Political correctness is a set of beliefs that are in total opposition to God and righteousness. It is the system of the most ungodly and immoral people on earth. It is preached by our news and entertainment industries, supported by our most radical politicians and taught to our children as truth. The politically correct say we must support abortion on demand, accept homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, decriminalize drug use, restrict religious freedoms, teach evolution as fact, punish the hard-working citizen while rewarding the indolent, open our borders to illegal aliens, take weapons of defense from honest citizens, downsize our military to a point of ineffectiveness, allow exorbitant lawsuits in our legal system, give preferences to minorities, oppose capitalism and support socialism, tax people so as to redistribute whatever assets are available, give government controlled agencies more power and individuals less freedom, entrench the political party that is politically correct and attack the opponents of political correctness at every turn. They also claim that they will save the planet from the people who live on it. God is not politically correct. The apostle Paul wrote, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and employ deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). God wants us to obey Him, not the proponents of political correctness that are so numerous in our society today. It’s time to point out the enemies of God living among us. It is the politically correct that are seeking to destroy our souls by their incessant heresies. (Rick Cunningham, Bulletin Digest, May 2011) Yes, that article was written in 2011 and look where we are today!
[Exodus 32] There is a metaphorical saying among Jews which says, “…no affliction has ever happened to Israel in which there was not some particle of the dust of the golden calf.” This author assumes you have a basic knowledge of the Old Testament story, but suggests the reading of Exodus, Chapter 32 for a deeper understanding. There are many marvels in this story not least of which is how soon God’s people went from verbal acceptance of his holy commands to dancing naked and fornicating before their idol (approximately 40 days). Still, in the midst of this ultimate betrayal, God is glorified by the manifestation of his wondrous mercy. In verse 10 God said to Moses, “…let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them, in order that I may make a great nation of you.” Moses reasoned with the Lord and verse 14 reads, “And the Lord relented from the disaster that he had spoken of bringing on his people.” Is there a lesson for us today in this Old Testament story?
I can’t help but to ask the question, “Has Jesus been gone too long?” Too many people of the world have fashioned for themselves “golden calves” which they are worshipping, having resolved that either Jesus is not returning, or have forgotten Him all together while he is away preparing a place for us to spend eternity. At this moment in time it seems our “golden calves” have been burned, ground into powder, and we are being forced to drink the dust. The dancing and the fornicating have brought God to the point of wrath on His creation. We are being led down the path of destruction by the politically correct and sincere petitions of prayer for God’s mercy are our only reprieve at this point. “Lord, forgive us for our disobedience and revive us again.” Amen
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