and very few people are on the front line defending our country. The consequences of liberal sin-ism is very clear in the Book of Truth (Romans 1:18 – 2:16). I fear a lot of god-fearing folks are going to get caught up in another genocide. PRAY!

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Liberal Intolerance

In 1777 our Continental Congress voted an expenditure of $300,000.00 (an enormous amount of money back then) to buy and distribute Bibles throughout the country. By contrast, more than a decade ago, the Supreme Court ruled that the Gideons (international organization spreading the Gospel of Christ through the distribution of free Bibles) could no longer give away (free) Bibles on public school properties throughout the United States. And in a ruling soon to follow, all public school systems were to eliminate the Bible from their library catalog and remove the book from the shelf. I have one of those Bible’s in my library, retrieved from the local high school dumpster by our daughter, as she and several other students rescued God’s Word from the trash after being thrown out of school. I treasure that Bible, and nearly weep over its total disregard and its God-fate rescue from a landfill burial, every time I use it. The Bible has been removed, along with any visible presentation of the Ten Commandments, from student access for fear, “...if they read them, meditated on them, and perhaps venerated them and observed them, this is not a permissible objective” ruled the Supreme Court. Look where we are today!

[Psalm 119:1] “Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.” Some folks have been known to lament that there is little enjoyment in a life lived under the restrictions of biblical morality and teaching. The most enjoyable life, we’re told, is in a life without moral restraint. It is true that sin and immorality can be pleasurable (Hebrews 11:24-26), and it is true that the Bible contains prohibitions against sin and immorality. But it is not true that pleasure is ONLY found in sin. There is so much more to enjoying life than whatever fleeting fun we may find in doing things that ought to bring us shame (Romans 6:19-23). Genuine, lasting, deep joy is only found in following the instructions of our God, who both knows and wants what is best for us. The liberal thinkers are becoming more and more vocal in their condemnation of Christians as being an “intolerant” people. They just cannot seem to tolerate what they view as our intolerance. Do you find that somewhat ironic? We (Christians) should be tolerant, they tell us, of those who chose to commit to others in a homosexual lifestyle and “same-sex marriage,” as opposed to marriage ordained by God in the Bible. We should be more tolerant of Islam by viewing it only as “a religion of peace,” regardless of what the Koran teaches and what the practical evidence clearly shows. We should be tolerant of those who choose death, rather than life, for defenseless infants in their mother’s womb. We should be tolerant of sexual promiscuity rather than advocating the “narrow” view that only husband and wife should become “one flesh.” Am I reading things all wrong? Or, is it the case that the “tolerant” are becoming increasingly intolerant of: ...our unapologetic conviction that truth is absolute (John 8:31-32) ...our unapologetic conviction that truth is attainable (2 Timothy 2:22-26) ...or, our unapologetic conviction that truth is revealed through the infallible, inerrant words of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) ...or, is it our unapologetic conviction that truth is non-negotiable, even when some find the truth offensive (Galatians 4:16) ...or, our conviction that Jesus is the only way to God (Acts 4:12; John 14:6). Truth, by its very nature, is intolerant of that which is false (1 John 2:21). If the choice is between being tolerant of falsehoods and being true to the Word of God, then may I (we) have the courage to stand firm and bear the reproach of those who choose not to tolerate me (us) in my (our) lifestyle of truth and righteousness.