Saturday, June 17, 2023

Father Figure


A four-year-old boy decided to run away from home because his father wouldn’t let him get something he wanted. As his father was sitting on the couch watching the news on tv, he came down the hallway, suitcase in hand. His father asked him where he was going, and he responded, “I’m running away!” His dad told him to be careful and that he loved him. The boy slowly made his way to the back door and ventured out into the cold, wearing only a pair of blue jeans and a tee shirt (no socks or shoes). Carefully, his father quietly watched him, even though he knew the boy wouldn’t go far. The youngster took a step off the back porch and into the snow, but quickly got back on the porch. He stood there for several minutes, undoubtedly thinking of what he was going to do next. By this time, he was already shivering but still too upset to go back inside and admit his mistake. His father desperately wanted to go out and get him, but he knew that the only way he was going to learn that he can’t always get what he wants was by allowing him a few minutes to come to his senses. The boy finally did! He re-entered the house and made his way to his room. After allowing him time to think about what he did, his father went into his room and covered him up with a warm blanket. He told his son that he loved him and was glad he decided to stay. Then his dad asked him why he changed his mind about running away from home. The boy answered, “I got cold feet!”

[Luke 15:11-24] As the man conversed with a friend about the incident of his son “running away,” he said, “I must admit, my heart was broken, and my stomach turned as I watched my son exit through the back door. I thought about the parable of the Prodigal Son and how his father must have felt. I’m thankful that my son got “cold feet” and came back before venturing out into the “far country.” I pray that he’ll always have “cold feet” when it comes to doing those things, he will later regret.” God loves his children and wants what’s best for them, but He’s not going to force them into unwilling servitude. I also pray that all of us get “cold feet” before wandering off into a cold, stained world.

Why is there so much violence, crime, anger, hatred, discrimination, disrespect, etc. in our world today? What’s wrong with America? I believe the answer can be summed up in two words: FATHER FIGURE. The absence of the father figure in the home is reaping havoc on our society. And when I say, “Father Figure,” I am referencing both a biological father as well as the Heavenly Father. The Divine Plan for the home includes both – husband/father and God (cf. Genesis 2:18ff; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 5:23ff, 6:4; Psalm 127:1ff). A husband/father can be present, but at the same time be absent, when it comes to his God-given responsibilities. This can have the same negative impact on the family as does abandonment altogether. In a home where God is absent (not in the sense that God has left, but in the sense that the family has chosen to leave Him out) results in reckless living (Luke 15:13). In homes where God and His Word are not communicated and cherished, over time, will result in the demise of that society where those family’s dwell. “Where there is no revelation (prophetic vision), the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law” (Proverbs 29:18 NKJV). I think that we could all agree that a good portion of our society has “cast off restraint.” Simply put, when our nation corrects its “father figure” failures, it will be great again!

Where have all our “father figures” gone that used to represent us in government? I’ll tell you. They have abandoned the wisdom of the Lord God upon which this country was established and the families of these United States. The prodigal House needs to repent!

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