Saturday, October 22, 2022

Disturbing Preaching


Nowadays one never knows the truth of the matter until there’s an investigation. * A deputy responded to a report of a vehicle stopping at mailboxes on a rural road and opening them. It was the mail carrier. * A woman said her son had been attacked by a cat, and the cat wouldn’t allow her to take her son to the hospital (?). * A resident said someone had entered his home at night and taken five pounds of bacon from the fridge. Upon further investigation, police discovered his wife had gotten up for a late-night snack. * A man reported that a squirrel was running in circles on Davis Drive, and he wasn’t sure if it was sick or had been hit by a car. An officer responded, and as he drove on the street, the suspect squirrel scampered across the street right in front of the patrol car, “10-24”.

A man who had regularly attended worship assemblies of a certain congregation suddenly stopped and was seen no more. The preacher made a visit to his home to ask about his non-attendance. The man told the preacher, “I will not be back. Your preaching about Hell disturbs me. I am now attending another church where the preacher is not so narrow-minded as you are.” The preacher responded, “I’m sorry you feel this way. One time, I found a poor fellow half frozen in the snow. He was near death, yet he was drowsy and comfortable. I had to shake him violently to awaken him!” “So what?” the man rudely replied. “Just this,” said the preacher. “I preach to please God, and not to make people feel comfortable, or to lull them more soundly to sleep in their sins. Lovingly and earnestly, I warn sinners to flee from the coming wrath!” I’m reminded that someone once said, “Gospel preaching comforts the afflicted, and afflicts the comfortable.” It made Felix tremble (Acts 24:25), but it made the eunuch obey (Acts 8:27-39). What about you?

We’ve all heard the story of the preacher who was asked, “What are you preaching on this Sunday?” He responded, “Sin.” The querist retorted, “Well, are you fer it or agin it?” It seems sin is a taboo topic in our world today. The politically correct movement wants us to use words like “illness,” “mistakes,” “misguided,” or some other term that will not make someone feel guilty or responsible for their sin. However, sin is an important subject, and it is delt with throughout the Bible. We need to be warned of sin’s dangers. We need to understand its consequences. We should remind people the price the was paid for it. The entirety of Scripture surrounds God’s plan to redeem humanity from the penalty and problems of sin. Jesus gave His life because all accountable human beings have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:21-26). This problem comes at a high price and penalty – DEATH (Romans 5:6-8; Romans 6:20-23). It seems the devil spends all his energy and time tricking and tempting us to sin (1 Peter 5:8). Our advocate, Jesus, who helps us overcome the wicked one, gave His life as ransom and payment for the sins of every person who will accept that pardon (1 John 2:1-2).

One problem we face as human beings is the malfunctioning of our memory. We remember what we are supposed to forget, and we forget what we should remember. God said, “Your sins and iniquities I will remember no more” (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:7-13). Yet many Christians go through life shackled with the memory of sin God has forgotten. We need to ask God for a good memory concerning the help He has given us in the past. For some reason, we forget the mercies and blessings He delivered on our behalf in the past. Our God has cared for us thus far. Continue to trust Him. His care is sure and steadfast. “Yesterday God helped me. Today He will do the same. How long will this continue? Forever! – praise His name.” Jesus paid it all, for all, “10-24 Code 4”

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