Saturday, January 02, 2021

Life Is What You Make It


In the Canadian Rockies there is a stream called Divide Creek. At one point in its course the creek is divided by a large boulder. Waters which flow left of the boulder rush into the Kicking Horse River and finally into the Pacific Ocean. Waters which travel to the right flow into the Bow River which courses into the Saskatchewan River, on into Lake Winnipeg, the Nelson River, Hudson Bay, and eventually into the Atlantic Ocean. Once the waters divide at the boulder, the currents are swift and there is no turning back. How like life this is. Life is a series of decisions that we make daily. Some are very difficult, complicated and with far-reaching unknown results. What we wouldn’t give sometimes to have an opportunity to make a certain decision again. It behooves all of us to weigh our decisions carefully. Things of seemingly immediate value will not necessarily be of ultimate value. Always take a long-range view!

A blacksmith makes five dollars’ worth of iron into horseshoes and gets ten dollars for them. * A cutler can make the same iron into knives and get two hundred dollars for them. * A machinist can use the same amount of iron to make sixty-eight hundred dollars’ worth of needles. *A watchmaker can use the iron to make two hundred thousand dollars’ worth of mainsprings; or into hairsprings worth two million dollars! So it is with life and the opportunities given each of us when we are born. One person takes their time and talents, combines them to advance their earthly interests alone. Another can take the same opportunities, and through wisdom and the counsel of God’s Word, shapes and molds a life for time and eternity. Wise people refine their character so that they are worth something to the world and useful to God. The world is made better and richer for their having lived wisely. While traveling down the stream of life it is up to you whether you will develop your life into a noble accomplishment, your character into a thing of beauty, and your talents into a source of glory to God. An aimless, purposeless life does not bespeak even the intelligent forethought of the ant, which harvests in the summer against the ravages of winter (Proverbs 6:6-11). We may botch our lives with sin and uselessness until late in life, and then come to our senses. We might even patch up the broken pieces, but it is a sorry apology to offer in payment for a life of overlooked magnificent possibilities. “Oh that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end” (Deuteronomy 32:29).

[Joshua 24:14-15] “…fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served… And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We choose our priorities and lifestyles. Should we not ask, “What sort of person do I want to be?” Every person must accept or reject the demands and offers of God. “Choices are the hinges of eternity.” The option remains the same - who will you serve? If you have been for a long time; or for only a short time; have become lax due to travel restrictions; perhaps seriously thinking of getting started; I would like to challenge everyone in their Christian walk – keep growing in your relationship with the Lord. Don’t settle for where you are spiritually. Don’t stagnate in your prayer, praise, or the presence of the Lord in your life. Keep participating as we gather together in worship, Bible study, and come together for various fellowships. Keep vigilant for opportunities to serve and to reach out to those who are lost. Make God a priority in your life and do not take your eyes and heart off the goal of heaven. Have a good year!

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