Saturday, June 13, 2020

No Compromise

There once was a man, while preparing for the upcoming winter, decided he was in need of a new fur coat to help keep him warm. There once was a bear who was preparing for hibernation, a nice long winter’s nap, roaming the woodlands in search of a good meal. The man spotted the bear and drew down on it with his rifle taking careful aim not to put a hole in his new fur coat. The bear saw the man, stood up on his hind legs with his front paws up in the air and shouted, “Why are you going to shoot me?” The man explained, “I need a new fur coat.” The bear reasoned with the man, “Does it have to be from me you get your coat? Come and meet with me so we can talk about this situation.” The man thought about the winter cold and began to squeeze the trigger. The bear insisted there must be some sort of compromise in the offing that would satisfy both of them. If only the man would put down his gun and they could meet to talk. Well, the man thought about it and lowered his rifle thinking maybe the bear was right and perhaps the two could work something out. They met to negotiate over the matter and arrived at a compromise that fulfilled both their needs. You probably think, “Oh, that’s great. See, we can always come together and talk things out, negotiating our differences to a satisfactory compromise.” By the way; the compromise between the man and the bear which gave both of them what they wanted in the first place? The bear had a great meal and the man got his new fur coat. 

Compromise is gradual, but the damage it causes is permanent. Our culture has been in a state of decay for several generations, but many have been too busy to notice. Many have been too selfish to care. Now our civilization is crumbling before our eyes and we feel powerless to keep it from falling. Should we be surprised? Some in our land wanted sexual liberation in the 60’s and 70’s, and now we have same-sex marriages. They wanted freedom of choice, and 56 million babies have been massacred as a result. They wanted tolerance and diversity, and now there is jihad. They said we must teach evolution to meet academic standards, and now they have no standard of right and wrong. They have fallen into the age-old trap of following a multitude to do evil. There is no compromising with the evil one (1 Peter 5:8).

[1 Thessalonians 5:21-22] Willing participation in sin just does not make any sense. To defy the will of God is not only wicked and damning, it is irrational. Knowing that sin separates one from God (Isaiah 59:2), who would venture down such a path? The answer is disturbing: all of us (Romans 3:23). But such does not have to remain the case! We can lovingly and humbly submit to the Creator of all (John 14:15)! To highlight the irrational nature of sin, consider just two examples from the book of Acts: First, the high priest put Peter and the other apostles in prison at a time when they were healing all that were brought to them. Who puts a stop to miraculous healing? Those who are filled with irrational jealousy (Acts 5:12-18). Second, a mob formed in Ephesus that could best be described with the word confusion. Who screams “great is Artemis of the Ephesians” for two solid hours? Those who are filled with irrational anger (Acts 19:23-34). Karl Marx said, “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” The stage of apostasy is being set by Marxist and Communists this very day with that same goal in mind. We cannot compromise with evil and retain our freedoms, nor can we compromise with God and retain eternal life (1 Corinthians 10:21-22). Let us love our God with all our heart, soul and mind; especially our minds (Matthew 22:37). Be joyful; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

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