Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Manual


Well, it’s that time of the year when all kinds of new electronics and other “make your life better” products will be entering your life. Removing them from their packaging is getting to be a chore in itself, not to mention one can never get it all back into the box if a return is warranted. Needless to say, once out into the open it’s time to learn how to use the what-ever thing that once had a smile of lofty expectations on your face. Most things still require “some assembly” but others only need batteries or a wall plug. Of course, the first thing we do is try to figure all this out by using our knowledge from passed experiences with related products, which doesn’t work anymore, because it seems every 365 days the entire world has a way of redesigning everything. We end up with extra screws and other parts after the “I don’t need the instructions” assembly is completed. (I spend more time trying to decipher the pictures detailing the assembly process.) Then taking the time to scan the assembly instructions, come to find out, that left over screw or part should have been installed in ‘Figure 3b’ and a lot of disassembly is going to be required. Likewise, following the ‘Quick Set-up’ instructions and after three hours of trying to master the use of that new electronic thing-a-ma-gig, total frustration sets in and the search for the 40-page operating manual is set in gear to find out where you’re going wrong. I’m not fond of manuals either – too much reading necessary to get the “practical” instructions, but an absolute necessity for gleaning full function of the “perfect for you” product. Even though manuals are somewhat tedious, repetitive with the “obvious,” and full of what I consider “useless” material, there is a purpose for manuals.

[James 1:21-25] Life comes with a manual, but unfortunately, the tendency is to toss the manual aside, suggesting that we know how everything is to work, and just kind of “wing-it” through life. But time after time we find ourselves asking the question “Why?” or “What am I supposed to do next?” We face situations difficult to deal with and questions we find difficult to get answers for. Sometimes we might find ourselves feeling hopeless and do not know which way to turn. The manual for life is the Bible. God created the heavens and the earth, placed man in the garden to cultivate it, keep it, and warned of dangers ahead (Genesis 1:1; 2:15-17). That is a manual I think I could have followed, but as simple and plain as it seems, man chose to ignore the manual, follow his own thinking, bringing into the world sin and death. The manual has slowly been revealed over time (Ephesians 3:8-12; Hebrews 1:1-2), but many times with mankind choosing to discard the manual and “make it on his own”. “And how’s that working out for you?” (Dr. Phil)

Now, before we boast too loudly at our ability to follow the manual, when was the last time you opened the manual to study its contents enabling you to glean the full wisdom found within its pages? Have you ever read through it in its entirety? When was the last time you ever read more than a couple of verses in one sitting? And just like some of the product manuals I have read, there are parts of God’s manual that may appear to be tedious, hard to read, and at first look not applicable to life today. But upon further examination, we will find God’s manual to be just what we need to guide us through this life into life everlasting! “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways, And my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). A physician can save your life; a lawyer save your business; a financial advisor save your money; an image consultant save your reputation - but only Jesus can save your soul! (Acts 4:8-12)

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