Saturday, January 18, 2020

So Help Me God

On April 30, 1789 George Washington was sworn in as our first President of the United States of America. Placing his hand on the Bible, he affirmed the following oath as given by Robert Livingston: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Although there is no record of it happening, it is legend that after affirming that oath, he added the words, “So help me God” and kissed the Bible. It is not true that every President has taken it upon himself to add this phrase to his oath as some would like to have you believe. At Abraham Lincoln’s second inauguration he did indeed speak the phrase and kiss the Bible. In 1881, Chester A. Arthur affirmed the oath given by the Chief Justice by saying, “I will, so help me God.” Herbert Hoover simply affirmed the oath of office by saying, “I do.” The phrase, “So help me God” established a partial tradition that has been repeated by many, but not all President’s at the end of their oath of office affirmation. So anyway, at the inauguration of Washington, the United States had begun a system of government that had never been tried before. It was an experiment that many believed would not work. But, George Washington knew that the fate of this new nation rested upon how well he executed the office of President, and that it could only be done with the help of God.

Henry VIII is the most well-known of the British kings. When he died on January 28, 1547, his nine-year-old son Edward took the throne. At Edward’s coronation, three swords were presented to him as symbols of the three kingdoms that he would rule over. Upon their presentation, the boy king cried out, “There is a sword that is wanting!” Quietness fell over the ceremony as the officials looked at each other, not understanding what young Edward meant. When they asked him what sword was missing, he replied, “The Bible!” This sword is still missing from many governments around the world today. Leaders wield the swords of party and popularity, but not the most important sword of all, The Word of God. Decisions are being made every day with little or no regard for what the Word of God says. We the people have been derailed by self-centered socialists who are doing everything they can to destroy our Constitution. They are doing their best to convince you that our government is a democracy and that the majority is right and always win. Our government is a republic, governed by the people for the people and our elected representatives in government offices are there to administer the will of the people, not dictate and implement their personal beliefs on the masses against their will. We have many of our representatives up for election this year, 2020. Pay attention to what they are really saying and are they willing to execute their office, “So help me God”

[Romans 8:35-39] We all have rolls that we follow. We are husbands, wives, sons, daughters, volunteers and workers. Sometimes it seems there are not enough of us to go around. We stretch ourselves to the limit and find ourselves exhausted from our efforts. Where do we find our strength? If we find it in ourselves we will eventually be tapped out. If we look for that strength and help in our God, we will be successful. It’s when we put our hope in God that we can and will conquer the evil in our lives. We will always have trouble, but we always have someone we can turn to. When troubles come and when you’re tapped out, ask God for help and strength. He will help you through those rough times, and help you establish a legacy in your family that will last forever. Pray for all of our elected officials that they return to the righteous government of our sovereign nation.

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