A man was enjoying a relaxing day in the park walking his dog when
he noticed two workers. One of the workers was furiously digging holes one
after another. The other worker would come along after the first and just as
furiously fill them back in. The man stared in disbelief wondering what was
going on. Curiosity got the best of the man and he walked up to the workers
while they were on break. He asked them why they were doing something so
worthless. “Worthless?” the first worker quipped. “If anybody on this crew is
worthless, it’s the guy who plants the trees! He didn’t even show up for work
this morning!” I can see this totally happening in the world today considering
the work ethics being observed by our younger generations.
When one reads the label on bottles of liquid hand wash, you know,
the ones that kill germs, they often read, “Kills 98% of all germs.” Now that
sounds great and should be comforting, right? But then, we begin to wonder
about the other 2%. What if they are the worst of all germs? What if, of all
the germs on your hands, they were the meanest of all germs? What if that two
percent was some new horrible illness? What could one do? I suppose we could
wash our hands twice; like wearing double masks. Maybe ….
[Ecclesiastes 1:9] “What has been is what will be, and what has
been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” The
practice of desensitization saturation is a very common one. Just take a moment
and look back in your life and compare your past to what is allowed and
permitted in our culture today. I understand that there is nothing new under
the sun and the sin we deal with today is the same that we, and even Solomon,
dealt with in the past. But there is an all-out effort to desensitize our minds
in the areas of morality. Television, movies, music, and the internet are all
deep into the “saturation mode” and they are very good at what they do. The
homosexual agenda is in full swing. Satanism is growing rapidly along with
other spiritual cults. The level of violence “needed” in a major action movie
defies description. And sex? There’s not one part of our culture that violence
and sex is not a part of. The world says, “Take it, and enjoy.” God says, “You
shall not...” “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that
it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one
wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who
was with her, and he ate” (Genesis 3:6). Eve had been saturated with evil propaganda
which convinced her to disobey God’s command. What
does all this mean for the Christian? For one thing, we should recognize what
the proven result of saturation actually is. It results in an unstable desire
for more. Lust gratified leads to more lust. It’s called addiction. A person
starts down a road just “a little” and hears the promise that it will never go
very far. Satan has been making addicts out of folks since the beginning. When
we keep going back for samples from the immoral buffet, we’re eating the same
garbage as that fellow that we wag our heads at who brought the “all you can
eat” deal. And this fare is expressly made to keep you coming back for more.
And it does. So, stop eating the garbage! We don’t have to eat it, you know? We
don’t have to see the latest movie. Our kids don’t have to listen to the newest
wave of “music.” And we don’t have to listen to old trash either! We don’t have
to watch homosexuals make fun of moral standards on the most popular sitcoms.
We don’t have to watch anything, if there’s nothing worth watching, do we?
Let’s try re-sensitizing by dehydration. Let’s take out the garbage! Show up to
work - for God.
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