Saturday, April 29, 2023

Perverted Biblical Love


I’m not one to be controversial, but silence in the presence of perverted Biblical love, a cancerous growth destroying Godly morality, is no longer an option. God help us.

Reported in The TEXAN, April 26, 2023, by Cameron Abrams: New Braunfels Church to Host ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Show - Texas continues to see "family-friendly" drag shows at churches, but lawmakers are taking steps to restrict children's attendance at such events. A local Texas church is set to host a “family friendly” drag show on May 6 that is open to children. Faith Church in New Braunfels has received from the United Church of Christ a designation as an Open and Affirming church, which denotes their “welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.” “As an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, we actively seek to express Jesus’ inclusive embrace of all people,” reads Faith Church’s website. On its Facebook page for the event, the church affirmed that children are welcome to be in attendance. The history of the United Church of Christ includes ordaining the first women and openly gay pastors. Faith Church further emphasizes “inclusive love” and performed same-sex unions decades before the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that made same-sex marriages legal throughout the country, saying that “the church voted to publicly proclaim what we had been practicing for a while.” They have openly encouraged a variety of other LGBT events, including promoting a college scholarship fund exclusively for applicants who identify as LGBT and an “interfaith pride worship service.” Churches and community centers in Texas that host “family-friendly” drag events have become a frequent point of contention. A drag show bingo event in North Texas garnered national attention when a video of the event showed children collecting money from drag performers. Drag show events have been a continued topic of conversation across the country, and Texas legislators have filed multiple bills in response to the pervasive incidents in which children have been present at sexually explicit drag events. The Senate recently passed Sen. Bryan Hughes’ (R-Mineola) Senate Bill (SB) 12 that would restrict “certain sexually oriented performances on public property, on the premises of a commercial enterprise, or in the presence of a child,” punishing them as Class A misdemeanors. His SB 1601 also passed, which aims to ban “Drag Queen Story Hour” events by restricting public funds from municipal libraries that host such events. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has made banning children’s exposure to drag shows a priority for this legislative session. After the Senate passed SB 12, Patrick took to social media to celebrate: “Someone must fight back against the radical Left’s degradation of our society and values.”

[1 John 2:15-18] The churches of Christ are devoted to the restoration of New Testament Christianity. It is not our mission to be another denomination, but rather to urge all religious people to return to God’s simple plan. It is our conviction that this is the solution to the problems that confront a divided “Christendom.” We desire that ultimately the church for which Christ died may supersede all the movements of men, and that His people may be one in every sense of the Word. May His church shine again in all its beauty. No book but the Bible; No creed but the Christ; No name but the divine; No plea but the gospel; No aim but to save; In Christ – unity; In opinions – liberty; In all things charity (love). Churches of Christ of the Bible are in no way affiliated with the United Church of Christ of the world! Rest assured I am devoted only to Biblical principles.

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