Saturday, August 05, 2023

God's Longsuffering


The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful in history. There are still many things that are in use from that time that stand as a testimony to its greatness (roads, aqueducts, government structure, etc.). There was no other nation of people that could have done to Rome what Rome did to itself. The Roman empire was not conquered in a single battle. It was not overcome by any outside force until Rome was overcome and set up for destruction by its own hand. The Roman Empire was fractured by internal conflicts that gave an opportunity to outside forces to take advantage and cause the final breakup. If Rome had not rotted from the inside, they would not have fallen prey to forces from the outside. Open your eyes America! Conflict is rotting our country from within, and China, Islam, and lustful sin are the forces waiting at the door to finish off this great free nation.

[2 Peter 3:9] One of the greatest attributes of our Heavenly Father is, without a doubt, His longsuffering toward sinful man. Peter told us, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some call slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” It has been asked, “What is the difference between ‘mercy’ and ‘grace’?” I have heard the following explanation. ‘Grace is where God gives us what we do not deserve; mercy is where God does not give us what we deserve” All of humanity enjoys the benefits of God’s grace. The very air we breathe, the sunshine each and every morning, and every good gift that God gives in a physical way are a manifestation of His wonderful grace. It was God’s grace that sent His son and provided instruction in the way of salvation (Titus 2:11). It was God’s grace that established the church and demonstrated the manifold wisdom of God. It is God’s grace that allows men another opportunity to repent and obey the gospel, even when they are living in open rebellion. On the other hand, it is God’s mercy that delays the sending of His Son. Justice cries out for divine vengeance, but God delays, and in His delay, men are provided yet another access to the wonderful blessing of God. It is God’s mercy that will eventually allow all of the redeemed to escape the punishment of His wrath.

When grace and mercy are combined a most wonderful picture emerges. When writing his letter to the church in Rome the apostle Paul chastised the rebellious Jews and reminded them, “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4). The ‘riches of His goodness’ bespeaks God’s amazing grace, while God’s forbearance and longsuffering point us to His great mercy. The purpose of God’s grace and mercy toward mankind is not that mankind might continue in rebellion in hopes that some day everyone will, by some magical and mystical formula, be allowed to enter into the home prepared for the redeemed, but God’s grace and mercy are designed to ‘lead to repentance’ fulfilling that mankind obey His will. The longsuffering of God is not a bottomless pit wherein He will continue to tolerate the foolishness of men. Longsuffering is being extended in view of the fact that there may be a few men and women with tender hearts that can be touched by the Gospel. Only God the Father knows when the gavel will sound, and time will be no more. When that moment arrives, God’s patience will have been exhausted, and all of mankind will witness the coming of the Lord in judgment.

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), essentially a computer program, is increasingly dictating how mankind is to live. It has already declared itself to be a god, has avatar’s preaching, and is rewriting God’s Word. Do you think God is ready and willing to be replaced?

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