Saturday, September 04, 2021

Removing Your Façade


It is so difficult to understand all the goings-on around the world today, as to why it’s happening, and is some of it just a diversion to draw attention away from a more sinister activity being quietly preformed in the background. Fabricated crises are being orchestrated around the world to create confusion, conflict, and riotous situations simply to develop the idea that conservative thought and capitalism are destroying the natural progression of humanity thus the need for world order.

Webster defines the word ‘façade’ as the main front or face of a building; an outward appearance, especially concealing something hidden; a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect. Most of the time, this word is used to describe a part of a building, specifically, a wall placed around the top of a building to give a nice clean look by hiding all the A/C units and vent pipes coming out of the roof. The same word can be used to describe the outward appearance of a person, (and I dare say, political agenda). Not just the clothes and physical characteristics, but the actions and words of a person. Someone who is trying to make you believe they are someone they are not, is using a façade. This has become a very dangerous practice among the political leaders of the world, and might I add, this has been going on for a very long time. The situation we find ourselves in today is their ability to create a crisis, place the blame for the crisis on several fronts, and convince people that they’re the good guy in all this.

[2 Peter 2:1-22] Our country was formed based on Christian beliefs and that’s a fact whether you are willing to accept or not. Our current society has influenced the Christian church, and its members, to a point some are wearing a façade in an attempt to blend in, while still trying to defend their right to religious freedom. They show up Sunday mornings to worship looking like Christians. They put on their best clothes, smile, and act friendly, carry their Bibles, and attend classes. But the rest of the week, one might never guess they went to church. In fact, it might even be a surprise to their friends, classmates, or co-workers to find out that this person was a Christian. I have to believe they are a good Christian, but why would someone do this? I think the façade might be a worldly weekday façade they wear around their friends, classmates, and co-workers. To relate it to the building idea, what if a place had a clean rooftop and they put up fake A/C units and pipes sticking up everywhere? What if it really was a clean establishment but put fake bags of trash around the front door, or what if they had a really nice clean lawn and placed fake weeds in the grass? Sounds ridiculous right? People are doing this! Sunday mornings people are actually being the Christians they truly are and want to be, but the rest of the week they live a lie. Does any of this sound familiar? Do you see patterns of wearing a façade in your life? Don’t be discouraged! This is a common problem these days, not to justify it, but to encourage you and to give you hope! You can tear down the worldly façade. Not just to put up a new Christian façade, but to be the Christian, and citizen, that you really are – flawed, but honest and living for Christ and the American way. Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, “I eagerly expect and hope that I will be in no way ashamed but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death” (Philippians 1:20). If this country is to remain ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave’ it’s time to take down the façade and show our true colors. It’s time to defend the Word of God and the Constitution based upon it, thereby showing the world true love.

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