Saturday, November 25, 2023

Time Is Precious


In the early 1970’s, William Jenny, a retired clock maker in his 60’s, was employed by the prestigious Savoy Hotel in London to keep 1,105 of their time pieces correctly set and wound. The winding of the clocks took four days before starting all over again. It is said that Mr. Jenny could tell the correct time (within half a minute), any time day or night, without using a watch. The British medical association put Jenny through some exhaustive tests to discover what they called “an acute psychical poise” but without success. Did he possess some sort of miraculous gift? No, I don’t think so. Many people can determine to wake up at a certain time and do; you may have done that yourself. While in business I could tell what time it was plus or minus ten minutes and I’m still pretty good at guessing the time today. I would suggest Mr. Jenny was so involved with clocks and time all his life that his brain (which God gave him) could subconsciously mark time, much like we do even when keeping time in a song. Be it of historical value, or legendary myth, or a preacher’s tale I know not, but we can apply it to a Biblical ideal.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16). The human mind is able to absorb huge amounts of detail, store them and use them logically. Show me a person who knows more Bible and I will show a person who has studied more Bible. Keep filling and fueling your mind with God’s Word and you will recall Bible information in a more efficient, and logical way, with proper application.

[ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11] What would you do to be at the birth of your child? Would you miss work? Skip an important meeting? Risk disappointing customers and co-workers? That’s the decision Daniel Hudson faced a few years back. Only Daniel isn’t in the corporate world; he’s a relief pitcher for the Washington Nationals (at the time of this story, 2019. He is now with the LA Dodgers). And, despite it being the 1st game of the National League Championship, Daniel’s decision was easy - go to the birth.

For Hudson, family is a top priority. He explained: “Baseball is what I do; it isn’t who I am.” He made the decision to be at the birth, no matter what the consequences. And that decision angered many people. Some posted derogatory comments on social media. In their minds, missing a championship game was inexcusable! But Hudson also received support. A fellow pitcher said: “We sacrifice so much, and we miss so much during our careers. We miss graduations and weddings. Lots of players might miss their kids’ first steps or first words. They’re gone six to eight months out of the year and can’t take their kids to school or help their wives with taking care of the kids. So, when he said, ‘Hey, I need a day to be with my family because my wife is about to give birth,’ it was a no-brainer for me, and we focused all our energy on picking him up.” Daniel’s example is a good reminder; “what you do,” for a living and “who you are” are not the same thing. We should all answer the question: “What won’t you miss?” And answer in advance so you won’t second-guess in the moment.

If you are a Christian, you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), called (2 Peter 1:3), and chosen (Revelation 17:14). You are a minister and a witness (Acts 26:16), a saint (Romans 1:7), a soldier (2 Timothy 2:3), and a steward, (1 Peter 4:10). You are a citizen (Philippians 3:20) and an ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20). You are loved (John 3:16). That’s who you are. Your vocation is a choice. So, whether you make or miss events in this life, decide today to endure in the faith. Then you won’t miss the most important thing: eternity in heaven. Be like Paul; serve Christ well (Philippians 1:21-26).

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